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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Based  on  the  direction  and  nature  of  treatment,  S.  U.   Jumabaev E. S., Jumabaeva S. E., Saidhodzhaeva D. G. (2017)
        Dzhumabaev, E. S. Dzhumabaev, and I. R. Fayziev (1986) first   believe that regional lymphatic therapy, including regional
        developed a classification of lymphatic therapy, according to   stimulation  of lymphatic drainage, antibiotic  therapy and
        which it is divided into the following:                immunomodulation,  lead  to  better  clinical  results  in
        A.  Kinds:                                             comparison with traditional methods of treatment, reduce
        1.  General lymphatic therapy                          the consumption of medicines by 1.5-2 times, reduce  the
        2.  Regional lymphatic therapy                         number of injections by 2-3 times, reduce the duration of
                                                               treatment by 10 - 25% and the cost of inpatient treatment by
        B.  Methods of lymphatic therapy:
        1.  Direct
        2.  Indirect                                           As  indicated  by  N.  N.  Nazarov,  E.  S.  Dzhumabaev,  Z.  K.
                                                               Gafurov, A. B. Makhmudov (2018), it is possible to prevent
        C.  Methods of drug administration
                                                               the occurrence of complications in purulent-inflammatory
        1.  Direct lymphatic therapy-catheterization of
                                                               diseases  by  indirect  regional  lymphotropic  therapy.  The
        a)  the lymphatic vessel
                                                               proposed indirect administration of antibiotics allows you to
        b)  the lymph node
                                                               create large concentrations of the drug in the regional lymph
        2.  Indirect lymphatic therapy:                        nodes and keep them in the tissues for a long time.
        a)  through a skin puncture
                                                               Semak M. V., Bubnova N. A., Borisova R. P., Shatil M. A. (2017)
        b)  intraoperative puncture c
                                                               believe  that  conducting  a  course  of  lymphotropic
        c)  percutaneous needle-free injection                 antibacterial  therapy  with  a  temporary  pharmacological
        d)  electrophoresis
                                                               block  with  modern  antibiotics  in  patients  with  chronic
        D.  Mechanism of action:                               osteomyelitis contributes to a faster relief of inflammatory
        1.  Correction of microcirculation                     phenomena. In addition, the relapse of the disease occurs in
        2.  Antibacterial therapy                              such patients much less often than in patients who received
        3.  Immunomodulatory therapy                           traditional treatment. According to Zhanalin B. S. et al (2014)
        4.  Antitumor therapy                                  introduction  of  regional  lymphotropic  therapy  in  acute
        5.  Detoxification therapy                             odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible in children has
        6.  Combined therapy                                   led  to  optimization  of  the  structure  of  direct  costs,  more
                                                               efficient use of antibacterial drugs, reducing the number of
        E.  Regions of therapeutic effects of lymphatic therapy.
                                                               days  of  hospital  stay  and  duration  of  antibiotic  therapy,
        According to Gurbanov T. V. (2018) indirect saturation of the   improvement of cost/effectiveness.
        lymphatic  system  (lymphotropic  therapy)  is  a  promising
        method  of  drug  infusion.  Its  essence  consists  in  the   Taking into account the anatomical structure of the salivary
        introduction  of  active  substances  targeted  in  a  zone   gland, the use of lymphotropic therapy in inflammatory and
        containing a large number of lymphatic vessels and nodes,   dystrophic diseases of the large salivary glands is shown.
        which  allows  you  to  achieve  saturation  only  of  a  certain   Thus,  the  parotid  glands  contain  lymph  nodes  in  their
        region of the lymphatic system that drains this area.   structure.  The  parotid  and  submandibular  glands  are
                                                               enclosed in dense capsules, which, when the volume of the
        According to Yu. M. Levin et al. (2012), S. U. Dzhumabayeva,
                                                               gland increases, create additional interstitial pressure. Thus,
        E. S. Dzhumabayeva (2017), endolymphatic therapy, both   the conditions that promote lymphotropic therapy are met
        direct  and  indirect,  is  designed  to  create  an  optimal
        concentration of the drug in the lymphatic system "in  its
        pure form", to ensure its maximum contact with pathogenic   Today, several methods of drug delivery to the parotid gland
        microorganisms  in  places  of  their  retention  and   have been developed. This is a method similar to novocaine
        accumulation, mainly in the lymph nodes.               blockade of the salivary glands, in which subcutaneous fat is
                                                               infiltrated over the parotid salivary gland [13, 14], as well as
        The study of Kantemirov O. I. (2001) shows that antibiotics
                                                               a method of subcapsular administration of drugs [13, 15].
        are  a  unique  group  of  pharmacological  drugs,  the   These methods have a number of disadvantages associated
        effectiveness  of  which  decreases  over  time.  This  aspect
                                                               with  some  anatomical  and  morphological  features  of  the
        requires  special  attention  both  when  evaluating  their
                                                               structure  of  the  parotid  salivary  glands.  The  lobes  and
        effectiveness  and  when  developing  evidence-based
                                                               lobules of the gland are surrounded by their own thin, but
        approaches aimed at prolonging the terms of their clinical   dense  shells,  between  which  there  is  a  loose  connective
        use. In this regard, there was a need to find new ways of
                                                               tissue, which makes it difficult for the drug to penetrate and
        introducing  drugs  that  would  allow  them  to  create  long-
                                                               spread in the areas of the acinar structures of the glands [13,
        lasting  therapeutic  concentrations  in  the  body  without   16]. The results were improved and the treatment of chronic
        increasing the dose. One such route of administration is the
                                                               inflammatory and reactive dystrophic diseases of the parotid
        lymphatic  system.  The  study  of  the  distribution  of  drugs
                                                               salivary  glands  was  shortened  by  indirect  lymphotropic
        introduced into the lymph in different groups of lymph nodes
                                                               therapy using anatomical intragastric injection of the drug
        showed  that  it  is  possible  to  achieve  their  greatest   into  the  salivary  gland,  infiltrating  its  central,  lower  and
        accumulation  when  administered  taking  into  account  the
                                                               posterior parts. Injections are administered in areas of the
        segmental structure of the lymphatic system.
                                                               gland with a low fiber density that are free from the passage
        Thanks to the research of the leading lymphologists of our   of the branches of the facial nerve [13].
        country, S. U. Jumabaev, E. S. Jumabaev, the mechanisms of
                                                               To date, the clinical effectiveness of regional lymphotropic
        the influence of drugs introduced into the lymphatic vessels,
                                                               therapy in the complex treatment of patients with purulent-
        the effects on the lymphatic system by physical, chemical,
                                                               inflammatory complications of mandibular fractures has also
        biological and other agents became clear.
                                                               been studied. Fractures of the lower jaw account for about
        ID: IJTSRD39826 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research                      Page 23
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