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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                            Ways to Increase the Place of Children's

                        Literature in the Modern System of Analysis

                                                  Shuhrat Babajonov

          Independent Researcher of the Department, SamSu "Tajik Language and Literature", Samarkand, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               riddles, telling stories, listening to fairy tales. Through these
        This article shows how to develop children's literature in   genres, their hearts are filled with light, aspiration for life,
        the modern education system. In particular, instilling a love   and  a  sense  of  curiosity.  They  also  grow  spiritually.  In
        for reading and raising children is a process of national   particular, instilling a love for reading and raising children is
        importance. That is why this process is very important in   a  process  of  national  importance.  Therefore,  great
        our  country  and  measures  are  being  taken  to  develop   importance is attached to this process in our country. The
        children's literature. In addition, the state of development   so-called  periodicals,  children's  books,  reading  aids,  and
        of  children's  literature  in  the  education  system  in  our   education play a special role in educating children. The main
        country is analyzed.                                   task of literature is not only to educate students, but also to

                                                               educate  them.  Reflecting  on  the  role  of  didactics  in  the
        KEYWORDS: education system, children's literature, social   teaching of children's literature determines the relevance of
        services,  youth  literature,  children's  upbringing,  fiction,   this topic [3].
        education, folklore, harmoniously developed generation
                                                               2.  LITERATURE REVIEW
        1.  INTRODUCTION                                       It is well known that children's works are also divided into
        Socio-economic, political, legal and spiritual changes in our   several  categories  in  terms  of  content,  and  the  style  of
        society have placed new demands and tasks on the education   painting  plays  a  key  role  in  this  classification.  In  some
        system. The task of educating the younger generation in all   children's works, the creators express their views as an adult
        aspects  of  the  National  Program  of  Personnel  Training,   with  extensive  life  experience,  in  harmony  with  the
        especially in the native language and children's literature,   imagination and views of a young child, while in others, the
        imposes a great responsibility on teachers. President of our   direct  narrative  style  on  behalf  of  children  is  preferred.
        country Sh. Mirziyoyev said, “The most important task of the   Completely  new  changes  in  Uzbek  children's  literature,
        government, relevant ministries and departments and the   which began in the 70s and 80s of the last century, have
        entire  education  system,  our  esteemed  teachers  and   attracted the attention of many scholars and researchers. In
        professors, is to thoroughly educate the younger generation,   particular,  in  the  researches  of  such  scientists  as  R.
        to bring them up as physically and spiritually mature people.   Barakayev, M. Jumaboyev these aspects are covered in detail
        It is time to take our work to a new level, to create modern   [4].  Problems  of  studying  the  comprehensive  systems  of
        jobs for our children, to ensure that they take their rightful   spiritual and moral education in our national pedagogy in
        place  in  life.  ”[1]  We  often  liken  the  reader  to  a  person   the  pre-independence  period  in  connection  with  folklore
        standing  in  the  middle  of  a  river  looking  for  water.  An   samples in the presence of M. Sherboyev, T. Turdiyev, ZM
        effective model of the modern economy should reflect three   Mirtursunov, H. Jumayeva, B. Kadyrov, A. Musurmonov and
        conditions.First,  it  must  be  socially  oriented,  that  is,   others.  found  its  expression.  During  independence,  K.
        ensure that all categories of citizens live economically   Yuldashev, M. Murodov, O. Madaev. A.Ergashev, H. Jumayeva,
        well.                                                  M. Mahmudova, M. Jumaboyev, M. Bozorova, G. Kholboyeva
                                                               and others on the educational possibilities of folklore in the
        Second, the economy must be efficient, that is, create the   process of literary education, especially on the analysis of
        necessary  conditions  for  the  efficient  use  of  all  socio-  folklore  works  of  national  traditions  and  values  of  our
        economic resources.                                    people pay special attention to the problems of link learning
        Thirdly, in the development of the national economy, it is   [5]. There are very few scientific works on the principles of
        necessary to ensure organic coherence between social and   effective use of folklore in the study of works of art in Uzbek
        economic directions, not only current but also in the future.   literary  education.  There  are  scientific-methodical  works
        There  is  an  internal  contradiction  between  these   and articles of such scientists as S. Dolimov and H. Abdullaev,
        requirements, in which it is clear that the social sphere has a   M. Samadov, F. Badriev, O. Musurmonova, S. Matchonov, A.
        dual  character.  On  the  one  hand,  the  individual,  the   Tilegenov, V. Kadirov [6]. Regular updating and continuous
        community, the social group are distinguished as the "target   enrichment of educational goals is a priority for the selection
        sector" of the economy. On the other hand, the demand for   of new models of educational content. The growing need for
        efficient use of resources also applies to human resources.   updating  the  nature,  methods,  organizational  forms  and
        This takes it from the target area to the resource area and   tools of the educational process in secondary education is
        puts it on a par with material resources [2].          primarily  due  to  socio-economic,  scientific,  technical  and
                                                               technological factors. Today, the content of education should
        "Bringing  up  an  independent,  honest  and  courageous   be  closely  linked  to  the  needs  of  the  individual,  society,
        generation is one of the most pressing issues of our time," he   science  and  technology,  industry.  Accordingly,  education,
        said. Yes, fiction, especially children's literature, plays a big   science and technology, technology, production should form
        role in the development of such young people. Because little   a single system.
        ones grow up listening to God, singing, proverbs, parables,

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