Page 91 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
P. 91

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Lesson Procedure:                                      Finally, model drawing funny feet and get everyone to draw
        Warm Up and Maintenance:                               feet on the heir pictures. Then get everyone to fold up their
        See our "Warm up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet.              papers and return each piece to the person who drew the
        New Learning and Practice:
        1.  Introduce the descriptions vocabulary              Let everyone open up their paper and have a good laugh at
        For this lesson you are going to use your artistic drawing   the pictures. Now asks everyone to "present" their person in
        skills. Use a whiteboard or blackboard to draw the following:   the drawing to the rest of the class – you model first (e.g.
          At the top of the board draw 2 circles (these will be the   "This is Tom. He is short. He has pink hair (GB: He's got pink
            heads). Elicit «circles".                          hair), etc.").
          On each head draw a nose, ears and a mouth. Elicit each
            as you draw them. Then ask "What's missing?".      Play the "Describe Your Friend" song and do the active
          Elicit "eyes". Ask "What color are they?" and give the   listening worksheet
            students the options of the colors of markers / chalk you   Tell the class that they are going to listen to a song about a
            have.  Then  draw  the  eyes  in  the  chosen  colors  with   boy  and  a  girl.  Give  out  either  "Describe  your  Friend
            different colors for each set of eyes (NB: it’s ok to have   Worksheet  1"  or  "Describe  your  Friend  Worksheet  2"
            strange colors, such as yellow, more the eyes – this will   (worksheet  2  is  better  if  you  cannot  print  out  colored
            just make it more fun).                            worksheets).
          Elicit "hair" and again ask "What color is it? » On one
            head draw long hair in one color (for the girl) and on the   Read the instructions to the class and then play the song. As
            other draw short hair (for the boy) in a different color.   they  song  is  playing  students  should  do  the  worksheet
            Teach / Elicit "long / short hair".                activity. Play the song again if required. Finally, go through
          Finally, you'll need to draw 2 bodies. But rather than you   the song one more time stopping to check answers.
            draw them you are going to ask for 2 volunteers to do
            the drawings. For the girl, draw some shoes quite near   If everyone enjoyed the song, you can play it again and have
            the head (so that she will be short) and for the boy draw   everyone sing along (especially as it’s such a catchy tune!).
            some shoes right down at the bottom of the board (so he
            will be tall). Have the students draw the bodies so that   CONCLUSION
            they join the heads with the shoes.                During  my  teaching  I  realized  how  important  English
                                                               classroom  atmosphere  is  for  both  learners  and  teachers.
        Now it should end up looking something like this:      Learners need to feel comfortable in order to be able to learn
          Now  that  the  completed  pictures  are  on  the  board,   and develop positive attitude towards the English language
            chorus 3 times the following sentences and point to the   as well as teachers need to feel good in the classroom in
            pictures as you do:                                order to be able to use and keep developing their teaching
        ·   He is tall.                                        skills. Realizing this I decided to address this topic in this in
        ·   He has short hair. (GB: He's got short hair.)      learning more about the factors that influence classroom
        ·   He has (blue) eyes. (GB: He's got (blue) eyes.)    atmosphere and the ways teachers can improve it.
        ·   He has (orange) hair. (GB: He's got (orange) hair.)
        ·   She is short                                       All  these  factors,  mentioned  in  the  last  chapter  of  the
        ·   She has long hair. (GB: She's got long hair.)      theoretical  part  of  this  thesis,  take  part  in  creating  the
        ·   She has (green) eyes. (GB: She's got (green) eyes.)   classroom atmosphere specifically in English lessons and can
                                                               be  influenced  by  activities  teachers  can  incorporate  into
        ·   She has (brown) hair. (GB: She's got (brown) hair
                                                               their lessons regularly as it are one thing to create a good

                                                               classroom  atmosphere  and  another  to  maintain  it
        2.  Do "Funny Body" drawings
        Give a piece of A4 paper to each student and yourself.   throughout the existence of a group of learners.

        On your piece of paper, model drawing a head with eyes,   Language  lessons  also  provide  great  opportunities  for
                                                               incorporating  interactive  activities  improving  classroom
        nose,  ears,  mouth,  teeth  and  hair.  Make  it  a  really  funny
        picture. Then tell everyone to draw their funny head. Make   atmosphere and not being too worried about the time loss
                                                               and being behind in terms of the syllabus as these activities
        sure they use colors for the eyes and hair.
                                                               can be created to have both didactic as well as psychological

        Next  show  them  how  to  fold  the  paper  so  only  the  neck   function.
        shows (so the head is folded behind). Then get everyone to
                                                               In  order  to  have  a  good  cooperation  in  a  group  it  is
        pass their paper to a different student.
                                                               important for the members to contribute and participate

        Now model drawing the body starting from the neck and   somewhat equally so everyone has a chance to practice their
                                                               language skills and therefore improve. According to Hadfield
        going down to ankles –make it either a really short or long
                                                               equal participation also plays a significant role in learner’s
        body  and  make  it  as  funny  as  you  can.  Now  have  your
                                                               individual  motivation  to  cooperate  and  be  active  during
        students draw their bodies.
                                                               lessons  as  well  as  in  the  process  of  maintaining  or
                                                               establishing a cohesive group.
        Again, shows everyone how to fold the paper so only the

        ankles are showing and have everyone pass their paper to
        another student.                                       Some  group  members  differ  a  lot  in  terms  of  their
                                                               participation in the lesson usually due to their personality,
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