Page 103 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www. ijtsrd. com eISSN: 2456-6470

        The great changes taking place in the society put before the   knowledge, understanding of the process of making and
        school the task of solving problems related to the formation   understanding the process of creation and the ability to
        of  a  creative  student's  personality  in  all  spheres  of   apply the information in practice;
        educational activity. The development of creative abilities is     Conducting classes with multimedia presentations, such
        one of the key factors in finding solutions to these problems.   as  stories,  presentations,  demonstrations  of  new
        [6, C. 27]                                                material in the form of reproductions;
                                                                 Preparation for lessons using the classroom, library or
        The  educational  process  is  in  step  with  the  times  and   personal  computer  at  home,  homework  -  collecting
        requires new innovative technologies. Important elements of   information, working on the text, creating multimedia;
        the  innovative  pedagogical  process  are  individual  self-    The  organization  of  computer-based  tasks  and
        management  and  self-mobilization.  One  of  its  most   independent work of students in the classroom, in small
        important  directions  is  the  development  of  students   groups; this allows for a high level of implementation of
        'cognitive activity, which leads to the activation of students'   a private approach to education;
        academic  work  and  the  activation  of  professional     selection  of  the  optimal  option  of  the  educational
        specialization. Given the new conditions of our lives, the use   process, increase its efficiency, elimination of overload
        of  computer  tools  and  information  technology  in  the   in  teachers  and  students;  it  is  an  interdisciplinary
        educational process can be explained by the increase in the   interdependence.
        volume  of  information,  communication,  scientific  and
        technological development in society. Innovative technology,   With the help of innovative technologies, more attention will
        which  provides  a  step-by-step  pedagogical  activity,  is  a   be  paid  to  classes  that  allow  for  a  broader  and  holistic
        process of mastering and developing modern innovations   understanding of works of applied art. Analysis of works of
        aimed at the formation of an active, creative person who can   applied  art  through  computers,  the  use  of  various  audio
        independently  build  and  make  adjustments  to  the  vital   texts, music, animation in the organization of virtual tours of
        learning  activities  of  the  future  specialist.  Pedagogical   museums, practical testing of the interdependence of fine
        innovation aims to improve the quality of the educational   arts,  literature,  music  and  artistic  creativity,  innovative
        process and change the quality and quantity of pedagogical   technologies serve to invigorate students in the classroom.
        practice.  [1,  C.  5]  Modern  education  cannot  be  imagined   The  interdependence  of  education  increases  students
        without multimedia technologies that increase the ability to   ’interest  in  learning  and  the  arts.  Under  the  influence  of
        use  text,  graphics,  vi-deo  and  animation  and  thus  the   material  content  and  new  teaching  methods,  the  student
        computer  in  the  learning  process.  Along  with  seeing  the   develops  the  skills  of  thinking,  research,  discovery,
        proposed image, the student’s thoughtful thinking helps the   substantiation, application of innovations, communication as
        material  to  be  perceived  as  a  whole.  They  will  have  the   a  means  of  learning  on  the  computer,  the  experience  of
        opportunity  to  combine  theoretical  and  visual  materials.   independent creativity increases. When the new generation
        When  visual  information  is  used,  the  formation  of   is  actively  engaged  in  multimedia  technologies,  students'
        imagination  is  on  average  5-6  times  faster  than  verbal   perception of works of art is formed faster. The active use of
        expression. Human exposure to visual information is much   innovative technologies in the teaching of technology helps
        higher than to verbal information. In most cases, he will miss   to  develop  students'  ability  to  perceive  works  of  art,  to
        the last one. Repetition of visual information is easier and   develop  the  ability  to  work  with  computer  programs,  to
        more  accurate.  A  person’s  trust  in  visual  information  is   increase the spiritual value of knowledge and skills.
        higher  than  verbal  information.  It  is  no  coincidence,
        therefore, that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred   Today,  computer  technology  is  a  key  tool  for  imparting
        times. [3, C. 41] In order to strengthen the knowledge and   knowledge in accordance with the new content of education
        develop thinking on the topic of training in the process of   and personal development. This tool allows the reader to
        technological science, innovative educational technologies   read  with  interest,  find  sources  of  information,
        (projects),  interactive  methods,  effective  use  of  graphic   independence  in  the  acquisition  of  new  knowledge  and
        organizers can be used. The use of various non-standard   fosters  a  sense  of  responsibility,  develops  intellectual
        tests  aimed  at  determining  the  level  of  intelligence,   discipline.  The  use  of  new  pedagogical  innovative
        professional competence of students is carried out through   technologies in the teaching process in order to increase the
        computer tools. In this case, the test tasks are not only the   efficiency of the educational process, the formation of strong
        expression of words, but also in the form of animated sheets.   theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities of students, the
        The  use  of  computer  technology  is  very  interesting,  it  is   development of their creative activities, their professional
        welcomed by them, students are involved in serious creative   development is a matter of urgency and social necessity. The
        activities that nurture their personal qualities. Visual artistic   application of these technologies in the educational process
        ornaments  create  a  positive  emotional  environment,  and   provides a qualitative change in the content of the overall
        gradually certain cultural and moral features begin to appear   process  aimed  at  training.  The  educational  process,
        in students, broadening their worldview. The tendency to   organized  on  the  basis  of  the  ideas  of  the  theory  of  new
        share information on the computer creates opportunities to   pedagogical technologies, will contribute to the quality of the
        reconstruct it from the organization of a traditional lesson.   implementation of the social order in the education of a well-
        Lessons will be more effective if they are based on:   rounded person and a qualified specialist. The development
          thesaurus - a system of concepts that provides teachers   of  the  activities  of  a  mature  person  and  qualified
            and students with the same meaningful explanations;   professionals in the process of social production leads to the
          fascination - the attractiveness of the presented material   acceleration  of  social  development.  Realizing  this,  many
            increases the interest in the subject;             educators are making effective use of computer tools in the
          Mayevtika - develops the principle of joint creativity of   application of innovative technologies in technology lessons.
            teachers  and  students,  the  acquisition  of  in-depth   They use these tools as a “master class” on the subject, a trip

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