Page 120 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www. ijtsrd. com eISSN: 2456-6470

        forms  -  fiction,  imagination,  theatrical  game  principle,   place of culture in a post-industrial society. Such an attitude
        complex  figurative  associations.  Another  quality  that   towards culture arose due to a violation of the “purity” of the
        distinguishes the architecture of postmodernism, especially   phenomenon  of  art,  the  condition  for  which  is  semantic
        in  European  countries,  is  a  conscious  desire  to  link  new   generation, dating back to the creative principle, the original
        buildings with the historical urban environment, without   creative  act.  These  conditions  were  violated  in  the  new
        spoiling it with new inclusions, to feel the urban context of   society  with  its  endless  possibilities  of  technical
        future buildings. Sometimes this trend of postmodernism is   reproduction, and the existence of art in its former forms
        called  contextualism.  An  appeal  to  historical  forms  in   was  called  into  question.  Postmodernism,  rejecting  the
        postmodernism is never directly quoted, instead a game of   rationalism of the international style, turned to visual quotes
        hints  of  prototypes,  encrypted  symbolism  and  complex   from  the  history  of  art,  to  the  unique  features  of  the
        associations appears.                                  environment (which our epigones did not do, taking from
                                                               the  postmodern  only  its  primitively  understandable
        In this sense, the sensational construction of Charles Moore -   “omnivorousness”),  combining  this  with  the  latest
        Piazza Italy in New Orleans, a place chosen by the Italian   achievements of building technologies. Architecture, as well
        community of the city to host its festivals, can be seen as a   as fine art,  proclaimed the  principle of "open art", which
        typical  example.  The  desire  of  customers  -  to  create  the   freely interacts with all old and new styles. In this situation,
        material embodiment of nostalgia - the architect performed   the previous confrontation between tradition and the avant-
        in  the  form  of  a  grotesque,  creating  a  collage  of  classic   garde loses its meaning. Having rejected the possibility of a
        European architectural motifs, which is located around a   utopian transformation of life, postmodernists accept being
        huge stone map of Italy. The very statement of the problem   as it is and having made art extremely open, they filled it not
        here predetermined and justified the use of eclectic forms in   with imitations or deformations of life, but with fragments of
        order to create an artistic image-association. Mario Botta   the life process. This process is usually only adjusted, and
        introduced some formal techniques into the architecture of   not  completely  transformed  into  something  new  and
        postmodernism, which were later used by his epigones and   unprecedented.  Postmodernism  replaces  the  desire  for
        became  a  kind  of  universal  architectural  language  of   structural  ordering  with  its  understanding  of  growth
        postmodernism.  In  his  single-family  houses  -  villas  in   expressed in the concept of “rhizome”. Postmodernism itself
        Switzerland, the ideas of solitude, isolation in a natural or   does not pretend to create a global theory; its world is a
        architectural  environment  are  laid.  His  villas  are  self-  world of “surfaces”, “games of particulars,” cultural variants
        sufficient, they do not need any communication. In a small   of  previous  eras.  The  worldview  of  postmodernism  is  a
        residential building, large forms are used, as if intended for   fixation  of  a  situation  when  repressive  borders  between
        large public buildings - huge round windows with a mirrored   types, forms, and kinds of cultural activity disappear. The
        glass surface that protect the inner world even from outside.  concept  of  the  center,  which  is  the  focus  and  symbol  of
                                                               power, disappears as a result of the decentralization process,
        The Austrian architect Hans Hollein in the interiors of the   which means the destruction of the central position of the
        Vienna  Travel  Bureau  tried  using  architectural  means  to   West as the traditional core of modern culture, as well as the
        convey  the  sensations,  images,  dreams  and  illusions  that   loss of the meaning of the theory of “two cultures”.
        arise  from  a  person  traveling  to  distant  lands.  Where  a
        modernist architect would have made glass walls and hung   Previously, it was customary to think differently. In 1939,
        them with advertising posters, Hollein sets up steel palm   American art critic Clement Greenberg wrote that kitsch and
        trees, among which stands the ruin of a classical column.   avant-garde are two absolute poles of the culture of the 20th
        Eagles  fly  over  the  ticket  office.  The  space  here  is  like  a   century, and between them there is less and less something
        scene, and the visitor, moving along it, is included in the   third, that is, a traditional culture. If it does not become the
        overall  performance,  starting  to  play  some  role.  The   vanguard, it falls into kitsch, into a light chewing gum that
        architect manages to create an atmosphere of something   does not require the public anything but money. One of the
        unknown, mysterious, full of anticipation of the upcoming   striking examples of kitsch, Greenberg considered Russian
        trip and the discovery of some secrets. Often the architecture   Wanderers, in particular Repin, but believed that "Repin was
        of postmodernism is criticized for the fact that instead of   lucky  that  Russian  peasants  were  protected  from  the
        moving  forward,  it  began  to  lead  back  into  history,   products of American capitalism: he would have no chance
        explaining this by a fear of the future in the face of global   next  to  the  cover  of  the  Saterdey  Evening  Post."  The
        environmental disasters.                               correctness of Greenberg is easy to see today. But in the
                                                               same  1930s,  the  European  philosopher  Walter  Benjamin
        However,  the  main  merit  of  postmodernism  is  that  the   wrote another classic article, “A Work of Art in the Age of its
        language of architectural forms has become incomparably   Technical Reproducibility”. And what Greenberg considered
        richer,  volumes  and  compositions  have  become  more   kitsch's  main  drawback  -  his  inability  to  intellectually
        expressive,  the  concept  of  beauty  and  imagery  has  been   stimulate  -  Benjamin  turned  into  a  new  aesthetic  of
        rehabilitated even in relation to strictly functional buildings.   “distraction”, absorbing the viewer into himself, most typical
        The architects of postmodernism, showing respect for the   of cinema. As you can see, Benjamin looked at the future
        historical  and  national  heritage,  have  created  many   sharper  than  Greenberg.  Benjamin  foresaw  that  mass
        wonderful projects for the reconstruction of historical parts   production  would  reach  unprecedented  technical  and
        of cities, assimilating modern buildings into the historical   aesthetic heights, and he turned out to be right: in the place
        fabric of the city without harming the parties. But the main   that kitsch occupied in the 19th century, today there were
        thing is that they returned architecture to the fold of art.     mass media, TV, fashion, design and architecture of the post-
                                                               Soviet  space  of  the  “please”  style.  In  the  modern  world,
        Postmodernism, the distinction of which is the rejection of   dividing into a highbrow culture (what is commonly called
        truth and universal pluralism, is a reaction to a change in the   “classics”  in  our  country)  and  lowbrow  (mass,  popular,

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