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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        budget  and  extra-budgetary  social  funds.  In  addition,   References:
        households receive various transfer payments from the state,   [1]   Shodiyeva  G.M.  Improving  the  well-being  of  the
        as well as in-kind benefits and services. There is also cash   family:  mammals  and  their  solutions.-T  .:  Science,
        flow  between  the  household  and  the  non-governmental   2006
        sector  -  enterprises,  organizations,  and  companies.   [2]   Olmasov A. Family economics.-T .: Labor, 1991
        Households use the goods and services of businesses and
        organizations and return their prices in cash. Legal entities   Internet sites:
        can also provide households with credit resources, income in   [1]
        the form of dividends, interest, and rent. As a result of the   [2]
        flow of financial resources, households are able to meet their
        personal needs on a regular basis today and in the future.   [3]

        In  short,  the  household  financial  system  is  the  most   [4]
        important link in the public financial system. The efficient   jaligi-moliyasi.html
        organization  of  financial  resources,  that  is,  the  balanced   [5]
        management  of  income  and  expenses,  savings  and
        investments, has a direct impact not only on themselves, but
        also on the system as a whole.

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