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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                         Analysis of Physical Education Program for

                                        Primary School Students

                                         Yusupbaeva Amangul Saparbaevna

                                 Teacher at Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               directors for education and spirituality and economic affairs,
        Physical education plays an important role in strengthening   pre-service youth training, science, biology, music and art
        the  health  of  students,  their  personal  development,   teachers, health workers, parents and students.
        preparation for work and defense of the motherland, as
                                                               The functions of the commission are:
        well  as  the  acquisition  of  vital  movements,  skills  and
                                                               Completion of the curriculum, control of physical fitness of
                                                               students twice a year. Provides advice and supervision to

        KEYWORDS: Physical education, student, education, quality,   parents  and  students  on  physical  development  and
        primary education, general, school, lesson, occupation, sport,   preparation, health and strengthening, improving the quality
        class                                                  of  lessons,  monitoring  the  timeliness  of  medical
                                                               examinations, etc. The purpose of physical education is to
        The state educational standard for physical education for   improve  the  health,  general  and  physical  education  of
        general secondary education defines the requirements for   students, to provide them with knowledge on the theory and
        the  quality  of  the  educational  process,  the  content  of   methods of physical education. Including:- to cultivate high
        education: the necessary and adequate level of training of   moral,  spiritual,  volitional  qualities,  diligence,  activity  in
        students and graduates, the procedures and mechanisms for   students;
        assessing the activities of educational institutions and the     to  educate  students  to  be  physically  strong,  agile,
        quality of physical education.                            healthy, strong and able to overcome difficulties;
                                                                 to  develop  students'  vital  skills  (walking,  running,
        The  course  "Physical  Education  and  Training"  in  general   jumping, throwing, climbing and falling, swimming, use
        secondary education consists of the following.            of travel equipment);
        1.  Physical education classes - the main form of physical     to  enrich  students'  knowledge  of  exercise  hygiene,
            education and training at school. Their amount is set in   anatomy and physiology;
            the Basic Curriculum at the rate of 2 study hours per     to  inculcate  the  skills  of  sports  propaganda,  public,
                                                                  organizational, instructional, to get used to the correct
        2.  Extracurricular  forms  of  movement  activities  include   interpretation of the aesthetics of movement;
            pre-school gymnastics, physical education minutes and     to  develop  professional  and  practical  skills  in  high
            pauses in general secondary education classes, dynamic   school students, taking into account their future careers;
            pauses in extended breaks, entertaining games.
        3.  Extracurricular  activities  forms:  sports  sections,   The history of the Olympic Games, the ideas of Firdavsi, Abu
            electives, clubs opened according to students' interests,   Ali  ibn  Sino,  Navoi,  Babur,  Mahmud  Kashgari,  Abdullah
            etc.                                               Avloni  and  other  great  scientists,  the  life  of  Alpomish,
        4.  General  school  events:  holidays,  sports  competitions,   Pahlavon Mahmud, Barchinoy, Tomaris, Askar Polvon and
            spartakiads, quizzes, etc.                         other wrestlers, with the famous athletes of our republic
        5.  Independence lessons: often in the form of homework,   today.  to  introduce;-  From  the  first  days  of  school,  it  is
            classes,  trips,  games,  etc.  in  the  branches  of  sports   necessary  to  ensure  that  children  learn  the  concept  of
            schools for children and adolescents. All forms and types   "nature-health-man"  in  physical  education  classes.  It  is
            of  classes  8-10  hours  per  week  for  primary  school   important  for  students  to  cultivate  and  deepen  the
            students. -59 should provide a 10-12 hour movement   protection of flora and fauna, pollution of water and air, and
            regime for students.                               other similar qualities. These tasks can be successfully solved
                                                               only if they make full use of all aspects of the organization of
        The specified size is sufficiently necessary and minimally   physical education. In grades 1-4, physical education classes
        mandatory for the specified groups of students. A special   are held with boys and girls. In grades 5-9, it is advisable to
        regime is established for students with poor health, physical
                                                               divide  boys  and  girls  into  separate  groups.  Classes  and
        development and low fitness. Physical education plays an   classes with girls should be conducted by a female teacher
        important  role  in  strengthening  the  health  of  students,   whenever possible. Physical education should be combined
        personal development, preparation for work and defense of   with the positive effects of natural health factors (air, water,
        the  motherland,  as  well  as  the  acquisition  of  vital   sun) and hygienic factors (personal and physical hygiene).
        movements, skills and abilities. The general management of
        physical education and sports in the school is entrusted to   In hot climates of the country, physical education classes are
        the  principal  and  head  of  education.  A  commission  is   held mainly in the open air, except in exceptional cases: rain,
        appointed by the school principal to oversee the organization   air temperature up to 14 ° C, on sunny days in the shade and
        of classes, sessions, wellness competitions, improving and   outdoors. Physical and sports holidays in some sports  or
        strengthening the health of students, and improving the level   traditional folk holidays ( “Agility-beauty”, “Ball, boys”, “Ball
        of  physical  fitness.  The  commission  consists  of  deputy   girls”, “Hope starts”, “Football buds”, “Golden autumn”) will

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