Page 90 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
P. 90

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        METHOD AND MATERIALS:                                  She also points out that pair work or small group work can
        According to be having a sense of direction and a common   be  modified  to  contribute  more  to  the  sense  of  group
        purpose  is  essential  for  a  group  to  work  successfully.   achievement as well instead of just finishing open-ended as
        However, it is one of the most difficult tasks to set and agree   it often does. By making pairs come back to the whole group
        on  common  goals  as  a  class  with  each  student  having   and share their reflections and receive feedback from others
        different priorities, different learning style and strategies or   brings the pair or small group work to a definite conclusion.
        prefers different approaches to learning languages. While   This  can  be  done  by  for  example  various  pyramid
        defining  and  agreeing  with  students  on  common  aims  a   discussions  or  presentations.  A  macro  view  of  the  social
        teacher has to respect these individual aims and needs for   context of teaching and learning requires that we look at
        everyone to feel satisfied with the way they learn and be   how  the  classroom  relates  to  the  world  outside.  Indeed,
        motivated. It is good for students to realize and clarify their   there  are  many  ways  in  which  what  happens  within  the
        own goals and the fact that learning inside a group can help   classroom reflects this world outside. As Bowers suggests,
        them  achieve  them  even  though  it  will  require  certain   the  classroom  is  a  microcosm  which  for  all  its  universal
        compromises. He recommends using a variety of activities   magisterial conventions, reflects in fundamental social terms
        that would help students to think about their individual as   the world that lies outside the window. This realization from
        well as group aims                                     within  English  language  education  is  supported  by
                                                               discussions already taking place elsewhere, which place the
        Confidence                                             classroom, as a culture, within a wider complex of cultures,
        The feeling of trust and confidence in an English lesson is   between  which  there  are  many  complex  channels  of
        essential  for  students  to  be  able  to  learn  and  practice   influence.
        speaking the language. I agree with this as according to my
        experience if there is a lack of trust and much insecurity in   The way in which the classroom mirrors the world outside
        the group students will be afraid to express their opinions,   can also be seen in the interest taken in it by a variety of
        open-up and use English in front of others simply out of fear   disciplines:  sociology,  anthropology  social  psychology,
        of being laughed at or judged for their views or mistakes. If   communicative  ethnography  suggests  that  the  classroom
        this kind of atmosphere is present in a classroom it will be   possesses special features which crystallize the social world,
        very difficult for a teacher to work with such group as well as   such  a  routines  and  scripts,  which  occur  in  a  controlled
        for the learners to learn. It is very important to remind again   context,  and  which  make  it  particularly  attractive  to
        that the attitude of a teacher is vital in terms of establishing   researchers. I shall deal with the question of the classroom
        trust  and  helping  students  to  feel  confident  using  the   as a culture in Chapters 2 and 3, and with its relationship
        language by being reassuring, encouraging and comforting   with cultures outside the classroom in Part B. Here, by way
        however  it  is  perhaps  even  more  important  to  feel   of  introduction,  I  shall  describe  briefly  how  the  complex
        acceptance  and  support  from  the  group  as  a  whole.   interconnection  between  the  classroom  and  the  world
        According to who wrote an introduction to The Confidence   outside looks on the surface.
        Book, a teacher should incorporate activities which would
        help build up students language confidence leading them to a   RESULT AND DISCUSSION:
        greater awareness of just how much they can achieve, even   In American English is it usual to use the structure "He/She
        when they think they know very little and allowing them to   has (long hair)" when describing, however in British English
        enjoy  and  draw  on  their  own  strength,  feelings  and   the most common structure is "He/She has got (long hair)"
        experience his Teaching Foreign Languages in Classs reflects   which is usually contracted to "He/She's got (long hair)". In
        on this topic saying that: “Every student knows more than   this  lesson  plan  we  provide  American  English  structures
        they think they know. Every student knows much more than   first, followed by the British English version, shown as (GB:
        the teacher thinks they know.                          ...).  The  worksheets,  song  and  reader  accompanying  this
                                                               lesson  plan  come  in  both  American  and  British  English
        However  even  with  individually  motivated  learners  the   versions.
        classroom atmosphere may be lacking the feeling of group
        achievement  which  may  lead  to  a  rise  of  tension  among   Lesson Overview:
        learners  not  feeling  motivated  to  work  together  and  to   Warm Up and Maintenance:
        cooperate because they may not be aware of the benefits   1.  See our "Warm up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet.
        learning from each other can bring them. For students to
        realize these incorporating group product-oriented activities   New Learning and Practice:
        into  English  lessons  on  regular  bases,  which  provide  the   1.  Introduce the descriptions of the vocabulary
        group  with  common  purpose  leading  to  a  recognizable,   2.  Do "Funny Body" drawings
        tangible achievement. She further explains that these group   3.  Play the "Describe Your Friend" song and do the active
        activities do not have to end with a written product; students   listening worksheets
        may  for  example  make  a  video  film  together,  create  a   4.  Do the "Describe Your Friend Class Survey"
        dramatic play, a magazine, a short book or complete some   5.  Read classroom reader "The Clever Prince"
        short term tasks which can fit into one lesson as creating for   6.  Play “Guess Who?”
        example  a  group  song,  a  poem,  a  poster,  a  scrapbook  or
        writing  a  letter  together.  The  commonality  of  purpose   Wrap Up:
        demands support from group members for each other, and   1.  Set Homework: "Describe Your Family" worksheet
        the fact that there is an end-product gives the group a feeling   2.  See our "Warm up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet.
        of satisfaction and a sense of pride in them as a group.

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