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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                     Improving the Teaching of Physical Education in

                  Primary School on the Basis of Modern Approaches

                Mamutov Quwanishbay Tolibayevich , Khudoiberganov Javlonbek Saotboyevich
              1 Center for Scientific-Methodical, Retraining and Advanced Training of Physical Culture and Sports
             Specialists under the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
                                      2 Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               The most important form of physical education for students
        The scientific article focuses on ways to improve the quality   is physical education. Because the lesson is a systematic form
        of lessons, optimize lesson plans, and inculcate national and   of physical education, the curriculum is taught by classified
        universal values in students based on best practices, based   teachers in accordance with the State Education Standard for
        on modern approaches to teaching physical education in   general secondary education.
                                                               According  to  the  State  Education  Standard  and  the

        KEYWORDS: State educational standard, lesson, competence,   curriculum  of  secondary  schools  in  the  field  of  physical
        modern  approaches,  types  of  lessons,  lesson  structure,   education approved by the Ministry of Public Education of
        pedagogical requirements, types of education, national values,   the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan  in  2017,  physical  education
        universal values.                                      classes for primary school students are 2 hours per week, 66
                                                               hours for 1st grade and 68 hours for 2-3-4 grades. as well as
        August  23,  2019  President  of  the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan   gymnastics, athletics, movement games, elements of sports:
        Educating young people in the spirit of patriotism under the   basketball, volleyball, handball, football, chess.
        leadership of Sh. M. Mirziyoyev and measures to enhance the
        status and prestige of the teacher in society School education   Primary school according to the requirements of the state
                                                               educational  standard  The  following  requirements  are
        in a video conference on the topic development is a great
                                                               required for teaching physical education to students marked.
        national goal and a nationwide movement In our society,
        there is a high level of respect for teachers          Requirement A1:
                                                                 can follow the rules of the agenda;
        Despite the positive changes, there were still problems in the     Morning physical training and exercise during the lesson
        education system, the material and technical base of schools,   can do;
        and the fact that the knowledge and skills of some teachers     can follow the rules of cleaning and walking;
        did not meet modern requirements. After that, the relevant     knows the types of mobile games and their rules;
        ministries and local authorities need to create a modern and     knows the effects of exercise on human health;
        rational system of education in the formation of "family -     Knows the basic rules of chess.
        neighborhood - school - university" cooperation, the creation     Exercises  (rowing,  acrobatics,  pole  vault,  balance
        of teaching methods, educational standards, textbooks and   storage, leaning and hanging, climbing) exercises can
        manuals,  the  use  of  advanced  foreign  experience  in   connect sequences to each other;
        education,  the  task  of  establishing  school-university     physical qualities (agility, strength,
        cooperation in improving the quality of education through     speed, flexibility, endurance and coordination);
        national traditions and values. Today, one of the main issues     can play logic games (chess, checkers, etc.) ;
        facing us is to pay attention to the quality of education of     Prevention  of  injuries  during  exercise  can  follow  the
        secondary  school  students  and  the  mechanisms  for  its   rules;
        implementation, to educate students on the basis of national     Heart rate before and after exercise can determine the
        and  universal  values.  In  the  education  system,  general   norm;
        secondary  education  covers  grades  1-9,  and  this  stage  of     Technical safety during exercise
        education  is  the  most  responsible  period  for  students.
        Primary education has a special significance in the first stage   can follow the rules. [1]
                                                               Age, gender and physicality of students in conducting lessons
        of general secondary education, during which children are
                                                               organizing  and  conducting  trainings,  taking  into  account
        armed  with  primary  concepts.  All  subjects  in  primary
        education are taught according to the curriculum, including   their readiness expedient. Physical education for primary
                                                               school students classes 2 times a week for 45 minutes on a
        physical   education.   Physical   education,   physical
                                                               strict schedule organized and held.
        development and health of students are at the heart of all
        efforts  to  improve  primary  education.  In  this  regard,  we   Students  will  have  the  knowledge,  skills  and  knowledge
        considered  it  appropriate  to  pay  special  attention  to  the   provided  in  the  science  program  acquisition  and
        physical  education  of  primary  school  students.  Physical   improvement of skills.
        education of primary school students today:
          physical education classes;                         The following definition of knowledge, skills, competencies
          extracurricular and extracurricular activities;     and competencies in pedagogy was given.
          physical education in out-of-school institutions;   Knowledge  -  remembering  and  re-explaining  learned
          In  the  form  of  physical  education  in  the  family  is   information  Give  Ability  is  the  ability  to  apply  learned

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