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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                   Available Online: www. ijtsrd. com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

            Interdisciplinary Connection of Foreign Language Teaching

                                            Azimova Nilufar Nuriddinovna
                                    Senior Teacher of Department of English Language,
                               Tashkent State University of Economics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               with psycholinguistics, has begun to focus on speech activity
        The main difference between language and speech is that   as a process of transmitting and receiving information using
        language consists of a system of means, and speech is the   language codes. The methodology examines the problems of
        process and result of using this system. Speech is a social   language teaching, the problems of speech development in
        phenomenon. The difference between speech and language   students, that is, the phenomena of linguistics. The existence
        is  that  speech  is  simultaneously  an  individual  mental   of a serious connection between linguistics and methodology
        phenomenon,  while  language  as  a  system  is  a  social   is  determined  by  this.  These  connections  are  also
        phenomenon. Speech is a evolving, changing, situational,   characterized by the fact that the methodology, using the
        and  random  event.  Language,  on  the  other  hand,  is  an   basic  concepts  and  laws  of  linguistics,  determines  the
        integrated system of internal relations, which, by its very   specifics of the object of teaching. It is known that in modern
        nature, is a constant, fixed, unchanging phenomenon.   linguistic literature there is no universally recognized idea of

                                                               the relationship between language and speech.
        KEYWORDS: methodology, scientific conclusion, psychology,
        sciences, society, process, language, similar phenomena   Material and methods:
                                                               A  group  of  linguists  believe  that  the  distinction  between
        INTRODUCTION                                           language and speech is legitimate and effective for linguistic
        Methods of teaching foreign languages are in contact with a
                                                               theory. Other linguists believe that such differences do not
        number  of  disciplines,  such  as  philosophy,  pedagogy,   lead to the perfect elaboration of general linguistic problems
        psychology,  linguistics,  methods  of  teaching  the  native   and  do  not  correspond  to  the  basic  ideas  of  language
        language and Russian, and with their help develop scientific   development. The third group of linguists recognizes that
        methods.                                               language and speech can be distinguished and are useful,
                                                               and that language and speech should not be opposed to each
        Methods of teaching foreign languages are directly related to   other,  because  language  and  speech  are  two  sides  of  the
        the  fields  of  pedagogy,  didactics,  educational  theory,   same  phenomenon.  It  is  more  difficult  to  agree  with  the
        pedagogical  psychology,  speech  psychology,  youth   latter  opinion,  because  the  unity  of  language  and  speech
        psychology,  neuropsychology,  and  linguistics,  such  as   cannot be considered as events of the same nature.
        sociolinguistics,  statistical  linguistics,  paralinguistics,  text
        linguistics and psycholinguistics.
                                                               Well-known linguist YA Shcherba shows that in language
                                                               there are 3 aspects of speech activity, language system and
        Methods of teaching a foreign language shape the worldview   text.  According  to  him,  speech  activity  consists  of  the
        of  students  through  the  science  of  philosophy.  These
                                                               processes  of  speaking  and  comprehension  of  speech,
        disciplines are divided into groups.                   language system, dictionaries and grammars of languages,
        1.  Linguistic sciences:                               and language material consists of text.
        2.  Psychological sciences:
        3.  Didactic-based sciences.
                                                               Linguistic units are divided into systems according to the
                                                               formal-semantic aspect. In speech, language units perform
        The  difference  between  language  and  speech  is  its   their  function  on  the  basis  of  communicative  content.
        significance for methodology. The goals and conditions of   Distinguishing the concept of language and speech is very
        foreign language teaching determine the size and nature of
                                                               important for methodology. In modern linguistics, language
        the language material. Depending on the facts of general and   is understood as a communicative code of social significance
        specific  linguistics,  the  complexity  of  the  linguistics  of   and rules for the use of this code, which is ingrained in the
        difficulties associated with the phenomenon of interlingual
                                                               minds  of  people  in  a  society.  In  other  words,  language
        and linguistic interference is determined, and the selection   consists of a system of language tools and rules of their use.
        and organization of educational material is carried out.   Speech, on the other hand, involves the clarification of the
                                                               language system in certain speech movements, that is, the
        The solution of this whole set of problems is connected with
                                                               process of communication, as well as the texts that are the
        the  notion  of  linguistics  as a  science,  the  concept  of  sign   product of this process. Taking such a difference into account
        language,  language  and  speech,  the  functions  of  their   is important for the methodology.
        interaction, language contacts.
                                                               Result and discussion:
        Linguistics  or  linguistics  studies  languages  as  systems  of   As Academician Shcherba. YA. B points out, literal knowledge
        signs (codes) that are accepted in a particular society and   of  a  language  only  provides  knowledge  of  the  language
        serve such societies in order to carry out the processes of
                                                               system, but it does not lead to the use of this system as a
        communication. Recently, a new branch of linguistics, along   problem tool. In order to use language and practice, that is,

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