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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
The ingenuity development issue is of great importance for In our opinion, we analyze the example of chemistry teaching
creative learning, where the main goal is to develop the process in the general secondary education system.
learner’s ingenuity ability. The ingenuity development in a Obviously, chemistry differs from other disciplines by its
high school student is directly related to the teacher’s components. In addition to the theoretical mastery of
ingenuity level development. It is an auxiliary tool to chemistry, students conduct laboratory work and practical
encourage and support mutual cooperation. Creative self- classes. The students’ chemical experiments conducting
development puts a number of specific tasks in front of the process in can be organized on the basis of creativity-
teacher.( Table 1) oriented education.
Table 1 Let's take the topic "Metals corrosion" given in the 9th grade
Identify mechanisms of individual chemistry curriculum. This is one of the practical importance
creative self-development of a high topics. However, in the textbook, this topic is given
school student theoretically but not related to laboratory work or practical
Orienting a high school student to the training. We suggest doing chemical experiments on this
The creative self-development perspective topic during the lesson or as a homework assignment.
educator Encourage a creative approach to Chemical experiments are based on a creative approach. This
role in the non-standard situations in life can be done using the “project activity” method. According to
students' Encourage the high school student’s it, students choose an object where the corrosion process
creativity analytical, constructive, and critical takes place or create corrosion in a particular metal.
development attitude toward the surrounding Students are divided into groups and conduct practical
reality exercises on the topic, offer their own practical projects on
Contribute to high school students corrosion protection of metals. A group of students who
’ability development to search for new submitted a project with a non-standard, creative approach
ways to act independently will be highly appreciated.
The creative education content is formed on three levels: Thus, the pedagogical potential of creative education in the
general theoretical presentation, theme and educational creative self-development of the high school student was
materials. manifested as a set of opportunities, manifested in the
knowledge of methods, forms, means of creative education
The study material is considered both didactic and and the sensitive period of adulthood, which allows to take
psychological aspects. In most general form, the learning into account the interests of high school students. In teaching
material mediates the educational content transfer from the organization in accordance with the creative education
normative social knowledge plane and experience to the principles, the available resources are used in the creative
individual learning plane. Its purpose is to form a general education, which contributes to the use of personal qualities
knowledge and experience for each student. [1] and teacher’s creative abilities, changing curricula and
Besides, it is used in the teachers and learners’ activities, i.e. programs. It should be noted that the consequences of
in the problem-solving process. Traditionally, learning ingenuity level increasing lead to emotional and personal
materials are structured in such a way as to ensure the changes.
knowledge and skills acquisition first. However, modern References:
conditions require a person not only to master knowledge, [1] Ball, G. A. Learning problem theory: psychological and
but also the ability to transfer it from one knowledge area to pedagogical aspect/ G. A. Ball. —M.: Pedagogika, 1990.
another; thinking, debating, the ability to prove his / her — 184 р.
point and to make assumptions.
[2] D. R. Rakhmatullayeva. “Improving entrepreneurship-
There are lots of methods used in creative education to oriented vocational education for students” (in the
develop the creativity of a high school student. For example, example of “Car repair and maintenance” misolida)
project method (project activities), research method Doctoral dissertation on pedagogical sciences. -
(research activities), creative methods ("six hats of thinking", Tashkent: 2018. – Р.142.
"katena", " mental cards", " mental attack"," case-method","
random stimulus") and etc. In our study, we focused on the [3] Psixologicheskiy slovar / pod red. V. P. Zinchenko, B. T.
“Project activities” method. Mesheryakova. — M. : Praym-Yevroznak, 2003. - 672
Project activities (project method)- is a complex, integrated
process of shaping the creative personality of a high school [4] Xutorskoy, A. V. Didakticheskaya evristika. Teoriya i
student. Its uniqueness is that it is unprepared, untested texnologiya kreativnogo obucheniya / A. V.
objective knowledge, to be active and independent in solving Xutorskoy. - M.: Izd-vo Moskovskogo un-ta, 2003.-415
problems that the teacher or textbook does not have a ready р.
answer without using the instruction or activity algorithms [5] Rakhmatullaeva Durdona Ravshanovna Use the active
given in the teacher or textbook. Project activities allow methods secondary vocational education /
students to develop intellectual flexibility, the ability to apply International Scientific Review журнал № 3 (34),
knowledge in non-standard situations, "in the search for 2017. –С 72-73. ISSN:2410-275X
similarities, generalizations, in creative approaches to
different situations, and so on." [5].
ID: IJTSRD39825 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research Page 20