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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

         An Analysis of the Known Properties of Some Medicinal Plants

            Sariboeva Nargiza Numanjonovna, Mirzaeva Zubayda, Karimova Marxabo Abdullayevna
                                     Lecturer of the Department of Medicinal Spicesm,
                              Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               in height. The large leaves are blue-green, hairless, the upper
        The  bounties  of  Mother  Nature,  the  bounty  of  Mother   and lower sides are sparsely hairy. The height and width of
        Nature, are of great importance to the lives of mankind and   the  leaves  are  almost  the  same  size.  The  base  is  broad,
        all living beings. Fruit trees, vegetables, berries, melons and   ponasimon, divided into 5–7 pieces. Hawthorn flowers are
        many herbs contain all the essential nutrients for human   arrow-shaped,  pink,  often  in  calconium-like  complex
        life, including protein, carbohydrates, fats, mineral salts,   inflorescences.
        vitamins, physiologically active substances and many other
        health benefits. have Previously, the healing properties of   The fruits are red, yellow, fragrant and delicious, depending
        the  plant  were  discovered  by  chance,  but  later,  after   on  the  type.  Hawthorn  blooms  in  June  and  ripens  in
        repeated and repeated vital tests and observations, it began   September.  The  diameter  of  the  fruit  is  15-18  mm,  the
        to be used in folk medicine.                           diameter of the fruit of some hawthorn species can be up to

                                                               3 cm. The fruit has two or three seeds.
        KEYWORDS:  xalq  tabobati,  dorivor  usimlik,  zamonaviy
        tibbiyot, kasallik, bezgak,dori-darmonlar, isiriq, dulana   There are about 100 species of hawthorn. It is found in most
                                                               parts of the globe. There are five species of hawthorn in our
        INTRODUCTION                                           republic, which are solitary, in groups, or in hawthorns in
        At present, the measures used in folk medicine are taken into
                                                               almost  all  mountainous  areas  of  the  country,  on  small
        account by modern medicine, and some of them are used in   gravelly cliffs at an altitude of 1000-2000 m above sea level.
        business.                                              (M.Nabiev. 1969)

        Many scientists have contributed to the fact that information
                                                               Hawthorn berries contain 20% sugar, 8% fat, flavonoids,
        about medicinal plants has survived to the present day. It is
                                                               phytosterols,  choline,  acetylcholine,  nutrients,  carotene,
        impossible  not  to  dwell  on  the  universal  activity  of  our   vitamin C, organic acids, crategin. Some species of hawthorn
        compatriot  Abu  Ali  ibn  Sina,  one  of  the  most  famous
                                                               growing in Uzbekistan contain vitamins V1, V2, RR, C, E.
        scientists of Central Asia.
                                                               Incense- (Peganum harmala)
        Abu  Ali  ibn  Sina  created  more  than  450  valuable  works.
                                                               a  perennial  herbaceous  plant  belonging  to  the  family  of
        However, over time, many of your works have not reached
                                                               ostriches, reaching 20-70 cm in height. The stem is several,
        us.                                                    branched.  The  leaves  are  slender,  divided  into  several

                                                               segments, gray-green in color. They are located along the
        Of the 240 works of Ibn Sina that have come down to us, 40
                                                               stem and are unoccupied. The root is much deeper into the
        are related to medicine. Abu Ali ibn Sina in his book "Al-
        Qanun" gives information about the healing properties of   ground. The flowers are ok, up to 4 cm in diameter. The fruit
                                                               consists of a multi-seeded, three-bowl pod.
        about 900  plants and  ways to use them. On the study  of

        alkaloids in plants, our famous academicians O. Sodikov and
                                                               The incense blooms in May-June, the fruits ripen in  July-
        S. Yu. Yunusovs have significant contributions. One of the
        scientists who has conducted extensive research on drugs   August. Incense is found in the southern region of Europe,
                                                               the Caucasus and many parts of Central Asia, including our
        and medicinal plants. Sakhobiddinov, Honored Scientist of
                                                               republic.  Incense  grows  in  the  sandy  loam  steppes,
        Uzbekistan, Professor, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences H.
        Kholmatov has great merits. About 40% of the drugs used in   sometimes  in  large  forests  and  abandoned  areas,  near
                                                               human settlements, in desert valleys. All organs of this plant
        modern medicine are herbal products.
                                                               are poisonous.

        According  to  a  number  of  scientists,  drugs  derived  from   All parts of the incense contain from 1.5% to 6%, the seeds
                                                               contain  from  14.3%  to  10%  toxic  alkaloids,  garmin,
        natural resources have advantages over chemically-derived
        drugs.  Because  medicines  made  from  plants  donated  by
        nature are considered almost uncomplicated.
                                                               In  folk  medicine,  the  decoction  of  incense  is  used  in

        Therefore, the industrial production of medicinal plants in   rheumatism, arthritis and other skin diseases, decoction of
        our country is growing every year. Let's take a brief look at   the herb in colds, malaria, neurasthenia, rabies, as well as in
        some of them:                                          the prevention of hypothermia, toothache, asthma, influenza,
                                                               headaches,  gastrointestinal  tract,  It  is  widely  used  as  a
        Hawthorn (Crataegus pontica)                           sedative and analgesic, as well as a sedative.
        It belongs to the family of hawthorns and belongs to the
        family of trees or shrubs. The plant can grow up to 10 meters
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