Page 99 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Incense is also used to prevent headaches and to disinfect   advisable to grow these plants in our country, if possible.
        the bed of patients with infectious diseases and to prevent   Medicinal plants grown in irrigated areas are very different
        the disease from spreading to other healthy people. Because   from wild-grown medicinal plants, i.e. there is no mixture of
        its smoke can kill germs that spread various diseases.   foreign  plants  in  the  medicinal  plant  product  grown.
                                                               Medicinal plants grown on the basis of agro-technical rules
        Kiyik ut (Zizhora peadicellata). It belongs to the family of   are fertile and rich in biologically active substances.
        annual  or  perennial  herbaceous  plants  belonging  to  the
        family of lizards. The plant can grow up to 60 cm in height,   It is possible to increase the productivity of medicinal plants
        the leaves are small, linear, flat, short, the leaves are banded,   and the amount of biologically active chemical compounds in
        hairy or less hairy.                                   them by selecting high-yielding varieties of medicinal plants,
                                                               mixing them or obtaining polyploid (increasing the number
        The stems are thin gray. The flowers are spherical-round in   of chromosomes).
        three parts of the branches and form inflorescences. The
        petals are 7–8 mm, light purple. Kiyikot blooms in June-July,   In Uzbekistan, medicinal plants are grown mainly on farms
        the  seeds  ripen  in  July-August.  It  grows  on  gravelly  and   of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, located
        rocky, brown soils in the north-south, south-west, slopes of   in different soil climatic zones. At present, special farms for
        the Kiyikot Mountains and at altitudes up to 2400 m above   growing medicinal plants have been established in Bukhara,
        sea level.                                             Kashkadarya,  Samarkand,  Surkhandarya  and  Tashkent
                                                               regions.  In  almost  all  regions  of  the  country  under  the
        There are more than 30 species of kiikot in Central Asia,   production  associations  "Pharmacy"  there  are  areas  for
        West  Asia  and  the  Mediterranean,  including  7  species  in   growing  medicinal  plants,  where  the  relevant  plants  are
        Uzbekistan. Kiyikot is used by the locals as a spice, medicine.   grown at the request of regional pharmacies.
        The leaves, stems, and inflorescences of the plant contain
        about  2.5%  of  essential  oils,  including  menthol,  pulogon,   CONCLUSION
        pinene, and menthol. Kiyikut also contains vitamins, organic   In short, you need to know how to use every plant and herb
        acids, trace elements and other substances. Kiyikut has been   properly. Otherwise, the misuse or lack of information about
        widely  used  in  folk  medicine  since  ancient  times.  In   plants that we consider medicinal can also lead to harmful
        particular, the use of kiikot is recommended as a sedative for   consequences.  Nowadays,  stocks  of  naturally  growing
        sore  throat,  gastric  disorders,  nausea,  heartburn,   medicinal plants are declining under human influence. In
        restlessness. Infusions made from it are consumed in ulcers,   order  to  compensate  for  this  and  meet  the  needs  of  our
        diarrhea, inflammation of the colon.                   people,  it  would  be  expedient  to  increase  the  number  of
                                                               medicinal plants and plant them in irrigated areas, taking
        RESULT AND DISCUSSION                                  into account the soil and climatic conditions of Uzbekistan.
        Due  to  the  large-scale  production  of  wild  onions  and   In  order  to  provide  the  pharmaceutical  industry  in
        blackberries in Uzbekistan, their stocks (quantities) at the   Uzbekistan with raw materials for medicinal plants, it would
        place of natural growth have significantly decreased. That is   be expedient to establish and increase the number of farms
        why these plants are now included in the Red Data Book of   and  specialized  farms  growing  medicinal  plants  in  the
        Uzbekistan. Therefore, the preparation of their natural raw   coming years.
        materials at the place of growth has been stopped and they
        are being grown in farm fields as well as in places where   Адабиётлар.
        they grow in the wild. There are many such examples. As a   [1]   SariboevaN.  N,  Karimova  M.  A."Protection  And
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        growing plants, these plants have to be grown in irrigated
        areas. Sometimes the demand for rare medicinal plants is   [2]   A.  Rakhmonov-Treasure  of  herbs.  T.  2002  y.  Life
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        the mountainous regions of the Caucasus and Crimea, etc.) or   [3]   Khamidov  G.  "Protection  of  useful  plants  of
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                                                                    Dictionary of Medicinal Plants, Tashkent, 1992.
        medicinal  plants  is  more  expensive  than  growing  on
        irrigated lands. Therefore, it is advisable to grow such plants   [5]   Kholmatov  X.  X.,  Ahmedov  O.  A,  "Pharmacognosy",
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