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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
knowledge in familiar situations. Qualification is the Another way to improve physical education classes is to
unfamiliarity of learned knowledge and formed skills apply diversify physical education classes according to their
in situations and generate new knowledge. Competence - pedagogical objectives.
everyday knowledge, skills and abilities available ability to
In the effective organization of physical education classes,
apply in activities. [1]
according to the pedagogical tasks of education and health,
In physical education, these concepts are interpreted as physical education classes, introductory lessons", "lessons of
follows: new materials", "mixed lessons", "improvement lessons",
"control lessons" and "final lessons" rotates. [4]
Knowledge - in physical education, students are exposed to
new movements receives data and is at the initial imperfect Introductory classes are classes that begin at the beginning
level assumes performance. Ability is to make certain parts of a new semester of the school year, as well as at the
of the movement extremely fast, precise and purposeful beginning of a new section of the syllabus. They can also be
represents the ability to perform appropriately, and it is in organized in the form of lectures, talks, dialogues. In this
the learners occurs as a result of repetitive exercise. case, the teacher can, for example, inform the students about
the requirements of the curriculum, the work to be done
Qualification - the same conditions of physical activity in during the school year, the requirements. Mixed lessons are
students is formed as a result of repeated repetition in itself.
the most common type in practice. The content of the mixed
[8] Physical education is unique in its content and
course includes sections such as explanation, teaching,
organization features in gyms, special facilities, playgrounds
mastery, reinforcement, and improvement. Reinforcement
held in the school yard, in the hallways of the stadium, in and refinement lessons - introductory, mastery of new
such a place special conditions are created for students to
materials, movement skills are formed after the lessons are
teach. To students in physical education classes, not in the
organized in order to perform the exercises perfectly.
usual school uniform, but special required to be in Graduation courses are completely different from courses
sportswear. In this case, physical activity will be easy to do.
that vary in content and pedagogical function. These courses
The most basic that is related to physical education classes conclude the semester, a series of syllabi in the syllabus, and
one of the issues is the structure of this lesson. the syllabus during the school year. Final lessons are
designed to assess students' knowledge and skills. In
The structure of the lesson is the number of parts of the addition to the types of physical education classes mentioned
lesson, their sequence and content, duration - can be
above, classes also vary in the nature of their organization:
described as. [2] Lessons by experts in specialized scientific
accented classes, mixed classes, and complex classes. Accent
literature Different views have been expressed on the lessons are organized according to the content of a separate
structure. For example, some experts that the lesson consists
section of the program. That is, the emphasis is on
of introduction - preparation - main - final parts they know. A
gymnastics, athletics, volleyball, basketball, and so on. The
number of other specialist physical education classes
teaching process will focus on studying, reviewing, and
organizational - main - final parts. [4]In fact, in our opinion, improving the material in this section. Mixed lessons are
physical education classes today consists of three parts
focused on mastering and teaching several sections of the
according to the structure and they are the preparatory part curriculum. In such classes, students are divided into groups
of the lesson, the main part of the lesson is called the final and work under the supervision and guidance of a teacher on
part of the lesson.
topics they have not mastered during the lesson. Complex
The preparatory part of the lesson teaches students the lessons - the content is organized on the basis of several
basics of a comprehensive lesson without preparing for the sections of the curriculum. In other words, according to
main tasks to be performed in the section This part is usually specific pedagogical tasks, several subjects (volleyball,
on average about 8 - 12 minutes, sometimes longer time is athletics, wrestling, gymnastics, etc.) are taught in one
planned. The lesson is structured by the teacher in the main lesson. Such classes are rarely organized in practice. [3] In
part of the lesson according to the development is defined in order to study the physical education classes taught in the
the curriculum of physical education in the classroom new primary grades of secondary schools, Samarkand region №
exercises are taught or exercises previously taught are 12, № 43, № 60 secondary schools. Bukhara region, 1, № 2,
repeated. № Secondary schools No. 25. Sharof Rashidov of Jizzakh
region № 40, № 44, № 46 secondary schools of the district.
The necessary theoretical knowledge is imparted. Physical Jizzax № 6, № 10, № 14 secondary schools of the city
25-30 minutes for the main part of the lessons is physical education classes in the classrooms special
appropriate. The organization of the main part of the lesson
pedagogical observations (interviews, special
is different may be different. That is, State education in
questionnaires) were conducted.
physical education standard curriculum sections
(gymnastics, athletics, mobility games, elements of sports In total: 32 classes, 820 students, 18 primary classes
games, chess) in the main part of the lesson requires teachers attended. As a result, the following cases were
organization in different methods. studied. Some physical education classes were not conducted
at the required level and there are serious shortcomings in
It usually takes 3-5 minutes for the final part of the lesson. the physical education classes taught it turned out. These
Then the lesson In the main part, the physical activity of the
include:- Most of the school administration attended physical
students is reduced, and it ends with light exercises. Students
education classes the attitude is not positive. (The
are encouraged, reprimanded, assessed, and given importance of physical education classes does not consider
homework if necessary. Organized, they leave the classroom.
having a course).
Properly organized lesson sections provide a great
Low capacity of teachers, on their own failure or non-
opportunity to ensure the continuity and effectiveness of the
compliance with existing regulations.
Equipment for the organization and conduct of physical
ID: IJTSRD39885 | Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research Page 35