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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        irrigation, intensity and frequency of precipitation, water-  salinity  should  be  widely  used  in  order  to  prevent  it  in
        physical properties (permeability) of soils and rocks of the   specific fields during the growing season, as well as rational
        aeration zone [10]. The migration of waters infiltrating from   use of water resources, reduce unproductive water losses by
        the surface occurs until they reach the groundwater horizon,   streamlining its distribution at all levels of systems, repairing
        after which their vertical movement stops. They flow in the   canals and cleaning collectors [15].
        form of a soil flow towards the nearest natural drains (river
        valleys, gullies, ravines). When the infiltrated water reaches   [1]
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        the  level  of  their  occurrence  is  low,  the  secondary
        salinization of the soil will be minimal or not at all. Intensive   expedition. Issue 1. Moscow: Publishing House of the
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        0.3  g  /  l  during  the  study  period,  and  in  the  underlying
        territories - 1.0 and higher. The  obstructed drainage and   Novosibirsk: Science, 1968.
        backwaters on the collectors lead to an increase in the level   [7]   Pankova E. I., Aydarov I. P., Yamnova I. A. and others.
        of groundwater and, as already mentioned above, due to the   Natural zoning of saline soils in the Aral Sea basin
        high  coefficient  of  land  use,  their  outflow  is  generally   (geography, genesis, evolution). M., 1996.
        impossible.  Large  evaporation  leads  to  strong  soil   [8]
        salinization. Under these conditions, the regulation of the   Shirokova Yu. I., Chernyshev A. K. Express method for
                                                                    determining  the  salinity  of  soil  and  water  in  the
        water-salt regime is extremely difficult. It should be noted
        that the land salinization of the Bukhara region is stable.   conditions of Uzbekistan // Agriculture of Uzbekistan.
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        [11,  14].  Soil  leaching  as  a  means  of  combating  seasonal   [9]   Shodiev S. R. Hydrochemistry of river and collector-
        salinization under these conditions is ineffective due to the   drainage  waters  in  the  south-west  of  Uzbekistan:
        small  capacity  of  the  aeration  zone  and  insufficient  land   Author's  abstract.  dis  ...  cand.  s.-kh.  sciences.
        drainage. In this case, the collectors are destroyed: slopes   Tashkent, 2009.
        float and the bottom is poured. Arid conditions increase the   [10]
        transpiration of water and the accumulation of salts in the   Eshchanov  R.  Agroecological  foundations  of
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        surface layer of the soil.
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        associated  inter-row  soil  treatments  decreases  [5].  In
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        operational difficulties, most of the existing drainage systems
        are malfunctioning or inoperative and approximately 50% of   Uzbekistan  //  Journal  of  Water  Resource  and
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        quickly flooded and are now operating in a backwater mode,   [14]   Umarov N. U. About a Condition of Environment and
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                                                                    of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Tashkent: Chinor ENK,
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        methods of ground-based simplified operational control of

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