Page 86 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        This concludes the topic of pets in the English language, and   laylak.
        in the next article, we consider the animal names in English
        that do not belong to the house. The names of animals in   Names  in  English  insect  read  as  follows:  Insects  –
        English,  which  are  listed  below,  can  be  divided  into  the   насекомые–hashoratlar.
        following categories: mammals –млекопитающие the class
        of higher vertebrates, females that feed cubs with milk. This   Wasp  –  оса–qovoqari,  Bee  –  пчела–asalari,  Ladybug  –
        class  is  divided  into  several  sub-groups  (below  are  the   божьякоровка–xonqizi, Mosquito – комар–chivin, Moth –
        names of animals in English): The common name of this sub-  ночная  бабочка–kuya,  parvona,  Butterfly  –  бабочка–
        group of animals in English - Hoofed mammals (ungulates   kapalak,  Dragonfly  –  стрекоза–chigirtka,  Cockroach  –
        mammals):pony – пони–poni oti, horse – лошадь-ot, foal –   таракан–suvarak, caterpillar – гусеница–kapalakqurti, snail
        жеребёнок; ослёнок –toychoq, donkey – осёл –eshak, deer   –  улитка–shilliqurt,  grasshopper  –  кузнечик–beshik
        – олень-bug’u, fawn – молодой олень –bug’u bolasi, camel –   tebratar, spider – паук–o’rgimchak, ant – муравей–chumoli,
        верблюд –tuya.                                         fly  –  муха–pashsha,  beetle  –  жук–qo’ng’iz,  firefly  –
                                                               светлячок–yonar qo’ng’iz.
        Next  is  the  name  of  the  subgroup  of  animals  Pouched,
        Toothless,  or  Flying  Mammals  –  сумчатые,  toothless  or   Now we go to the names of the inhabitants of the watery
        flying  mammals:koala  –  коала  –koala,  armadillo  –   world in English (aquatic animals – водные животные ):sea
        броненосец–bronenosets, kangaroo – кенгуру –kenguru,   lion  –  морской  котик  –dengiz  arsloni,  whale  –  кит  –kit,
        bat – летучая мышь–ko’rshapalak, anteater – муравьед –  shrimp – креветка–krivetka, mayda qisqichbaqa, walrus –
        chumolixo’r.                                           морж  –morj,  octopus  –  осьминог  –sakkizoyoq,  clam  –
                                                               двустворчатый моллюск –ikki pallali molyuska, mussels –
        English Names of rodents (названия грызунов ) read as   мидии  –qo’shtabaqali  chig’anoq,  sea  turtle  –  морская
        follows:  chipmunk  –  бурундук  –burunduq,  rat  –  крыса–  черепаха  –dengiz  toshbaqasi,  lobster  –  лобстер  –omar,
        kalamush, gopher – суслик–yumronqoziq, mouse –мышь –   starfish – морская звезда–dengiz yulduzi, jellyfish – медуза
        sichqon, squirrel – белка–olmaxon, porcupine – дикобраз–  –medusa,  seahorse  –  морской  конек–dengiz  oti,  otter  –
        jayra, beaver – бобёр –qunduz.                         выдра–suvsar, walrus – морж –morj, seal – тюлень–tyulen,
                                                               dolphin – дельфин –delfin.
        The names of animals in English (the family cat –Felidae):
        leopard – леопард–qoplon, tiger – тигр –yo’lbars, lion – лев   Many  of  the  names  of  animals  in  English,  which  were
        –sher,jaguar – ягуар –Amerikaqoploni.                  presented in this article, is not commonly used in everyday
                                                               speech. We specially learned these animal names to write a
        That completes familiarity with names of animals in English,   useful handbook (dictionary) for children. By this way, they
        which are mammals, and go to the following classes of the   may learn the names of animals in three languages. Today,
        animal world. By wild animals in English also include birds   most  dictionaries  includes  common  everyday  activities,
        whose names are presented below:                       simple words and others. All of them are described in a book.
                                                               However, in our dictionary will be described the names of
        Birds  –птицы–qushlar,  pigeon  –  голубь–kabutar,     animals, animal stories, fables, proverbs in three languages.
        ummingbird – колибри–kolibri, sea gull–морская чайка–  So,  it  is  a  new  way  or  method  to  teach  children  foreign
        dengiz chaykasi, eagle – орел–burgut, owl – ова–boyqush,   language.
        hawk – сокол- qirg’iy, robin – малиновка- tog’chumchuq,
        sparrow–воробей–chumchuq, cardinal–кардинал–kardinal,   Bibliography
        ostrich–страус–tuyaqush,  canary–канарейка–kanareyka,   [1]   HamrayevaY.O‘zbek tilining o‘zlashma so‘zlar o‘quv
        parakeet  –  длинно  хвостый  попугай–uzun  dumli  to’ti,   izohli lug‘ati (maktab o‘quvchilari uchun) Toshkent
        parrot–попугай–to’tiqush, woodpecker–дятел–qizilishton,     «Yangi asr avlodi» 2007
        peacock–павлин–tovus,  pheasant  –  фазан–qirg’ovul,   [2]   Rogova  G.  V.  Methods  of  teaching  English.-L.:
        tustovuq,  rooster  –  петух–xo’roz,  pelican  –  пеликан-
        saqoqush,  birqozon, penguin – пингвин–pingvin, swan –      «Просвецение», 1975, P. 64.
        лебедь–oqqush, Flaming–фламинго–flamingo, stork–аист–  [3]   OALD dictionary. Oxford university press

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