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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Some Considerations about the
Socio-Political Movements of Young Khivans
Bakhtigul Abdupattaevna Mamadaminova
Senior Teacher, Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences,
Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
ABSTRACT 1917 in the city of KhonKhiva signed a program (manifesto),
This article analyzes the socio-political movements of the presented by young khivans. In this document, it was
Young Khiva people in the Khiva Khanate in the early announced the establishment of the elected Assembly and
twentieth century.In particular, it is also mentioned about the Council of Ministers, the control of the state treasury, the
the fact that the revolution in Russia has a positive impact construction of railways, Mail, Telegraph, the opening of new
on the growth of movements towards democratic reforms method schools, etc. [1.– B.44 – 45].
in Turkestan.From the beginning of 1917 the movement for To control the implementation of reforms in the presence of
democratic reform was began in the Khiva khanate. The the Hon, it was necessary to organize an interim committee
young Khiva people whoarmed with the idea of (meeting) consisting of 30 representatives. In some
independence took an active part in this movement with
the idea of changing the political situation in the khanate historical literature, the name of the committee is incorrectly
indicated as “mashruta”. In fact, “mashruta” was a
and implementing some democratic reforms.
constitutional monarchy, which during this period was
KEYWORDS: Young Khiva Party, Turkestan Province, Khiva considered a method of Management in the Khiva Khanate.
Khanate, Interim Committee, Assembly and Council of On 8 April, a meeting consisting of young khivans and large
Ministers, manifesto, democratic reforms, constitutional officials (chairman – BobookhunSalimov) and Council of
monarchy Supervisors (chairman of the government–
HusseinbekDevonbegiMatmurodov) was held in the
In the first quarter of the 20th century, the socio-political presence of Khiva to manage the country. The assembly
processes taking place in the Turkestan region, in particular, consisted of 30 people [2. –B. 46]. One of the leaders of the
the establishment of Soviet power by the Bolsheviks in a Young Khiva Party, PolvonniyazHojiYusupov (1861-1936),
forced way, unprecedented events took place in many parts was tasked with stabilizing relations with the Russian
of the world. For example, democratic movements in Russia government and Russian troops. Later, 19 more people,
began to positively influence the awakening of the peoples of including 7 Turkmen, were included in the parliament. The
the national territory. In Russia, the February Revolution, young Khiva people became the ruling force in the Khiva
which was in 1917 year. In Turkestan, too, democratic khanate [3. - B.105-106.].
reforms began to have a positive impact on the growth of the
movement. As a cleric, BobookhunSalimov played a key role in the
formation of the Council of Assembly and Council of
This process was the impetus for the struggle of the Ministers, the organization of its activities, ensuring that its
population living in the territory of the Khiva Khanate for the documents were on the basis of the Islamic Sharia. About
possession of democratic freedoms and rights. As a result, this, Polvonniyoz Haji Yusupov writes in his memoirs: "Not
meetings, rallies and demonstrations took place in the cities to be outdone, we wrote in the manpes given by the khan
of the Khiva Khanate. At a rally in Petro-Alexandrovsk (now that it consisted of thirty representatives. Then, in
Turtkul) on March 7, 1917, Colonel Zeytsev, the head of the consultation with BoboAxunEshan, letters were sent to all
Amudarya branch of the Turkestan Governor-General's the Khorezm fortresses to elect representatives to
Office, was asked to resign. Instead of military Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Karakalpakstan."[4.- B. 83].
administration, the Council of Soldiers and Workers'
Deputies and the Executive Committee of Public Security The Majlis and the Council of Ministers in Khiva signaled that
were established in Turtkul. This committee began to act as the country was embarking on a new path - reform and
the board of the Amudarya branch. democracy. The Majlis and the Council of Supervisors
included clerics, businessmen, intellectuals, and heads of
From April 1917, the Khiva Khanate also began a movement Turkmen clans and tribes. The attitude to this news in Khiva
for democratic reform. Young khivans who armed with the society was different.
idea of independence, pursuing the interests of the people in
this movement, took an active part in the idea of changing Young khivans were pleased: they saw the establishment of a
the political situation in the Khanate and carrying out some constitutional monarchy as an expression of the fulfillment
Democratic Reforms. For example, on 4 April, the young of their reform provisions. Their protesters began to lead
khivans took part in a meeting of the garrison of the Russian new institutions of the state. A well – known figure of the
army in Khiva dedicated to the oath of allegiance to the young khivansBobookhunSalimov was the chairman of the
interim government, asking the head of garrison to help Assembly, and their leaders HusaynbekMatmurodov was
them in carrying out some reforms in the Khanate. elected the head of the government-the chairman of the
Council of Ministers.
At a time when the mood of democracy was rising, the young
khivans persuaded Asfandiyorkhon to give side. In April 5,
ID: IJTSRD39941 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research Page 50