Page 94 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        The main method of data collection was in the form of short   organizing video lectures using zoom, telegram messenger.
        test questions via telegram channel. Students took part in   There  should  be  an  introductory  meeting  to  introduce
        two surveys conducted at different times. In collecting and   students and teachers to the content ofindividual subjects
        refining the data, we have in some cases also used online   and the requirements for their successful completion. Chat
        conversations using electronic means of communication. All   on the platform, which is used for personal consultations on
        data is saved and archived on a computer. This survey is   possible  problems  and  misunderstandings,  is  resolved
        constantly being analyzed.                             through forums. In addition to meetings and virtual lessons
                                                               from participants, we encourage students to contact teachers
        In summarizing the result of the study, we have summarized   frequently via email, phone, or telegram messenger.
        the points that are close to each other. Because our research
        is based on a qualitative approach, we take into account its   The  virtual  audience  will  be  a  worthy  substitute  for  the
        methodological boundaries; basically, the findings cannot be   lecture, as this interactive web tool is for people who can
        generalized to cover the entire population because of being   communicate with each other and read the lecture remotely
        only interviewed older students.                       with the interactive information of the speaker listeners.
                                                               allows you to arrange a meeting without. It is then possible
        Based  on  the  results  of  the  research,  we  can  formulate   to download the entire course for self-study.
        several recommendations for practice: The distance form of
        education is mostly positively evaluated by students. Adult   List of used literature
        students find this form of study less demanding in terms of   [1]   E-learning:   concepts,   trends,   applications.
        time spent. This form of training is not considered to be as   Corporation Trust Center by Epignosis LLC 2013.
        problematic when it comes to family, work, and academic   [2]
        performance. We therefore recommend the development of      The pedagogy of the Massive Open Online Course: the
                                                                    UK view. Siân Bayne and Jen Ross, the University of
        distance  learning  for  older  students.  We  recommend
                                                                    Edinburgh. The Higher Education Academy, 2013.
        expanding the form of distance education, as well as other
        forms  of  education,  by  increasing  the  coverage  of  young   [3]   Evaluation of Evidence - Based Practices in Online
        people in higher education. As the study shows, distance    Learning:  A  Meta-Analysis  and  Review  of  Online
        learning is a truly appropriate form of education for older   Learning Studies. U. S. Department of Education Office
        students who often have to deal with the issue of reconciling   of  Planning,  Evaluation,  and  Policy  Development
        family,  work,  and  study  responsibilities.  It  is  also  very   Policy and Program Studies Service, 2010.
        suitable for students who work in shifts, who face difficulties
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        in  reconciling  work  and  study  tasks  when  learning  a
                                                                    communications technologies for distance education:
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        parents of young children, mothers on maternity leave, who   Looking toward the future / S. Arafeh. — Arlington,
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        are limited by the study of family responsibilities. The form
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        complete their study tasks at a time that suits them, and they   society / A. W. Bates // A keynote address in the ICDE
        should not waste time going to an educational institution.   Conference  on  The  Metamorphosis  of  Distance
        According to the study, the fact that distance learning is also   Education in the Third Millennium — Toluca, Mexico.
        suitable for students with disabilities solves the problems   — 2007.
        associated with travel difficulties for them.          [6]
                                                                    Bullen,  M.  Digital  Learners  in  Higher  Education:
                                                                    Generation is Not the Issue / M. Bullen, T. Morgan, A.
        Many  respondents  in  the  survey  indicated  the  following
                                                                    Qayyum, // Canadian Journal of Learning Technology
        problem because they felt problems of social isolation and
        social  distance.  Students  reported  a  low  level  of    – 2011 — № 37(1).
        communication with the teacher, missing classic lectures,   [7]   Nizomhonov S. E. “Eemk distance learning platform”
        and frequent personal consultations. We recommend that      as environment of modern education.
        you solve this problem by creating a virtual audience and

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