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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        lost their lives trying. Both of warnings were violated (the   those rules apply to Uzbek folktales in the same manner as
        third element). However, it should be noted that, within the   they do to English, Russian, and other tales.
        main storyline there is a short parallel story about the cruel
        king's  son  –  Bakhadu,  who  transforms  into  the  main   Mislabu is considered a fairy tale with a complex structure. It
                                                               differs from the traditional fairy tales by the presence  of
        character at the end of the story, and that short story also
                                                               several plots, and the cruel main hero, who is finally defeated
        has a classical motif of Interdiction related to the king's son.
                                                               by  his  son,  who  never  did  anything  heroic.  But  still  the
        He was warned not to open the last of the forty doors in the
        castle he lived in, and not to look under the mat, that was on   standard classifications match the storyline.
        the floor in the room behind that door.                As a conclusion it can be noted that the assumption that all
                                                               the fairy tales of different nation have common roots can be
        The third element (Violation of interdiction), follows in all
        three cases depicted above, and in the first two cases, with   proven  by  classifying  them  and  analyzing  the  outcomes.
                                                               They all meet the same criteria (in general) and have similar
        the king involved, the villain appears – PeryYunuskhan (in
                                                               structural elements. Even quite "unusual" tale as Mislabu,
        conformance with Propp's classification), but in the third
                                                               demonstrates features inherent in typical folktales of east
        case, there is no villain, and the boy just falls in love with
        Mislabu after seeing her picture under the mat. Elements   and west. Analyzing fairy tales, Propp came to a conclusion
                                                               that there are only 31 elements (functions) in tales all over
        from  4  to  7  (Reconnaissance,  Delivery,  Trickery  and
                                                               the world. Keeping that in mind, along with the idea of the
        Complicity) do not apply this tale, and the Element 8 - Lack
                                                               common origins of the fairy tales, a conclusion can be drawn
        of  something,  here  closely  relates  to  Element  1  –
        Absentation, since the king feels need for Mislabu. King's   that  the  motifs  can  also  be  classified  and  structured  to
                                                               simplify the research in this sphere.
        desire to search for Mislabu personally, his route and the
        appointment of vizier to rule the kingdom while the king is   References
        on a trip can all be classified as Propp's Elements 9,10 and   [1]   V. Propp, Morphology of the Folktale: Second Edition,
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