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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                   Available Online: www. ijtsrd. com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                         Use of Distance Learning Technology in the

                                      Study of Foreign Languages

                         Abidova Zilola Xabibullaevna , Khudoyarova Ziyoda Maratovna
           1 Lecturer of the Department of “Western Languages”, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan
          2 Lecturer of the Department of "Uzbek Language and Literature", Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               Variability is the rapid and continuous updating of the quality and
        Teaching English in the education system of the Republic of   content of education, the modernization of teaching materials and
        Uzbekistan is rising to a new level of quality on the basis of   textbooks. This need arises in accordance with the requirements of
        a scientific approach, the introduction of new information -   the acceleration of scientific and technological progress.
        communication and pedagogical technologies that can meet
        the  requirements  of  the  time.  As  the  study  of  foreign   Method and materials:
        languages  is  a  modern  requirement,  it  is  important  for   The use of interactive methods in distance learning, as well
        scientists  and  specialists  to  develop  new  methods  of   as in distance learning of foreign languages  is one of the
        language learning for the younger generation, based on the   important factors that ensure positive results. The use of
        "National Training Program" and recommend them to the   interactive  teaching  methods  creates  a  comfortable
        learning process. The organization of distance learning in   environment for students to better organize the learning
        Uzbekistan is very effective. This type of education should   process. Students will be given the opportunity to exchange
        be widely used today. Significant work is being done in our   ideas.  Conditions  will  be  created  for  mutual  information
        country to form an information society, to introduce the   exchange. They discuss and resolve issues that need to be
        most   advanced   information   and   communication    resolved together. They find a solution together to get out of
        technologies in all areas. In particular, the capabilities of   the situation. They demonstrate their knowledge to each
        interactive services in this process are highly valued.   other based on the information they receive. Inspired  by

                                                               each  other,  they  create  spiritual  satisfaction.  They
        KEYWORDS:  education,  distance  learning,  information,   understand each other, but they become interested and don't
        technology, communication, knowledge, skills, competencies,   know that time has passed. They will be able to fully master
        didactic methods                                       the content of education.

                                                               The production activity of a specialist involves the performance of
        Distance learning is learning, in which all or most of the training is   a number of production tasks. They, in turn, consist of production
        based  on  telecommunications  and  modern  information   operations (steps of work) performed in a defined sequence. In
        technology.                                            order to perform the activities that are part of the production task,

                                                               the worker must have a certain level of theoretical knowledge and
        The following educational technologies can be used in the   practical  skills.  This  is  achieved  through  the  mastery  of  the
        distance learning system:                              developed teaching modules by the students. MTP programs are
          video lectures;                                     developed  for  a  specific  specialty  of  the  vocational  education
          multimedia lectures and laboratory practices;       system.  This  concept  of  modular  training  is  very  suitable  for
          electronic and multimedia textbooks;                vocational  training  in  professional  colleges.  This,  first  of  all,
          computer  test  systems;  imitation  models  and  computer   requires students studying "Vocational Education" to master the
                                                               technology of modular teaching based on a systematic approach.
          consultations and tests using telecommunications facilities;
          video conferencing.                                 These  programs  can  also  be  used  in  the  training  of  students
                                                               majoring  in  "Vocational  Education".  The  subject  "Professional
        Storage, reuse, delivery of information to the listener, interactive   Skills" is included in the curriculum for specialization in higher
        communication between the teacher and the listener is carried out   education. Therefore, it is expedient to organize the study of this
        through  hardware-software  based  on  the  use  of  computer   subject by students on the technology of modular teaching based
        technology. These are information technologies. Distance learning   on a systematic approach to activity.
        system technologies are developed on the basis of pedagogical
        technologies and must meet the following additional requirements:   The didactic system of distance learning includes:
        Adaptation is the adaptation of the educational process to the   The purpose of training is formed on the basis of state educational
        personality of the student, living conditions, financial conditions,
                                                               standards  and  includes  a  system  of  knowledge,  skills  and
        psychological  and  physiological  characteristics.  This  is  very   competencies.  It  is  in  a  hierarchical  system:  the  purpose  of
        important in the process of educating the listener individually,   teaching, the purpose of the subject, the subject of the subject, the
        using computers and telecommunications.                basic concepts of the subject are formed from the object of study.

        Economic adequacy - compliance with this requirement is due to   It is not possible to train foreign languages in all specialties
        the limited funding of the education system.           in Distance Learning. The list of areas where this type of
                                                               training is prohibited is approved by law, and the use of this
                                                               system in these areas is prohibited.

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