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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        and Dali. All this is a little rundown of hidden world figures   continuation of the exercise, pride in the local land, for the
        who adulterate art.                                    old culture of its individuals, cites proclamations from the
                                                               hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad: First bow to your mom,
        To stop the progression of misrepresented craftsmanship   over and over, and afterward to your dad. Any individual
        items,  present  day  science  utilizes  different  techniques,
                                                               who needs to go to paradise should get the gift of the mother.
        including Xrays, spectrography, nuclear investigation, and so
        on Historical centers around the globe make inventories with   What's more, here they review crafted by OdilYakubov "All
        portrayals of canvases by aces and their proprietors. In the   that will get back to business as usual", which tells that the
        United  States,  an  extraordinary  demonstration  has  been   child  who  made  a  journey  to  Mecca  and  got  back  to  his
        passed  against  the  fake  business,  and  the  Federal  Trade   country, should as a matter of first importance go to his mom
        Commission (FTC) screens the exchange masterpieces. The   and love her.
        artistic work of Uzbekistan, as a fundamental piece of the
        world craftsmanship, makes a commendable commitment to
                                                               To  open  the  world  of  beauty  to  the  child,  to  make  him
        its improvement. In the specialty of Uzbekistan, totally new,
                                                               sensitive to the beautiful and to teach him to appreciate the
        beforehand  non-existent  sorts  and  classifications  of
        workmanship have created and made huge progress. One of   beautiful and to create the beautiful with his own hands is
                                                               not  easy  and  not  easy,  but  it  is  necessary.  It  should  be
        them was painting, and inside it significant compositional
                                                               answered to raise and educate children: familiarization with
        issues  were  tackled,  and  in  which  especially  observable
                                                               folk art, the  development  of pictorial paintings by artists
        innovative  triumphs  were  accomplished.  Mirroring  the
        existence of individuals, the interesting nature, the soul of   with its imagery are the guides of a living tradition of art.
        the time and the pictures of counterparts has become the   REFERENCES:
        primary philosophical and imaginative errand of the painters   [1]   Katarsis: metamorphoses of tragic consciousness. St.
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        Uzbekistan  doesn't  have  a  unique  association  that  would   Uzbek Language And National Spiritual Heritage In
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