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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                               Household Finance and its Effective

                               Organization of Financial Resources

                                           Nazarova Gulrukh Umarjonovna

                Assistant of “Finance” Department, Karshi Engineering Economics Institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               In some cases, the Uzbek economic literature allows the term
        This  article  provides  information  on  the  effective   “household”  to  be  replaced  by  the  term  “household”  or
        organization of household finance, its main functions, the   “family”.  Accordingly,  the  terms  “household  finance”  and
        balance of income and expenses. The article also examines   “family finance” are used interchangeably or as synonyms
        the composition of household financial resources and its   instead  of  “household  finance”.  However,  the  concept  of
        important aspects.                                     “family”  or  “household”  is  different  from  the  concept  of

                                                               “household”. First of all, it should be noted that the level of
        KEYWORDS: household, family, household finance, function of   accuracy of the “household” is less clear than the concept of
        household finance, household income and spending, financial   “family”. For example, an elderly parent who lives in a place
        resources of households and etc                        or in a house which belongs to their son cannot be a family
                                                               member,  even  if  they  are  members  of  the  household.
        One of the integral parts of the public financial system is   Similarly, a student who rents a room is part of the landlord’s
        undoubtedly the household system. It  is known that in a   household, but cannot be part of his or her family, and so on.
        system  of  market  relations,  the  financial  importance  of  a   In other words, the household may include non-relatives or
        household is determined by what it is used for economically.   may consist of one person.
        Clearly, on the one hand, households are private owners of
        factors of production (labor, land, capital, entrepreneurial   Summarizing the above, it can be said that households are
        ability, etc.) and form their own sources of income on the   one of the main actors in economic activity, as the outcome
        same basis, on the other hand, households consumer goods   of this activity affects the well-being of not only one family,
        and services in the economy emerges as buyers and on this   but the entire population of the country. A household is a
        basis  determines  market  demand.  At  the  same  time,   household  that  is  run  by  one  or  more  people  who  live
        households accumulate a portion of society’s gross income,   together and have a common budget. Depending on the type
        participate in the creation of financial reserves through the   of activity, households perform both production and non-
        purchase of real and financial assets, and also play a key role   production functions. The former involves engaging in some
        in the formation of centralized financial funds of the state   kind of business activity, while the latter involves engaging
        through tax payments.                                  in a variety of securities, banking, or leasing transactions.
        Typically, the term “household” is used in national statistics   Every business or organization has its own finances, that is, a
        to refer to an institutional unit consisting of a population or a   system  that  regulates  the  movement  of  cash.  Similarly,
        group  of  citizens.  According  to  the  modern  international   households have their own finances. Household finance is
        standard  of  the  System  of  National  Accounts  (SNA)   one of the most important elements of the financial system.
        recommended by the United Nations (UN), “households - a   As an economic category, it consists of a set of economic
        small group of people who live together in a single living space   relations related to the formation, distribution and use of
        (area), fully or partially transfer their income and wealth to   funds in households for consumption purposes and savings.
        the common fund, and consume certain goods and services,   Therefore, household finance consists of a set of activities.
        especially housing and consumer goods, in general”.    These include: spending, savings (or investments), earnings
                                                               and borrowings. (Figure 1)
                                                         (Figure 1)

        ID: IJTSRD39824 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research                      Page 15
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