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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

              A Creative Approach to Improve Chemistry Effectiveness

                                           Kadyrova Gulnora Khasanovna
                                    PhD, Institute of Pedagogical Innovations, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               individual. We can see that the Thoughts of Eastern thinkers,
        This  article  provides  a  brief  analysis  of  the  creativity   the views of Greek philosophers, researchers, psychologists
        concept. Opinions are also expressed on the main features   and pedagogues also highlighted the creativity and ingenuity
        of creative learning and its positive impact on the education   development  of  a  person  as  one  of  the  main  topics.
        quality.  Questions  of  training  organization  based  on   Philosophical aspects of the creativity problem in traditional
        creative approach are considered on the chemistry teaching   and  creative  education  were  presented  in  the  scientific
        example.                                               researches  as  S.F.Martinovich  (the  creation  values  are

                                                               revealed),  M.  Arkadev  (The  principle  of  ingenuity
        KEYWORDS:  creativity,  creative  learning  debate,  non-  implementation  is  emphasized),  F.T.Mikhailov  (specific
        standard activities
                                                               issues of creativity), A.D.Tsedrinsky and other researchers,
                                                               summarizing  their  ideas,  creativity  can  be  described  as
        Socio-cultural and socio-economic changes observed in the   follows:
        world poses a lot of challenges to society in preparing school     one of the approaches to understanding the person and
        graduates  who  are  spiritually  mature,  educated,  creative,
                                                                  his essence, in which the man essence (his view as a
        socially  active,  who  can  contribute  to  the  country   three-dimensional   intuitive-conceptual-emotional
        development.  This  in  its  turn  highlighted  the  need  for   nature)  is  understood  through  self-awareness  of
        education  to  move  to  a  creative  learning  paradigm  that   spiritual, mental, astral and vital abilities for creative
        provides the highly conducive environment necessary for an   activity (in literature - creative);
        individual to develop creatively.                        creativity is aimed at the external world development as
        Creative learning as an innovative type of education in our   a means of individual self-realization, and the individual
        country  is  shaping  the  main  directions  such  as  shaping   is  the  self-development  subject,  his  ability  to  think,
        creative thinking, developing creative ability and intellectual   choose  and  recognize,  and  indirectly  the  society
        potential,  finding  new  approaches  to  solving  modern   developing task;
        problems.  Creative  education  is  education  that  allows  an     the ability to generate unusual ideas, deviation from the
        individual to understand, develop, and evaluate themselves   traditional, algorithmic boundaries of thinking, to think
        in a creative direction. [1].                             spiritually  and  creatively  to  find  solutions  to
                                                                  problematic situations;
        The goal of  modern education is not only the knowledge     when  acting  as  a  self-development  subject  at  all  age
        quality and acquired knowledge and skills quantity, rather, it   levels,  integrity  and  self-awareness  of  pedagogical
        is  the  development  of  the  graduate’s  ability  to  make   consciousness  and  is  the  direction  of  individual
        important independent decisions in complex situations, to be   pedagogical thinking [4].
        mobile and competitive, and to carry out cognitive search
        that  yields  significant  creative  results.  An  educational   From  a  social  and  historical  point  of  view,  ingenuity
        institution student can grow up to be a comprehensive junior   manifests  itself  in  a  person  as  a  process  that  occurs  at  a
        specialist in his or her study and profession field [2].   particular time or as a process related to social relations, as a
                                                               criterion for evaluating a creative product.
        Revealing each student’s potential is one of the main creative
        education goals.                                       Ingenuity  is  seen  as  the  “production”  of  unconventional
                                                               ideas, the intellectual ability to move away from traditional
        The main features of creative education are as follows:   schemes and to solve problem situations quickly - “ability to
          it is a creative education type, which main direction is   think,  feel,  communicate,  to  express  oneself  in  individual
            the creative thinking formation, the creative abilities and   activities,  to  represent  the  person  as  a  whole  and  its
            intellectual potential development, the search for new   individual aspects, products of activity, the process of their
            approaches to solving modern problems;             creation” [3].
          it is a fundamental and forward-looking education based
            on looking to the future and understanding the natural   Emphasizing the importance of creativity and ingenuity in
            development of the economy and society;            the individual self-development, we consider the ingenuity
          it is a continuing education, characterized by an increase   development through the creative learning process in high
            school   graduates’   professionalism   and   social   school students.
            responsibility.                                    The upper class student not only determines the ingenuity
        The priority of creative education is focused on creativity   development level in himself, but also determines his vital
        and  ingenuity.  At  this  point  let’s  briefly  comment  on  the   needs level.  He not only tries to understand the possible
        creativity and ingenuity concepts analysis.            directions essence of his future activity, but also to analyze
                                                               his personal meaning, to understand what this activity can
        No matter to what period of history we look at, ingenuity has   give  him,  how  his  personality,  creative  options,  skills,
        always been valued as one  of the highest qualities of the    tendencies correspond.

        ID: IJTSRD39825 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research                      Page 19
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