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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

             Methods of Overcoming and Overcoming Fear in Children

                            Orifova Muxlisa Karimovna , Uktamova Navruza Botir Qizi
                                               1 Student,  Scientific Advisor,
                             1,2 Uzbek State University of World Languages, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               Vladimir Levi says: "Praise is very useful, it increases self-
        The  article  describes  methods  of  children  and  how  to   esteem, helps to overcome fear, increases confidence in one's
        overcome  fear.  And  also  there  has  a  school  period  of   strength, and allows one to express one's opinion freely."
        Thomas  Edison.  It  also  says  that  parents  can  help  their
                                                               Children are especially in need of encouragement if they are
        children overcome their fears by giving them to different
        clubs. the article states that the teacher should beautifully   not strong enough. The use of the stimulus method is more
                                                               effective in the upbringing of young children and adolescents
        immerse  the  child  without  scolding  him  for  solving  the
                                                               because children of this age are very sensitive and agile in
        example problem incorrectly The are has different methods
        to solve the fear of children, such as motivation methods.   assessing their behavior and activities. The teacher should
                                                               pay special attention to students who are overly pampered

        KEYWORDS: motivation, methods, feel, children, parents, fear,   or overlooked. The educational value of incentives depends
        teachers, school, self- confidence, home, play games, primary   on the objective support of the majority. An example of this
        education, encouragement, Thomas Edison, letter, class, free   is the life of Thomas Edison. Probably few people have not
        time,  dance,  sports,  achieve  goals,  attention,  lesson,  music,   heard of that famous story about Thomas Edison, which is
        punishment                                             half-myth  and  half-truth.  According  to  him,  Edison's
                                                               schoolteacher was angry at his backwardness and sent a
        INTRODUCTION                                           letter from Edison to his mother. Of course, Edison, who is a
        According  to  German  psychologist  Kurt  Levin,  "If  a  child   backward student, does not know what is written in it. She
        overcomes his fears, he will look at the world differently." It   brings her teacher's letter to her mother. When the mother
        is known that in the world we meet children who are afraid   reads the letter, she says, "Your child is very backward, he
        of different things. For example, at school, some children are   can't do well in science, take him to another school!" There
        afraid of the teacher's anger and shouting, and some children   will be such things as The mother did not want her son to be
        are afraid to go to the blackboard and talk, memorize a lion,   discouraged, so she read the letter aloud to him, altering the
        and get two grades. One such method of overcoming and   content. “Your son is a wonderful boy, he excels in all the
        overcoming fears in children is the method of praise and   subjects in the class. Thank you!”  In fact, Edison found out
        encouragement. The method of praise and encouragement is   that the letter was completely different years later when he
        one of the main methods that motivate the child and help   was  already  known  as  a  great  inventor  and  wealthy
        him to overcome and overcome his fears.                businessman.  Then  his  mother  died,  and  he  took  his  old
                                                               clothes out of his pocket, finds the letter he brought from
        First of all, motivation means motivation, empowerment to   school. When you read it, it had the same ugly description.
        think,  feel,  and  act.  In  school,  a  teacher  can  use  several
        methods  of  motivating  students:  approving,  praising,   Thomas Edison is reflected in the school records of a truly
        encouraging,  expressing  confidence,  rewarding.  We  can   backward  student  during  his  school  days.  He  was  later
        observe school-age children who are afraid to solve sample   expelled from school and taught at home only by his mother
        problems incorrectly, because the teacher fights in front of   and began to recognize letters, and when he learned to read,
        the  whole  class  because  the  student  solved  a  problem   he began to read various books on his own. From this, we
        incorrectly, this situation is left in the eyes of all the children   can  see  that  the  mother  punished  her  child,  beat  him,
        in the class, and they even when they solve it correctly, they   extinguished  his  desire  to  read,  and  used  the  method  of
        are  afraid  to  go  to  the  teacher  and  check  whether  the   praise without increasing his fear. Through the method of
        example is correct or incorrect, because they will be left with   praise,  the  mother  taught  her  child  a  beautiful  science.
        the same situation in their minds. It is clear that the teacher's   brought up as a great person inventor in the future.
        method  of  the  punishment  increases  the  fear  of  children
                                                               Another  way  to  help  children  overcome  their  fears  is
        instead  of  overcoming  them.  The  student  has  solved  the
                                                               through music and play. Sometimes we hear from parents
        problem and the problem a little bit If so, encourage the child   who don’t know how to overcome their children’s fears. So
        to correct and correct the teacher by encouraging him with   many psychologists advise parents to give their children a
        words such as "bless you", "well done", "very kind", which
                                                               variety  of  sports.  If  a  child  goes  in  for  sports,  he  will
        will increase the child's self-confidence. and helps the child
                                                               overcome his fears. When a child goes to a sport, he meets
        overcome  and  overcome  their  fears  and  strives  to  solve   and  talks  with  other  children  wherever  he  goes  and
        more examples and problems by striving to increase their
                                                               exercises together, and then repeats the exercises at home,
        knowledge of reading.

                                                               3   Cheron,  D.  M., Ehrenreich,  J.  T.,  & Pincus,  D.
                                                                     B. (2009). Assessment of parental experiential avoidance in a
        2  J. Lashley "Working with young children, encouraging their   clinical  sample  of  children  with  anxiety  disorders. Child
        development  and  solving  problems",  Book.  for  educators   Psychiatry and Human Development, 40(3), 383– 403.
        children. garden: [Per. from English] - M., 1991.

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