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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                   Available Online: www. ijtsrd. com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                                Development of Creative Ability of

                     Students in the System of Continuous Education
                             (On the Example of Technological Training)

                     Abdufataev Sherjakhon Abduazimovich, Abdullaeva Feruza Samatovna,
                                        Musurmonkulov Qilichbek Uralovich
                                   Teacher, Gulistan State University, Guliston, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               any ability is the result of some activity, includes quality and
        At the present stage of deep economic and social changes in   features that meet the requirements of the activity and are
        the development of our society, one of the main tasks of   necessary  for  itself.  Skills  are  divided  into  general  and
        modern pedagogy remains the search for ways and means   special skills. The visible abilities to one degree or another in
        to improve the quality of students' education.         all  human  activities  are  called  general  abilities.  Special

                                                               abilities are seen only in certain types of human activities
        KEYWORDS:  innovative  technologies,  personal  creativity,
                                                               (creative, pedagogical, etc. ). In addition to the two groups of
        pedagogical  technologies,  multimedia,  non-traditional   abilities,  A.  Kovalev  will  have  a  third  group  -  abilities  in
        education, vocational education, thesaurus, hobby, maevitics,   relation  to  practical  activities.  These  include  technical-
        master class                                           constructive, organizational and pedagogical skills. At the
                                                               heart of this diversity are three different types of activities
        INTRODUCTION                                           that place their demands on human abilities: science, art, and
        The  development  of  the  world  is  constantly  being   practice.  This  diversity  of  abilities  is  the  knowledge
        supplemented by human discoveries. This is an objective
                                                               corresponding to the understanding of abilities, which was
        fact. Regardless of the content, essence, and  name of the   previously based  on  the three  types of activities by B.  G.
        stages of development in the history of mankind, the human   Ananev, which include:
        factor, its education and upbringing remain the social order     communication skills related to the exchange of ideas;
        of  society's  development.  Because  the  harmoniously     ability to work related to work;
        developed person is the basis of the development of society.      professional suitability

        Methods and results:                                   V. I. Kireenko, A. G. Kovalev3, N. N. Volkov, V. S. Kuzin were
        Today,  in  the  education  of  the  younger  generation,  the   engaged in the study of artistic abilities related to creative
        inculcation of the main directions of the national idea in the   activities.  V.  I.  Kireenko  distinguishes  the  following  from
        minds of students, the effective use of artistic education, the   artistic abilities.
        formation of spiritual and political worldviews of students,
                                                               A.  perception;
        as  well  as  the  development  of  creative  abilities.  "How  to   B.  assessment of deviations from vertical and horizontal
        cultivate creativity in a person?" The problem is not that   lines;
        today.  The  issue  of  developing  human  creative  abilities,   C.  evaluation of light ratios;
        which  has  always  been  the  beginning  of  creativity,  is  of   D.  evaluation of mutual ratios;
        interest to both educators and researchers directly involved   E.  assessment of prospective reductions;
        in the education of children. Education and upbringing, the   F.  visual memory
        formation of personality, the development of skills are still
        the most pressing issues of modern pedagogy. As it is being   In turn, in the system of creative abilities can be mentioned
        studied, many psychologists have conducted and continue to   more basic and auxiliary qualities. According to V. S. Kuzin,
        conduct research on the subject of what abilities mean in the   additional features of artistic abilities include:
        broadest sense and artistic creativity in particular. Among
                                                               1.  high level of natural vision (line, shape, proportion, color
        them are B. M. Teplov, R. S. Nemov, S. L. Rubinstein, B. G.   perception) that develops during the process of activity;
        Ananev, L. S. Vigotsky. The work of A. N. Leontev V. S. Kuzins   2.  the property of hand movement, which allows you to
        can be  especially noted.  Their  research explores content,
                                                                  quickly master new techniques. [4, C. 43]
        essence, and the concept of ability. BM Teplov writes that
        ability is a special mental trait of a person, a trait that is   The  features  listed  above  are  interrelated  and  their
        related  to  the  successful  performance  of  any  activity,   membership  is  crucial  for  the  development  of  artistic
        previously  developed  by  man  and  does  not  lead  to  any
                                                               creativity. Factors in the formation of students 'skills and
        results. . S. L. Rubinstein believes that abilities are attached   abilities in the workplace include the need to not only create
        to a generalized system of mental activities in an individual,   items in technology classes, but also to explain the elements
        and that the difference between abilities and skills is not the   of nature and thereby develop students' interest in nature,
        result of consolidating modes of action, but mental processes
                                                               observation.  Based  on  the  results  of  her  research,  PN
        of actions controlled by actions. [8, C. 11] V. S. Kuzin thinks   Nikonorova emphasizes that working on tasks in various
        about  abilities  as  follows:  “abilities  are  the  qualities  and   materials and techniques in the workplace is an important
        characteristics of a person that serve to perform a certain
                                                               condition  for  the  development  of  children's  creative
        type of activity at a high level. ” According to this definition,   initiative, imagination and imagination.

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