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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                                Uzbek Folktalemislabu: Motifs and

                                 Applicability of Propp’s Functions

                                              Kadirova Nargiza Arifovna

                          Senior Teacher, PhD at the Department of English Language in Humanities,
                                       Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
            Fairy Tale - a traditional story written for children that usually involves imaginary creatures and magic. 1

        ABSTRACT                                               7. Complicity               8. Villainy and lack
        Fairy tales are very important for developing the worldview   9. Mediation         10. Counteraction
        of  children.  In  many  cultures,  they  are  used  as  an  early   11. Departure         12. Testing
        method of teaching kids the difference between good and   13. Reaction             14. Acquisition
        bad, courage and cowardice, love and hatred, and many   15. Guidance               16. Struggle
        other basic concepts a human must be able to differentiate.   17. Branding         18. Victory
        To examine the very essence of the Fairy Tale, its history,   19. Resolution        20. Return
        morphology, and structure, specialists have been trying to   21. Pursuit           22. Rescue
        classify  it  in  many  different  ways.  However,  modern   23. Arrival           24. Claim
        scientists conclude that none of the  existing methods of   25. Task               26. Solution
        classification can be considered absolutely accurate. For   27. Recognition        28. Exposure
        instance, the approach offered Wundt supposes division of   29. Transfiguration      30. Punishment
        tails into 7 groups, but the definition of each group is vague   31. Wedding
        and actual classification becomes a hard task, because a
                                                               In "Mislabu" the situation is a bit more complicated that in
        single  fairy  tale  may  possess  characteristics  intrinsic  to
        several  groups  at  once.  The  ten  categories  proposed  by   typical fairy tales. First of all, it consists of several seemingly
                                                               unconnected  episodes, developing  in  parallel. Also at the
        Volkov  also do not stand up to criticism due to mix-up
                                                               beginning it is hard to identify the main hero. In general, the
        arising, since one tale might contain elements allowing to
                                                               main hero is the cruel king: he resolves hard task and finds
        attribute it to several categories at the same time. Aarne-
        Thompson classification or Vladimir Propp's functions are   the beauty he was willing to marry. The beauty helps him to
                                                               escape  from  pursuers,  but  at  the  end  a  new  main  hero
        also not exhaustive as some scholars note.
                                                               appears and defeats the cruel king and marries the beautiful

        KEYWORDS: function, motif, fairy tale, classification   Mislabu. However, motifs and functions can be distributed in
                                                               relation to the cruel king, because the final winner did very
        One of the basic causes of the classification problems is the   little action.
        extremely vast variety of fairy tale types, elements, motifs
                                                               First element: Absentation(Someone goes missing) appears
        and  plots.  Analyzing  the  fairy  tales  of  different  nations
                                                               in Mislabu not at the beginning of the story line. Actually
        readers can notice that there is a significant difference in   there is no direct "missing" of something, but kings desire to
        approach, philosophy and moral of tales. This is influenced   find and marry Mislabu - a princess he had never seen – can
        by history, culture, traditions, religion, geography and many
                                                               be  attributed  to  this  element  according  to  Propps
        other aspects. However, attempts to classify fairy tales show
                                                               classification.  This  element  corresponds  to  motif  of
        that there are some basic points that belong to any folktale.   "Searching for beloved" defined by Chernousova. Unusual
        Such points can be seen in Aarne's classification and Propp's   thing about this fairy tale is that the Absentation is described
        list of functions, they are also noted by other scholars and
                                                               after a short story about an old gardener, who is not a main
        literature specialists.                                character of the plot but appears several times along the tale
        The  analysis  below  will  be  dedicated  to  applying  the   to interconnect various elements and motifs into a single
        categories proposed by Vladimir Propp to the Uzbek fairy   action.
        tale "Mislabu". And their correlation with the motifs defined
                                                               One more element of Absentation can be notice when the
        by Chernousovа .                                       king can't find his parrot and asks people for help, promising
        Propp defined the obligatory functions and their sequence   gold and high position in the kingdom to one who finds and
        within the fairy tale as follows:                      brings the bird. This part of the fairy tale can be considered
        1. Absentation               2. Interdiction           as a short story within the story, and it is also used as a
        3. Violation of interdiction    4. Reconnaissance      "connector" for general plot parts.
        5. Delivery                  6. Trickery               Element 2. Interdiction(Hero is warned). As soon as the main

                                                                     hero  in  Mislabu  seems  to  be  the  cruel  king,  the  motif  of
                                                               warning the hero should be addressed to him. Within the
        1  Cambridge
        2  W. Wundt, Probleme der Völkerpsychologie, Stuttgart, 1921   story king was warned twice: first, when the parrot told him
        3 Волков Р.М. Сказка. Разыскания посюжетосложению народной   that searching for the beautiful Mislabu will be a difficult
        сказки, Харьков, 1924                                  task, and then, when an old man told him to give up the idea
        4 Черноусова  И.  П.  Структура  и  художественные  функции   of marrying Mislabu, because many young and strong men
        диалога в русской волшебной сказке. Воронеж, 1994

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