Page 126 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www. ijtsrd. com eISSN: 2456-6470
the film in spring at different sowing dates is shown in Table Similarly, there was a decrease in the amount of sugar by
1. From the information given in the table-1, it can be seen 1,2%, vitamin C by 3,7%. In the first three terms, that is, in
that the biochemical composition of the Namangan mestniy the winter months, the biochemical composition of the root
turnip improves from the first term. If in the first term the turnip salad was very good, especially the dry matter (97,6-
amount of dry matter was 3,8%, then in the sixth term this 152,6%), sugar (70,0-77,8%) higher than in the control
figure was 8,2%, which is 115,8% more in relation to the variety, vitamin C in relation to the control variant was less
first term. The same situation was observed in terms of the by 4,6-5,0%. From the fourth term, a decrease in the number
amount of sugar and vitamin C. of dry substances and sugar in root crops was observed. And
the amount of vitamin C in the fourth and fifth stages was
We believe that the variety Namangan mestniy has adapted higher, in the fifth period it sharply decreased. There was a
well to local conditions. high amount of sugar, dry matter and vitamin C in the leaf of
the turnip plant during the summer sowing period than
In the turnip variety Muyassar, on the contrary, there was a when sowing in the spring.
decrease in the biochemical composition of root crops from
the first term to the sixth. For example, the amount of dry
matter in the first term was 9,6%, and by the sixth term it
decreased by 4%.
Table-1 Biochemical composition of the root vegetables of simple turnip and turnip salad, sown in spring under
the film (2011-2013)
Relative to the Amount of Relative to the Relative to the
Dry matter Vitamin C,
№ Sowing dates control variety, sugar, control variety, control variety,
% мг/%
% % % %
Namangan mestniy (control)
1 1-февраль 3,8 100 1,8 100 31,2 100
2 10-февраль 4,1 100 1,8 100 32,1 100
3 20-февраль 4,2 100 1,7 100 33,1 100
4 2-март 4,6 100 2,8 100 33,3 100
5 10-март 7,7 100 4,1 100 35,1 100
6 20-март 8,2 100 3,6 100 48,9 100
В среднем 5,4 2,6 35,6
Muyassar variety
1 1-февраль 9,6 252,6 3,2 177,8 28,9 92,6
2 10-февраль 9,4 229,3 3,1 172,2 30,5 95,0
3 20-февраль 8,3 197,6 2,9 170,6 32,8 99,1
4 2-март 6,3 137,0 2,7 96,4 34,8 104,5
5 10-март 8,2 106,5 3,6 87,8 41,1 117,1
6 20-март 5,6 68,3 2,0 55,6 25,2 51,5
В среднем 9,6 2,9 32,2
So, if the amount of dry matter in the variety Namangan variant, the amount of sugar in the Namangan mestniy was
mestniy, sown in the spring sowing period, was 7,8-9,2%, 5.69%, in the Muyassar variety 2.36%. This is 0.63-0.30%
then during the summer sowing period this figure was 9,9- higher than the control variant. Vitamin C in the Namangan
10,3%. In the Muyassar variety, this indicator is respectively mestniy was 43.2 mg%, in the Muyassar variety 33.0 mg%.
8, 3-10,5% and 11,2-12,1%. This relative to the control option is higher by 8.1-16.4%.
The indicator of the amount of sugar is 5,7% in spring and CONCLUSION
6,7% in summer sowing. The same condition was observed As our studies have shown, the summer sowing time has an
in terms of vitamin C. effect on the biochemical composition of the plant turnip
salad and simple turnip. Growing turnip salad in large
Summer sowing dates did not have a strong effect on the quantities contributes to the transformation of turnips into
biochemical composition of the turnip leaf. For example, the one of the sources of vitamin C in our republic.
dry matter index of the Muyassar variety was about 11,2-
12,1% in terms of sowing time, the sugar content was 7,6- Bibliography
7,9%, but from the first term to the fourth, the biochemical [1] Abbosov A.M. Turnip. National Encyclopedia of
quality indicators of the root crop in two varieties were high. Uzbekistan Tashkent-2005. p. 97.
In the variety Namangan mestniy, sown on August 30, the Pivovarov V.F. Vegetables of Russia. Moscow -2006. p.
amount of dry matter was 9.7%, and in the Muyassar variety
- 6.4%. This is 1.0-0.7% higher in relation to the control [3]
ID: IJTSRD37957 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia Page 121