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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        In  May  1917,  a  delegation  headed  by  a  member  of  the   3.  The use of large landowners in the chapter of improving
        Parliament  PolvonniyozYusupov  was  sent  to  Tashkent  to   the lives of the poor;
        negotiate  with  representatives  of  the  Provisional   4.  To  open  schools  throughout  the  khanate  for  free
        Government. Asfandiyorkhon relied on military forces led by
        general HaydarKhojaMirbadalov (Tatar of the nation), the   education of children and to spend the income from the
        representative  of  the  interim  government  in  Khiva,  and
        dissolved the meeting in June.Seventeen prominent young   5.  Extraction  of  channels  from  the  Amudarya  for  the
        people  from  Khiva,  led  by  HusseinbekMatmurodov,  were   acquisition of reserve and vacant lands in Khiva;
        arrested, and their seats in the Majlis included officials and
        representatives of high priests.In short, Khan appointed a   6.  Opening  of  schools  for  free  education  of  children  in
        new Constituent Assembly  (chairman - OrtiqAxun) and a
        Council  of  Ministers  (Chairman  of  the  government  –   7.  Opening of free hospitals and health facilities in Khiva
        IshokkhuzhaKhujaev) from among those who are satisfied    cities and residential addresses;
        with him. All members of  the young khivans' party  were   8.  The return of lands, property and other things taken
        declared unbelievers and began to take cruel revenge  on   from the poor population by Khiva Khan and his lords to
        them [5.- С.58].
                                                                  their owners;
        Thus, seventeen members of the former parliament, led by H.
        Matmuradov,  have  been  arrested.  BoboohunSalimov  was   9.  To find out exactly where the people's funds that were
                                                                  deposited  in  the  Treasury  during  the  reign  of
        also  taken  under  strict  control.  To  strengthen  the  khan's   Asfandiyorkhon were spent;
        victory  over  the  Young  Khiva,  and  to  put  an  end  to  new
        protests  against  the  existing  system  in  the  khanate,  the   10.  Introduction  to  the  construction  of  Railways  and
        Provisional  Government  established   the   post  of     bridges;
        commissioner  in  Khiva  on  25  July.  In  September  1917,   11.  Complete elimination of involvement in free forced labor
        Colonel  Zeytsev  arrived  in  Khiva  with  a  large  Cossack
        detachment. He supported the khan who was fighting against   (beggar);
        the Young Khivaites. On November 21, a "Sharia court of   12.  Immediate  action  to  overthrow  the  Khan  and  his
        judges"  was  held  against  the  young  Khiva  residents.  In   government  and  as  a  result  of  the  formation  of  the
        November  1917,  Asfandiyorkhan,  with  the  help  of  the   people's  government  it  is  necessary  to  begin  the
        Russian  Cossacks,  completely  abolished  the  Meeting.  The   implementation of the above-mentioned program items,
        young  Khivaites,  who  had  been  defeated  in  the  struggle   to  wage  a  ruthless  struggle  against  the  khan's
        against the khan's oppressive regime, were forced to leave   supporters,  the  bourgeoisie  and  the  counter-
        the country [3. - B. 107.].                               revolutionaries who oppose the people's power [9].
        In  November-December  1917,  PolvonniyozYusupov,      The political, social and economic demands envisaged in the
        NazirSholikorov  (1881  -  1938)  arrived  in  Tashkent,   manifesto  or  party  program  proclaimed  by  the  young
        MullaJumaniyazSultanmurodov in Petro-Alexandrovsk (now   khivans  were  born  as  a  result  of  their  struggle  against
        Turtkul) [4. –B. 174 - 176.]. Other leaders of the Young Khiva   monarchy  in  the  Khiva  Khanate  for  many  years.  Young
        party,   HusaynbekMatmurodov,    IshakhodjaKhodjaev,   khivans, who came to power with the help of the Red Army
        AbdusalomHojiIslamkhodjaev, HojiAvazberdiEshonov, were   and the Bolsheviks, began to realize their ideas.
        executed on May 18, 1918 by the khan's order [6. - B. 12.].
                                                               In conclusion, at the end of the Khiva Khanate, young khivans
        These events played a decisive role in the later political life of   played a certain role. Monarchia, which is characteristic of
        the Khiva khanate. On the one hand, the forces supporting   the Middle Ages, was a method of despotic management,
        the order of absolute domination in the khanate were united   having passed its lifetime when it came to the beginning of
        and intensified, and the khanate ruthlessly shaped its policy.   the  XX  century.  The  young  khivans,  who  were  in  a
        On the other hand, there have been changes in the opposition   Democratic mood, wanted their people to live comfortably
        movement as well. When the raw idea of peaceful reform of   and consistently fought against the monarchical and Khanate
        society  was  thwarted,  some  of  the  Jadids,  especially  the   system based on oppression and complication.
        liberal  wing,  abandoned  active  political  struggle,  while
        others - the Young Khivaites - changed their style of struggle,   References
        took an armed struggle against the ruling regimes.          Ражапова  Р.  Суронли  замонлар  //  Хива  минг
                                                                    гумбаз шаҳри. – Тошкент: “Шарқ”, 1997. – Б. 44 – 45
        In the manifesto, which was announced by the young khivans
        party on February 8, 1920 [7. –S. 479.].The nearby functions   [2]   Ҳамдамов  Ҳ.  Хива  хонлигининг  ағдарилиши  ва
        of the Khiva Revolutionary Party were promoted. Later this   Хоразм Совет Халқ Республикасининг тузилиши. –
        official document was published in sources and literature   Тошкент: Ўзбекистон давлат нашриёти, 1960. – Б.
        [8.].  It  was  misinterpreted  as  the  previously  adopted   46
        Program (guide-line) of the young khivans party. In its time,   [3]   Ўзбекистон тарихи (1917 – 1991 йиллар). Иккита
        this manifesto, published in the Russian-language newspaper   китоб.  Биринчи  китоб.  1917  –  1939  йиллар.
        “ИзвестияТуркЦИК”in Tashkent, consists of 12 articles, the   Маъсул  муҳаррирлар:  Р.Абдуллаев,  М.Рахимов,
        main content of which is as follows:                        Қ.Ражабов. – Тошкент: “O`zbekiston”, 2019. – Б. 105-
        1.  Absolute abolition of the absolute rule of the country by   106.
            the Khan of Khiva and his government;              [4]   Полвонниёз Ҳожи Юсупов.Ёш хиваликлар тарихи
                                                                    (Хотиралар).  Масъул  муҳаррир  ва  сўзбоши
        2.  Public  property  declaration  of  funds  and  properties
            belonging to Khiva Khan, princes, beys and ministers;   муаллифи М. Матниёзов. – Урганч: “Хоразм”, 2000.
                                                                    – Б. 83

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