Page 112 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                   Available Online: www. ijtsrd. com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

            Peculiarities of Neuromyographic Indicators in Adolescent

            Musicians with Pain Syndrome of the Cervicothoracic Spine

                                         Xamrakulova Faraxnoz Muradovna

             Assistant of the Department of Neurology, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               treatment is based on vitamins, physiotherapy, acupuncture,
        The article deals with the clinical manifestations of juvenile   massage  and  exercise  therapy.  Swimming  is  useful.  It  is
        spinal  osteochondrosis.  The  main  causes  of  the   important  to  adhere  to  the  daily  regimen  and  proper
        development  of  the  disease.  Pain  syndrome,  a  typical   nutrition for osteochondrosis of the spine. Adequate sleep
        symptom  of  adult  patients,  is  rare  in  adolescents.   and lack of anxiety will help strengthen the nervous system,
        Discomfort and quick fatigue of the  back is often noted,   and a balanced diet containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates,
        which disappears after rest and does not hold the parents'   vitamins  and  minerals  will  support  a  good  metabolism,
        attention. Neurological disorders: adolescents complain of   including in the vertebral discs, bone structures, muscles and
        headache, dizziness, increased general fatigue. Reflected   ligaments.  Nutrition  for  osteochondrosis  of  the  spine  is
        pain  and  numbness  of  the  limbs  are  almost  never   enriched with foods rich in B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus,
        encountered. And what is the approach to treatment.    in particular - cereals, dairy products, fish, eggs, vegetables.

        KEYWORDS:  Syndrome,  symptom,  spine,  osteochondrosis,   Physiotherapy exercises and regular outdoor games, walks
        nerve roots                                            in the fresh air activate blood circulation, increase vascular
                                                               tone.  The  body  is  saturated  with  oxygen,  cell  respiration
        INTRODUCTION                                           improves.  Harmonious  living  conditions  allow  the  young
        Juvenile osteochondrosis of the spine is not such a rarity in   body to overcome all health disorders and recover.
        our time, and after all, thirty - forty years ago, the disease

        was considered purely "adult".                         Diagnosis - pain in the thoracic spine
                                                               The diagnosis always begins with a personal conversation
        Osteochondrosis is a complex of dystrophic disorders in the   between the patient and the doctor. In this conversation, in
        articular cartilage.                                   order to collect anamnesis, the patient tells the doctor his
                                                               medical  history,  describes  his  life  circumstances,  gives
        It  becomes  clear  if  you  look  around:  people  move  little,   instructions on the type and location of pain.
        consume synthetic food and drinks, breathe conditioned air,

        live under the influence of a high level of electromagnetic   At the second stage, the doctor probes the spine, looks at
        and other radiation.                                   possible distortion, pays attention to the symmetry of the
                                                               upper  body,  changes  or  injuries.  Are  there  inflammatory
        All  this  affects  the  metabolism  in  the  body,  the  level  of
                                                               processes? These questions are usually answered by a blood
        immunity,  provokes  the  development  of  diseases,  in   test.  If  the  doctor  suspects  something  more  than  HOP
        particular, early osteochondrosis of the spine.        syndrome behind the complaints, for example, a possible

                                                               latent  heart  attack,  he  prescribes  an  electrocardiogram
        Clinical manifestations of juvenile osteochondrosis of the   (ECG). Last but not least, imaging techniques such as X-rays,
        spine  have  their  own  characteristics.  Pain  syndrome,  a   chest MRI scans, CT scans or scintigraphy.
        typical symptom  of adult patients,  is rare in adolescents.
        Discomfort  and  quick  fatigue  of  the  back  is  often  noted,
                                                               Syndromes and symptoms of osteochondrosis
        which disappears after rest and does not hold the parents'     Stenosis (syndrome of narrowing of the spinal canal):
        attention.  Neurological  disorders  are  usually  present:   compression  of  the  vessels  of  the  spinal  cord  by
        adolescents  complain  of  headache,  dizziness,  increased   herniated intervertebral discs, osteophytes (growths of
        general fatigue. Reflected pain and numbness of the limbs
                                                                  bone  tissue)  or  a  thickened  vertebral  ligament.  As  a
        are almost never encountered. Hence a different approach to   result, blood circulation in the affected area is disrupted.
        treatment is needed.                                      The person begins to feel constrained, feels a noticeable

                                                                  pain in the cervical spine. Numbness and tingling are
        How  to  cure  osteochondrosis  of  the  spine  in  a  teenager,   found in the upper and lower extremities
        parents will learn from a doctor (neurologist or orthopedist)     Radicular syndrome: compression of the nerve roots by
        after  a  medical  examination,  having  received  individual   the  intervertebral  disc.  This  leads  to  headaches,
        recommendations.  Treatment  of  osteochondrosis  and  its   expressed  in  aching,  burning  or  throbbing  impulses,
        complications  is  carried  out  using  conservative  methods   sometimes  the  sensations  are  similar  to  those  of
        aimed  at  eliminating  pain  syndrome,  dysfunction  of  the   hypertension. With this syndrome, speech defects and
        spinal roots and preventing the progress of degenerative   olfactory disorders, hypertrophy of the facial muscles,
        changes in the structures of the spine.                   damage to the sensitivity of the lingual muscles, a feeling
                                                                  of  “clogged”  throat  with  lumps  can  occur.  Breathing
        In children and adolescents, drugs of the NSAID group are   becomes intermittent, a person suffers from snoring, his
        rarely used, only with severe pain and a short course. The
                                                                  nose is often, seemingly for no reason, "stuffy".

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