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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        help to increase the efficiency of the educational process of   the hoop (in terms of time and amount), holding the body in
        school-age children and strengthen their health.       a support position, bending the arms, writing;
        It  is  important  that  the  organization  and  holding  of   For boys, the following are performed on the school's health
        competitions  at  school  dedicated  to  the  "Harvest"  and   field: climbing up and down gymnastics walls, hanging on
        "Navruz" holidays has become a tradition and a health check   handrail  rings,  moving  on  a  barbell  with  arms,  strength
        for  the  public.  In  order  to  make  health  competitions  as   training on a horizontal bar, gymnastics, crossing obstacles,
        popular  as  possible,  they  should  be  held  first  between   for example, barbells. base building, hanging exercises, pole
        classes, then between schools, districts and regions. The time   vaulting, acrobatic exercises (single and double exercises),
        and  place  of  the  finals  of  the  Republican  Championship   exercises  with  dumbbells,  stones,  simulators,  athletic
        should be determined in accordance with the Regulations of   gymnastics, individual wrestling elements, etc. The Moving
        the Ministry of Public Education. Additional classes of 12-14   Games section has 38 hours in Grade 1, 36 hours in Grades 2-
        hours  per  week  are  distributed  by  public  education   3, 12 hours in Grade 4, and 2 hours in Grades 5-7 (these are
        departments or school administrators according to the level   held in the first and last lessons of the term). In the process
        of development and age of the students. Teachers are paid   of physical education, the student, under the guidance of the
        extra for educational hours. Physical education classes at the   teacher, acquires the skills and abilities to act in accordance
        school are held in the form of lessons. Classes are organized   with the requirements of each age group of the program. The
        not only with general development exercises, but also with   development of skills and competencies in the process of
        the  use  of  various  shells,  simulators,  games,  Uzbek  folk   teaching  different  movements  is  carried  out  in  close
        songs, lapars, dances. According to the Resolution "On the   cooperation with the development of physical qualities. At
        organization  of  general  secondary  education  in  the   the level of development of physical qualities, the success of
        Republic", the concept of physical education for the training   children's motor activity and the ability to master new forms
        of  advanced  personnel  in  the  9-year  general  secondary   of movement are determined by their ability to use them in
        education was reorganized  in accordance with the "State   accordance  with  the  purpose.  This  process  is  as  follows:
        Education Standard". The Ministry of Public Education of the   training in motor activity - the formation of motor skills - the
        Republic of Uzbekistan considers that 2 hours of physical   formation of motor skills - the formation of higher motor
        education per week is not enough to fully load the child's   skills - the acquisition of specialized knowledge.
        body, and according to scientific research, only 11% of 45-
                                                               Motor skills are defined by a student's ability to perform
        minute physical education meets the physiological needs of
        students for daily exercise. Additional classes with students   each movement, learning movement activity, or mastery of a
                                                               movement  technique.  There  are  two  types  of  movement
        in grades 1-4 allowed for the use of school-based hours for
        classes, up to 3 hours per week, and 45 hours of physical
        education  classes  if  available.  It  was  recommended  to   1. Implementation of integrated action activities.
        introduce additional trainings.
                                                               2. It is expressed in some actions that vary in complexity.
        Resolution  of  the  Cabinet  of  Ministers  of  the  Republic  of
                                                               The first type of skill is related to the need to solve sudden
        Uzbekistan  No.  27  of  January  17,  1996  "On  measures  to
        radically  improve  the  organizational  framework  and   movement tasks in a changing environment, such as games,
        principles of football development in Uzbekistan", as well as   wrestling, and so on. In this case, motor activity is always
                                                               characterized by conscious and already mastered actions and
        No. 271 of May 27, 1998 "On further development of physical
                                                               the creative use of formed physical qualities. As for other
        culture and sports in Uzbekistan" On the basis of the decision
        of  the  Board  of  the  Ministry  of  Public  Education  of  the   motor  skills,  they  gradually  develop  into  skills,  from  the
                                                               initial mastery of motor techniques to the improvement of
        Republic  of  Uzbekistan  dated  26.01.1996  "On  further
                                                               them.  Motor  skills  are  the  level  of  mastery  of  motor
        development of football among students and children in the
                                                               techniques, in which the control of movements is automatic
        public  education  system  of  the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan"
        football department was included in the school program for   and  the  movements  are  very  reliable.  In  this  case,  the
                                                               automation  of  the  method  of  performing  each  individual
        the first time. Football lessons are allocated 10-12 hours per
                                                               action does not exclude the conscious understanding of this
        school  year  for  grades  4-9  (students  in  grades  2-3  are
        introduced to the basic elements of football). Given the need   or that action at all. In order to perform conscious tasks,
        to  amend  the  "Sports"  section  of  the  current  program,   control movements, and the suddenly changing conditions of
                                                               performing movement tasks, it is sometimes necessary to
        starting from grades 3-4, basketball, volleyball, and handball.
                                                               apply the skill non-automatically. When the skill is regular,
        If the school has the opportunity to teach sports in the 3rd
        grade, it is planned to separate this hour from the "Moving   different variants of the action can be used.
        Games" section.                                        However,  its  technical  basis,  for  example,  running  in
                                                               different  variants)  is  preserved.  In  turn,  changes  in
        16 hours in Grades 1-2, 14 hours in Grades 3-7, 16 hours in
                                                               movement can lead to the emergence of new skills in a more
        Grades 8-9, 14 hours in Grade 1, 16 hours in Grades 2-3 to
        study Gymnastics. There are 18 hours in Grade 4 and 20   creative way. This allows you to apply the acquired skills to a
                                                               whole activity and choose the most suitable, most suitable
        hours in Grades 5-9. If it is not possible to teach gymnastics
                                                               options  for  the  performance  of  actions.  The  formation  of
        with the use of equipment, it is allowed to use auxiliary types
        of gymnastics (barbell, horizontal bar, solitary stick, etc.). For   motor skills is the process of forming a dynamic stereotype
                                                               of the interaction of the first and second signaling systems. In
        girls, it is necessary to conduct such exercises as rhythmic
                                                               this  process  of  teaching  children  to  move,  the  teacher's
        gymnastics, dance exercises, athletic gymnastics, exercises
                                                               influence  on  the  child's  mind  -  a  word  that  helps  to
        performed on exercise equipment, acrobatic exercises (these
        develop agility, courage, agility). In addition, the following   understand the purpose and function of the exercise - is of
                                                               great importance. It is the most powerful stimulus of all the
        mandatory exercises are provided for each class: rotating the
                                                               sensory complexes that occur in the motion analyzer. big.
        hoop at the waist (from 30 seconds to 1 minute), jumping on
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