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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                              Modern Model of Students 'Scientific

                         Activities in the Field of Physical Education

                                         Umaraliyeva Dilfuza Umaraliyevna

                                 Teacher at Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               achievement of joint educational goals, to plan and organize
        At the same time as the implementation of the national   independent educational (scientific) activities of students, to
        training program in Uzbekistan, a large-scale design work is   organize the educational process in the form of educational
        being  carried  out  in  higher  education  institutions,  the   dialogue  and  polylogy  (field).  During  the  transition  from
        application  of  integrated  modern  models  of  student   traditional  to  modern  education,  it  is  natural  to  face  a
        management.                                            number of challenges. First, the combination of the role of

                                                               design engineer and modern pedagogical design tasks in the
        KEYWORDS: physical culture, education, student, program,   work of the teacher, the design of the student's educational
        national,  personnel,  pedagogy,  group,  practical,  seminar,   activities  with  the  change  of  the  essence  of  the  research
        laboratory, independent education, physical education, sports   subject and the consequent recognition of the existence of
                                                               artificial research subject there is a need to create innovative
        At  the  same  time  as  the  implementation  of  the  National   diagnostic  tools.  Second,  the  introduction  of  the  role  of
        Program  of  Personnel  Training  in  Uzbekistan,  large-scale
                                                               novelty and unusual subject of education for students (in the
        design  work  is  being  carried  out  in  higher  education   philosophical sense, the owner of the mind and will), in this
        institutions, the application of integrated modern models of   sense, in educational activities independent of the interactive
        student management. The new model of modern education is   tools and methods offered  by teachers known for lack of
        based on the following author's educational technologies.   practical  use  skills.  From  the  point  of  view  of  the
        1.   Person-centered education and systematic approach to   methodology  of  physical  culture  and  sports,  the  person
        the  subjects  of  education,  humanitarian  and  democratic   (pupil, student, athlete, adult population) is undoubtedly the
        relations;                                             object of research, more precisely the object of pedagogical
                                                               influence. Note: In the field of design, there is no real object.
        2.   Changing the role of the student: equal, proactive and   Not only this, from the biological, psychological structure of
        independent conduct of their educational activities in the   man and the position of his organs and systems (because it
        educational process;                                   can be the object of biology and psychology), but all kinds of
        3.   Changing  the  role  of  the  teacher:  the  organizer  of   changes in the organism as a result of pedagogical influence
        independent learning activities of enterprising learners, a   are taken into account. Prior to the pedagogical experiment,
        competent advisor and assistant, not only monitoring the   the scientific hypothesis is given because there are no abrupt
                                                               morphological changes in the tissue cells of the human body
        level of knowledge, skills and qualifications of students, but
        also  the  correction  of  deficiencies  identified  in  a  timely   naturally (at rest). Therefore, as a subject of research in this
        manner  be  able  to  apply  modern  diagnostic  methods  to   regard, the methodology, ie a set of methods (technology),
        master the purpose;                                    using  the  means  of  measurement  to  ensure  the  optimal
                                                               predictable changes in the tissue cells of the organism, is
        4.   Changes in teaching aids and methods:             reflected  in  the  characteristics  of  a  person's  physical  or
        A.   interactive,  based  on  the  content  of  educational,   mental (spiritual) change.
        creative  and  research  activities,  aimed  at  identifying  and
        finding solutions to problems, the application of knowledge   Despite the fact that the general theory of sports as a science
        in practice, the creation of problem situations in education.   has its own subjective perceptions, the author recognizes the
        teaching methods have become a tradition;              existence  of  an  objective  real  nature,  the  formation  of
        B.   transition from frontal education to collective, group   essence  and  content  between  the  pages  of  history,
        education (formation of creative groups);              overcoming  the  contradictions  and  laws  of  objective
        C.   the  widespread  use  of  information  technology   development.  L.P.  Matveev  noted.  This  way  of  scientific
        (software) in addition to traditional educational tools;   knowledge is, in fact, true for the fundamental and applied
        D.  Students  use  educational  materials  only  for   sciences,  but  also  completely  denies  the  contribution  of
        independent study.                                     subjective influences on the objective reality of the field of
                                                               pedagogy, ie sports, working in an artificial environment.
        5.   Changes  in  the  means  and  methods  of  pedagogical   inaccessible. In the vision of the situation expressed by the
        management:  the  teacher  is  a  modern  engineer  in  his   author, it is acknowledged that from the point of view of
        pedagogical activity, aspires to be an engineer, manager, able   formal logic, most areas of scientific research remain within
        to identify problems, the ability to reconstruct and develop   the bounds of a false logical framework. It is acknowledged
        ideas, decision-making and  to carry out with suliyat. The   that  the  researchers  will  study  the  progress  of  the
        ability of the teacher to predict, to carry out not only his   preparatory  work  from  an  objective  real  situation  in  the
        pedagogical  (time  norm),  but  also  planning  and  design   sports  school  for  children  and  adolescents.  But  L.  P.
        (scientific-methodical)  work  of  students'  educational   According to Matveev, in fact, the activities of sports coaches
        activities,  to  achieve  the  expected  results  in  educational   in children's and youth sports schools are fully regulated in
        activities and to develop the content and structure of the

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