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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                   Available Online: www. ijtsrd. com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                       The Influence of the Timing of Sowing Turnip

                             Salad on the Biochemical Composition

           Rakhmatov Anvar Mamatovich , Azizov Shavkat Shodievich , Usmanov Zafar Usmanovich
                    1 Researcher at the Research Institute of Vegetable, Melon Crops and Potato, Uzbekistan
                           2 Chief Specialist of the Agency for the Development of Horticulture and
                               Greenhouse Farming at the Ministry of Agriculture, Uzbekistan
                                    3 Master of Tashkent Agrarian University, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               Tashkent region. The climate of this place is slightly different
        The  article  highlights  the  problems  of  providing  the   from  the  climate  of  most  vegetable  farms  located  in  the
        population with healthy food. In particular, the biochemical   irrigated plains of the country.
        composition  of  turnip  and  turnip  salad  is  revealed,  the
        difference in the indicators of the presence of sugar, vitamin   Its distinctive feature is that there is enough light and heat,
        C and other useful substances in them, so necessary for a   continental variable and dry air. The duration of sunlight is
        person, is shown.                                      2700–3000 hours per year, with summer sunlight 360–400

                                                               hours  per  month  and  90–130  hours  in  winter.  The  daily
        KEYWORDS:  turnip  salad,  simple  turnip,  biochemical                                    0
                                                               temperature fluctuations are high (10–15 C in winter and
        composition, leaf, roots                               15–20 C in summer).

        INTRODUCTION                                           RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
        Currently, the main urgent problem is the organization of   Tests have shown that the biochemical composition of root
        healthy nutrition for the population of our country and an   crops and turnip leaves is associated with the variety, the
        increase in the range of products. And at such a time, the   period  and  period  of  its  cultivation.  The  biochemical
        introduction  into  the  republic  from  the  countries  of
                                                               composition of root crops and leaves of simple varieties of
        Southeast Asia of turnip salad, which has national economic   turnip and turnip salad, planted in spring at different times
        importance,  was  carried  out,  as  well  as  the  study  of  the   under a film, was studied.
        biochemical composition of these crops, which is one of the
        important tasks of today.                              From the analysis of the information obtained, the following
                                                               conclusion  was  made:  turnip  leaves  are  rich  in  dry
        Turnip salad is considered a dietary product. Not only its   substances, sugar and vitamin C. It ranks second after sweet
        roots  are  used,  but  also  the  leaves.  The  plant  is  rich  in   pepper in the amount of vitamin C in the leaves. If in sweet
        ferments, trace elements, minerals and vitamins, its leaves   pepper the amount of vitamin C is 250 m/g per 100 g, then in
        are thin, delicate and rich in carotene, vitamin C. In addition,   turnip  leaves  this  figure  is  125,4-186,5  mg  per  100  g.
        it contains PP, B1, B2, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron and   Vitamin C in turnip leaf is 5,0-7,5 times more than in tomato,
        other minerals. In ancient times, due to a large amount of
                                                               12,5-18,6 times more than in cucumber, 4,1-6,2 times more
        calcium in it, the poor families used it as a special agent for   than in carrots.
        the  prevention  of  blood  diseases,  bones  and  rickets.  The
        largest amount of potassium (400 mg/100g) and calcium (49   Biochemical analysis of turnip leaves planted in spring at
        mg/100g) in the turnip salad.                          different times revealed the following: in the first control
                                                               variant in the variety Namangan mestniy of dry matter 9,6%,
        In the countries of Southeast Asia and especially in Japan,   and in variety Muyassar this figure is 10,4%. This means that
        this plant is looked at as the main source of vitamin C and   this indicator in relation to the control variety is 108,3%
        carotene. The state has taken control of its cultivation [2;   higher. The indicator of the amount of sugar in the control
        303 pages]. But in the literature, there is no information on   variety was 6,5%, and in the Muyassar variety – 6,8%. This is
        the biochemical composition of not only turnip salad, but   104,6%  higher  compared  to  the  control  variety.  But  the
        also simple turnips in the conditions of Uzbekistan.
                                                               amount of vitamin C in the Muyassar turnip cultivar is 61,1
                                                               mg% less than in the control variety.
        Therefore,  for  the  first  time  in  Uzbekistan,  biochemical
        analysis of turnip leaves and its roots was carried out. The
                                                               According to the sowing dates of both turnip varieties, from
        analysis of the biochemical composition was carried out at   the first term to the sixth term, a decrease in the amount of
        the Tashkent Chemical-Technological Laboratory under the   biochemical  substances  in  the  leaf  was  observed.  In  our
        State Commission for Testing Agricultural Plant Varieties,   opinion, the reason for this is that the plant period falls on
        together with the supervisor of L.I. Lemeshkin.
                                                               hot days. As you know, turnip is a cool, cold-resistant plant.
                                                               For its growth and development, the optimal temperature is
        MATERIALS AND METHODS                                  15-18 C. As the temperature rises, the leaves coarsen, shrink
        The experiments were conducted in the experimental fields   and lag behind in development. All this, of course, affects the
        of  the  Research  Institute  of  Vegetable,  melon  crops  and
                                                               biochemical composition. The biochemical composition of
        potato.  The  institute  is  located  in  Zangiota  district  of   the root crops of simple turnip and turnip salad sown under

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