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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

            Problems of Rational use Ground Water of Bukhara Region

                                     Turgunbaeva Zhumagul Rakhimberdievna,
                                      Yakhyaeva Muslimakhon Tokhirboevna,
                                           Alieva Gulirano Turgunboy Kizi
                                 Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               Amukarakul canals, additional - the Kuyimazar, Tudakul and
        The article investigates and conducts complex geographic   Shurkul reservoirs. The hydrographic network of the region
        studies,  gives  a  classification  of  soils,  describes  their   is represented by a large number of irrigation facilities and
        physical  properties  and  problems  of  rational  use  of   drainage networks. The main drainage faults are Central,
        groundwater in Bukhara region. The high level of formation   Severny,  Parallel,  Tashkuduk,  Parsankul  and  Ogitma.
        of  saline  groundwater  leads  to  salinization  and  water   Bukhara region is located in the lower reaches of the river.
        logging of soils. In this regard, one should carefully monitor   Zeravshan [8.9].
        soils subject to salinization and water logging. Reducing
                                                               The groundwater level (GWL) mainly depends on the terrain,
        groundwater losses through the use of simplified ground-
                                                               depth and distance of drainage [13]. The main source of food
        based operational methods salinity management, as well as
        the  rational  use  of  water  resources,  simplifying  the   and the reason for the close occurrence of groundwater is
                                                               infiltration water from hydraulic systems. Precipitation also
        distribution of systems at all levels, repairing canals and
                                                               plays an important role in replenishing their reserves. The
        cleaning collectors.
                                                               high level of occurrence of mineralized groundwater leads to

        KEYWORDS:  groundwater,  soil  classification,  physical   soil  salinization  and  water  logging.  To  reduce  soil
        properties,  mechanical  composition,  groundwater  level,   salinization and water logging, it is necessary to analyze the
        salinization, water logging                            reasons for temporary changes in the groundwater level, the
                                                               location and scale of areas in the zone of risk of salinization

        The  land  resources  of  the  Bukhara  region  have  been
                                                               and  water  logging,  and  to  develop  measures  to  prevent
        thoroughly  studied  by  Uzbek  scientists,  the  quality  and   negative processes.
        composition  of  the  soil  have  been  determined,
        comprehensive geographic studies have been carried out, the   The temporal dynamics of the GWL was analyzed for the
        classification  of  soils  has  been  given,  and  their  physical   period  from  2000  to  2013.  The  largest  area  of  the
        properties have been described [1,3,4]. Within the Bukhara   groundwater occurrence zone at a depth of 1.1–1.5 m (Fig.
        region,  morphic,  transitional  hydromorphic  soils  of  the   1.) was recorded in 2005, 2012 and 2013. - 20 thousand
        desert zone are distinguished, formed on deposits of various   hectares  (7.3%  of  irrigated  land  in  the  region),  and  the
        genesis and age. The humus content is 1–2% [2]. The soils   smallest - in 2000-2001. - 6.6-8.5 thousand hectares (2.4-
        have a different mechanical composition: from sandy loamy   3.1%). These indicators with a groundwater depth of 1.51-2
        sand to medium loamy. The humus content is 0.6–1.8%. The   m, respectively, were 68.4 thousand hectares (24.9%) - in
        concentration of nitrogen is 0.05–0.16%, total phosphorus is   2009-2013, and 40.3-44.2 thousand hectares (14 , 7-16.1%) -
        0.09–0.11%.  In  terms  of  texture,  they  are  different:  from   in 2000, 2012. The total area of the groundwater table at a
        heavy loamy to sandy. The humus content in the layer is 0.3–  depth of 1.51–2 m in 2000–2013. amounted to 164.7-184.4
        1.8%,  nitrogen  -  0.03–0.16%.  Desert  sandy  soils  contain   thousand  hectares  (60-67%).  The  largest  area  of
        about 0.5% humus and 0.04–0.05% nitrogen.              groundwater occurrence zone at a depth of 2.1–3  m was
                                                               recorded  in  2001,  2004,  2005  and  2006.  -  180  thousand
        The purpose of this article is to study the problem of rational   hectares  (65%  of  the  irrigated  land  in  the  region),  the
        use of groundwater in the Bukhara region. Bukhara region is
                                                               smallest - in 2000 and 2013. - 164.7 thousand (59.9%) and
        located  in  the  south-west  of  Uzbekistan,  borders  on   170 thousand hectares (61.8%), respectively. In 2000, the
        Kashkadarya, Navoi regions and Turkmenistan. Population -   area of irrigated land located in this zone of groundwater
        1.7 million people (68% - rural, 32% - urban). Total area -   occurrence amounted to 14.4 thousand hectares (by 5.2%).
        40.320 km2: 64% - pastures; 4.7 - agricultural land; 2.4% -
                                                               In 2000, the area of the 3.1-5 m groundwater table was 57.9
        lakes with drainage water, the rest - unused land. The total   thousand hectares, in 2013 - 13.9 thousand hectares, that is,
        area  of  irrigated  land  in  2013  was  274.9  hectares.  The   it  was  almost  3.7  times  less  (5.1%  of  the  total  area  of
        climate is sharply continental, winters are cold, summers are   irrigated land in the region). The occurrence of groundwater
        hot and dry. On average, there are 300 sunny days per year,
                                                               at a depth of more than 5 m was noted in 2000 and 2002. on
        the  average  annual  precipitation  is  90–120  mm,  and  the   an  area  of  0.3–2.6  thousand  hectares  (0.1–0.9%).  As
        average annual evaporation is 1900–2000 mm. Almost 60%   evidenced  by  these  data,  indicators  of  the  level  of
        of precipitation falls in January - April. The annual amount of
                                                               groundwater  occurrence  during  the  year  can  fluctuate
        solar radiation is 150–160 kcal. The average air temperature   significantly, and the area of land changes accordingly. One of
        is –15–16 ° С [11,12].                                 the  main  reasons  for  the  high  level  of  groundwater
        In  the  Bukhara  region,  aboveground  waters  are  fully   occurrence  on  saline  lands  is  the  constant  pressure-
        provided  with  water  from  the  Amudarya  and  Zeravshan   ascending inflow of deep groundwater [13]. The volume of
        rivers. The main source of water is the Amubukhara and    infiltration  water  depends  on  the  amount  of  vegetation

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