Page 113 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www. ijtsrd. com eISSN: 2456-6470

          Vertebral artery syndrome: forms when the vertebral   probably  associated  not  only  with  the  ethnic  and  age
            artery is compressed (compressed). Its main companion   heterogeneity of the studied samples, but also with the lack of
            is throbbing pain. Attacks can involve the parietal lobe,   a common terminology and unified diagnostic criteria. So, in
            the superciliary region, the temporal and occipital lobes.   the same regional group at the age of 11, this figure is up to
          Cardiac syndrome: resembles attacks of angina pectoris,   11%, and upon reaching the age of 15 it reaches 50%.
            but  their  duration  is  much  longer.  The  pains  are
            reflected in the diaphragm. This phenomenon in some   Methods
            individual cases is accompanied by high blood pressure,   It  was  found  that  in  children  with  high  growth  and
            arrhythmia.                                        asymmetry of the trunk, as well as reduced mobility of the
                                                               joints of the lower extremities, the frequency of back pain is
        The main causes of the development of the disease      higher. Potential risk factors for back pain include smoking,
          Disruptions in metabolism;                          malnutrition, physical activity levels, psychosocial factors,
          Lifestyle with low physical activity;               muscle elasticity, and joint mobility. The external factors that
          Hereditary predisposition;                          most  often  provoke  the  development  of  back  pain  in
          Age-related ossification;                           students  include  overload.  At  the  same  time,  the
          Clamps  in  the  muscles,  as  a  result  of  which  posture   etiopathogenesis of back pain in children and adolescents
            changes;                                           can be caused by inflammatory, tumor, post-traumatic and
          Lack of fluid and vitamins in the daily diet;       stress-overload processes that arise as a result of practicing
          Prolonged  stay  in  an  uncomfortable  position  that   such  sports  that  are  associated  with  extreme  physical
            increases pressure on the discs and spine;         exertion, sudden movements, falls and injuries.
          Overweight or overload on the spine due to  wearing
            heels;                                             Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis of the spine
          All kinds of postponed spinal injuries;             The manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis differ from
          Regular lifting of weights;                         symptoms in other parts of the spine. This is due to the fact
          Autoimmune diseases (the process of self-destruction of   that the cervical vertebrae have a different structure and are
            the  immune  system),  which  lead  to  degeneration  of   located  very  close.  Therefore,  any  displacement  is
            cartilage tissue;                                  manifested by severe pain. In addition, nerve bundles and
          Stress,  which  leads  to  muscle  spasms  and  impaired   arteries are often pinched in the cervical spine.
            blood flow to the intervertebral discs;
          Hypothermia.                                        Cervical osteochondrosis of the spine is manifested by the
                                                               following symptoms:
        Massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine        Feelings of pain - pain can be felt in different parts of the
        The  massage  is  performed with  the  aim  of  strengthening   body. This is due to the fact that the nerve endings and
        muscle tone and relieving pain. Depending on the stage of   muscles  of  the  corresponding  part  of  the  body  are
        development of the disease, different massage techniques are   pinched.
        performed. The classic massage techniques include:       Weakness  in  the  upper  limbs  -  manifested  due  to
          stroking - this technique consists in affecting the surface   pinching  of  the  nerve  endings  responsible  for  motor
            layers of the skin. The massage begins from the collar   activity.
            area  and  continues  to  the  collarbones  and  armpits.     Difficulty turning the head, the appearance of crunching
            squeezing - in this case, the effect during the massage   of  the  vertebrae  in  the  cervical  spine  -  occur  due  to
            occurs on the deeper layers of the skin. Across the neck,   changes in the structure of the intervertebral disc, the
            thumb and forefinger perform movements to grasp the   appearance of bone formations.
            skin, which resemble squeezing. rubbing - performed     Low hand sensitivity.
            with  the  aim of  warming  up  and  relaxing  the skin  in     Weakness and dizziness are caused by a pinched artery
            order  to  improve  blood  flow  in  the  neck  area  of  the   that supplies blood
            cervical spine.                                      and nutrition to the brain.
          kneading  -  has  special  limitations,  as  it  affects  deep     Decreased hearing and vision - appears at the last stage
            tissue. If performed incorrectly, this technique can harm   of the disease, when blood circulation to the cerebellum
            the patient.                                          is impaired.
          In cases where the patient feels pain on only one side, the
            massage should be started from the healthy part of the   Signs of the cervical spine of osteochondrosis
            neck, gradually moving to that part of the cervical region     Radicular syndrome - characterized by pinching of the
            where pain appears.                                   nerve bundle in the neck. It is manifested by severe pain
                                                                  that can be felt in the shoulders, scapula.
        The massage can be performed both at home and in a medical     Vertebral syndrome - manifested by severe headaches,
        facility. However, in the course of its implementation, one   pain in the temples and back of the head.
        should be very careful not to provoke an exacerbation of the     Reflex syndrome - characterized by severe pain in the
        disease or not make it worse.                             cervical spine, which can worsen with any movement of
                                                                  the head. The pain can travel to the shoulder and chest.
        Epidemiological  evidence  suggests  that  low  back  pain  is     Cardinal  syndrome  -  resembles  an  attack  of  angina
        significant  in  both  adults  and  children  and  adolescents.   pectoris, which is extremely difficult to determine.
        According to studies conducted in different countries, there
        are significant deviations in the prevalence of back pain in   Degrees of development of cervical osteochondrosis of the
        healthy children and adolescents: in Finland - 20%, Sweden -   spine
        29%, Switzerland - 51%, Canada - 33%. Such a spread is

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