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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                   Available Online: www. ijtsrd. com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                      Avicenna`s Great Contribution to Mathematics

                       Sadyk Tanirbergenov Aleuovich , Aigul Kaldybaeva Zhaksylykovna
               1 Associate Professor, Nukus State Pedagogical, Institute Named After Ajiniyaz, Nukus, Uzbekistan
                      2 Teacher, Nukus State Pedagogical, Institute Named After Ajiniyaz, Nukus, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               much  better  than  the  mentor  himself.  In  geometry  and
        This article is dedicated to the 1040th anniversary of the   astronomy, Natili was insufficiently prepared. He taught the
        birth of the great scientist of Central Asia named Avicenna   boy  the  first  few  theorems  of  Euclid,  and  the  rest  of  the
        (Abu Ali Ibn Sina). The authors begin information about   theorems  must  be  comprehended  by  the  boy  himself.
        how  Avicenna  received  knowledge  from  his  mentors  in   Astronomy classes were conducted according to Ptolemy's
        childhood and clarify mathematical materials issued from   "Almagest".  After  the  introductory  part  of  this  work  was
        books called "The Book of Knowledge" and "The Book of   explained, and it was necessary to learn the formulas. Natili
        Healing",  which  are  of  great  importance  among  the   made  the  student  learn  instructions  and  the  theorems
        scientific works of the scientist. These works describe the   independently in the same. Then the boy showed him the
        tasks of squaring numbers and their division, as well as   ready-made results of his work. Continuing independently
        information regarding elementary geometry, which must be   study  geometry  according  to  Euclid  and  astronomy
        given in sequential order. Along with this, it is said that   according  to  Ptolemy,  the  boy  was  able  to  master  the
        Avicenna  was  also  engaged  in  the  proof  of  the  fifth   material well and understand the most difficult questions of
        postulate of Euclid.                                   these  sciences.  To  the  credit  of  the  teacher,  it  should  be

                                                               noted that he was able to assess the abilities of his student
        KEYWORDS:  arithmetic,  geometry,  straight  line,  plane,   and was sick with his soul for his future. Therefore, Natili
        perpendicular, Euclidean geometry, book of knowledge, book   convinced  Father  Hussein  not  to  interrupt  his  son's
        of  healing,  proportion,  postulate,  axiom,  square,  cube,
                                                               teachings in any way.
                                                               Avicenna was only 15 or 16 years old when he began to
                                   Avicenna  was  born  on     study independently, quickly mastering the achievements of
                                   August 16, 980 in the village   all the sciences known then, by the age of 17-18 Ibn Sina had
                                   of  Afshona,  near  Bukhara.   already developed as a fully mature scientist. Among other
                                   Avicenna`s   real   name    facts,  it  was  evidenced  by  his  correspondence  with  Abu
                                   Hussein.  As  it  was  known   Raikhan Beruni in 997.
                                   from  history,  his  father,
                                   Abdullah was a noble man of   In the scientific works of Avicenna "The Book of Knowledge",
                                   his   time.   After   the   "The Book of Healing", opinions related to mathematics are
                                   Abdullah`s family moved to
                                   Bukhara  in  985,  Avicenna
                                   began to study the concept   I. "The Book of Knowledge" is the greatest work of 1924-
                                   of mathematics (arithmetic,   1937 by the great scientist  of Central Asia Ibn Sina. This
                                   geometry, algebra) with his   work  comprises  parts  of  philosophy,  logic,  physics  and
                                   first   mentor   Mahmoud    mathematics. According to the recollections of Avicenna's
                                   Massakh. So far there hasn   student Abu Ubaydo Juzjan, parts of the mathematics of the
        not  been  clear  information  about  how  long  the  boy  took
                                                               book "The Book of Knowledge" were lost.
        lessons  from  Mahmoud  and  how  far  he  advanced  in
        mathematics.                                           This part of mathematics was restored by Juzdzhana from
                                                               treatises written by Avicenna on the basis of geometry and
        During the childhood and adolescence of Hussein, Bukhara
        was one of the most important cultural centers of the East.
        There were schools, libraries, hospitals at that time. Many   The part of mathematics given in the book "The Book  of
        officials,  lawyers,  scientists,  philosophers,  architects  and   Knowledge" was devoted to geometry and consists of 12
        doctors lived in the city.                             sections.  Here  we  can  see  that  the  relative  positions  of
                                                               straight lines in space and plane are stated. Along with the
        An important stage in the Avicenna`s teachings came when   concepts with the given definitions, he skillfully used the
        the  philosopher  Abu  Abdallah  Natili  arrived  in  Bukhara.
                                                               proof of the theorem, constantly compared them with the
        Avicenna`s  father  took  advantage  of  this  circumstance,   methods of proofs of Euclid. These materials were based on
        invited  a  visitor  to  his  house  so  that  he  could  study   the book "Inception" and were given data in school geometry
        philosophy, logic, mathematics and other sciences with his   courses.  For  example,  in  this  section,  the  statement  is
        son. Under his leadership, Avicenna worked on a number of   considered, if two lines intersect on a plane, and the third
        the most important books "Eisagogue" on logic, "Elements of   line falls perpendicularly to the point of intersection of these
        Geometry"  by  Euclid  and  "Almagest"  by  Ptolemy  on   lines, then this third line is perpendicular to any line drawn
        mathematics. The boy soon surpassed his mentor. Whatever   through the point of intersection on this plane.
        questions Natili posed, the student penetrated the essence

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