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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Synchronic-Diachronic Aspect of Lexic-Semantic and
Functional Features of Scientific-Pedagogical Text of English
Sharipova Mekhriniso Shavkatovna
A Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages,
Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
ABSTRACT multidimensional system of a “common” language, on the
The article provides general information about the other hand, it submits to “the goals and objectives of a
synchronous-diachronic aspect of the lexical-semantic and scientific and pedagogical discourse; which combines a
functional features of the English scientific-pedagogical text. diverse multicultural scientific and pedagogical experience,
The article shows that diachronic linguistics studies signs of interdisciplinary and inter-scientific knowledge,
language change, and synchronic linguistics studies developing in the system of modern scientific and
language states without their history. At the same time, the professional intercultural communications.
impact of the development of science on various areas of
education, innovations in various areas of the English As one of the genres of scientific and pedagogical discourse,
an English-language, scientific-pedagogical article has a
language will be discussed.
number of formal content, lexical-semantic and functional
KEYWORDS: scientific-pedagogical text, lexical-semantic and features. This is, first of all, a rigid, regulated structure as a
functional features, synchronous-diachronic aspect, science, result of the traditionally established process of
scientific field. reproduction and transfer of knowledge; reflection in the
total set of resources of lexical means of individual linguistic
1. INTRODUCTION creativity, author's intentions and communicative goals,
Science plays an important role in the development of the accumulated scientific and pedagogical, communicative and
country in all areas. Science has played a key role in the socio-cultural experience, educational traditions, values,
development of a number of countries, such as the Miracle of approaches and innovative practice. The lexical means of
Japan and the Miracle of Singapore. With this in mind, our English-language scientific and pedagogical articles are
country has recently been paying great attention to the characterized by a rather high mobility, close, interaction of
development of science. The Law of the Republic of general literary general scientific and terminological
Uzbekistan No. ZRU-576 "On Science and Scientific Activity", vocabulary, its semantic and structural changes. Most clearly
adopted on October 29, 2019, strengthens and expands such these characteristics are manifested at the level of
powers and opportunities. In the field of scientific research, a terminological vocabulary, developing in interaction with
lot of work is being done today by the state, ministries, other lexical layers and reflecting the latest processes - the
organizations and universities that support the scientific globalization of scientific and pedagogical knowledge, the
field. In particular, in determining the ranking of universities introduction of information and communication
and the quality of education, great attention is paid to the technologies, the integration of various scientific and
contingent of scientists with academic degrees and titles, as pedagogical theories, concepts, approaches, tendencies
well as the level of training of scientists. Increased incentives towards the interaction of scientific and pedagogical
inspire young scientists and researchers at the university, knowledge with other areas of knowledge.
and contribute to the international recognition of our The peculiarity of the functioning of terminological
scientific achievements and national experience.
vocabulary, in particular the use of one-component, two-
2. Literature review component, multi component terminological units,
Text editing is a multifaceted and complex process that abbreviated terms in the texts of English scientific and
requires a great deal of knowledge, a broad outlook, and pedagogical texts, is associated with various ways of
constant research from the editor. First and foremost, you presenting scientific and pedagogical information through
need to choose a specific style and approach when writing language, with the desire of the authors of scientific and
scientific texts. For example, addressing a student as pedagogical articles on the accentuation of the
"you"(sen) in one place and "you"(siz) in another is a communicative and value aspects of the stated scientific and
violation of personal style. In addition, it is disrespectful to pedagogical message; to expand the potential readership;
students to use the word "you" in a scientific way. It is also establishing intercultural professional contacts due to clarity,
important to avoid tautology when writing scientific texts. clarity, simplicity, consistency and ease of presentation. The
The author must be able to use synonyms and figurative following theoretical concepts served as the methodological
expressions to avoid repeating a particular word. This basis of this research: the theory of discourse as a field of
requires editors of encyclopedia monolingual and study of linguistic communication from the point of view of
multilingual dictionaries, and a lifelong companion and its form, function and situational, socio-cultural conditioning:
assistant to scholars. T.A. van Dijk; ND Arutyunova; A.N. Baranov; Yu.S. Stepanov;
M.JL Makarov; E.S. Kubryakova, V.I. Karasik, Z1 Harris, K.
3. Research Methodology Flottum; theory of scientific discourse: V.I. Tuzlukova, M.P.
An English-language scientific and pedagogical text, on the Kotyurova, J. Sinclair, F. Bosch, D. Biber; theory of
one hand, repeats in a transformed from a complex and interconnectedness and interdependence of communicative
ID: IJTSRD39851 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research Page 27