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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        the textbook "Theory and Methods of Physical Education" on   2. Forms of research work of students under the guidance of
        the basis of programs and regulations. This means that if the   professors  and  teachers.  This  type  of  higher  education
        researcher concludes, it is in accordance with the general   activity  is  carried  out  within  the  framework  of  the
        rules of the textbook, which confirms once again the validity   compulsory educational process and covers all forms of the
        of not only the researcher but also the general theory. In   educational process:
        order  to  overcome  the  erroneous  logical  boundary,  it  is   Block3 - general professional subjects, block 4 - specialty
        necessary to first acknowledge the existence of the fact of the   subjects,
        subject of artificial examination in any existing pedagogical   block 5 - writing essays on specific topics in the process of
        discipline. In this case, the methodology will change, that is,   studying additional subjects;
        it  will  be  necessary  to  recognize  the  need  to  move  from
        scientific methodology to the methodology of artificial design   2.  Identify  problems  in  the  field  of  physical  culture  and
                                                               sports in the process of practical, seminar, laboratory and
        of  objects,  processes,  methodologies  and  technologies.
                                                               independent learning, perform tasks and assignments that
        Design can be understood in the sense of the development of
                                                               have elements of the search for solutions;
        project  documents,  including  explanatory  letters,  tables,
        calculations explaining the operation of the artificial object in   3. Execution of individual tasks of research, research nature
        the natural and artificial environment and its structure. If we   during the period of different qualification practice;
        consider the emergence of something or a process that did
                                                               4. Development of methodical materials (assignment sheets)
        not exist before as an innovation, it is impossible to create an
        innovative technology within the framework of traditional   related  to  the  use  of  research  methods  (questionnaire,
                                                               pedagogical  observation,  chronometric  and  pulsometric
        natural-scientific  cognition  methodology,  because  the
                                                               analysis,  testing,  pedagogical  control,  mathematical
        objective real investigation before the occurrence of a new
        artificial object he was not there. From time immemorial,   analysis);
        man  has  been  able  to  know  objective  reality  only   5. Preparation and defense of term papers and dissertations
        subjectively, relying on his emotions, but for the first time in   related  to  the  problems  of  research  planned  at  the
        history, with the creation of measuring tools and techniques   departments;
        (techniques),  his  possibilities  of  objective  cognition  have
                                                               During the academic year, students are required to master
        expanded and further developed. Reaches the conditions of
                                                               the  tasks  by  gradually  complicating  and  deepening  the
        the modern model of education require the following general
        learning skills and competencies to be acquired in the first   methods of scientific knowledge in the field of education in
                                                               accordance with the STS, curricula and science programs of
                                                               higher  education.  In  the  field  of  student  research  and
        1) independent activity of the student in lectures, practical   development, Russian scientists have identified the following
        and seminar classes: schematic, sequential recording of the   possible   levels   of   self-development   through   the
        main issues and conclusions in the independent performance   generalization of experimental data:
        of  educational  tasks  (tasks);  search,  learn,  understand,
                                                               1. Reproductive-stereotype (problem solving is carried out
        critically evaluate and retrieve data as needed; to present in
                                                               according to the algorithm of pre-mastered thinking, activity
        the form of reports, abstracts, giving meaning in the language
        of signs and symbols; create a scientific authoring page in   and  relations).  Students  turn  to  the  teacher  to  better
                                                               understand the research tasks, the algorithm of activity. They
        accordance with the pre-set requirements.
                                                               try to get results quickly with less time. They do not strive to
        2)  visual  aids,  information  on  the  presentation  of  the   develop  a  culture  of  teaching  and  research,  especially
        completed  assignment,  scientific  developments  of  the   personal qualities;
        member of the scientific and creative circle (group) (essay,
                                                               2. Adaptation (based on an algorithm developed in advance
        thesis,  article,  abstract,  course  work,  graduation  thesis,
                                                               by the teacher, students perform research work. At this level,
        master's  dissertation)  acquisition  of  skills  of  free  use  of
        technological means;                                   too, students' self-development, which has a personal value
                                                               in  teaching  and  research  activities,  the  stability  of
        3)  communicative  skills:  the  initiator  of  educational   aspirations, such as consciously engaging in activities, is not
        cooperation  with  teachers  and  other  students,  self-  observed; 3. Creative-reflexive (students can understand the
        expression, compromise, dialogue on the topic, addressing   nature of the problem, model the research situation, options
        questions close to the essence of the issue, round (audience)   and solutions by updating their personal, valuable, creative
        active participation in compliance with the rules;     potentials.  Based  on  reflection,  students  can  critically
                                                               analyze the results of their creative achievements. They can
        4)  skills  of  cooperation:  mutual  analysis  and  mutual
        evaluation in solving common tasks, culture of cooperation,   identify and overcome barriers to intellectual, cultural and
                                                               scientific development in general. During the second year,
        team  planning  (design)  of  cooperation  activities  for  the
                                                               students will be able to individually determine the topic of
        implementation of educational tasks, readiness and ability to
                                                               research, as well as the work of scientific and creative circles
        work in a team;
                                                               of students, as well as the department of the faculty. will
        5)  analysis  of  the  problem  situation  in  problem  reports,   have a complete database of areas of professional activity. In
        finding creative solutions to educational tasks, development   the third year, students conduct independent research in
        of ideas, independent, collective decision-making. Forms of   accordance  with  the  course  work  assignments  (projects)
        research work with students in higher education institutions   prepared  in  advance  by  professors  and  teachers  of  non-
        are carried out mainly in two directions:              abstract subjects. Most students' work in this category  is
                                                               abstract and in some cases can be practical. Ability to create
        1.  Form  of  educational  research  work  based  on  the
                                                               the  first  innovative  conditions  in  the  field  of  physical
        curriculum of educational directions;
                                                               education  and  sports  on  the  basis  of  the  first  creative

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