Page 83 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
P. 83

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        that the lyrical hero is a representative of the people who   Here, the lyrical hero is looking for his mother from among
        know that “snowfall is a sign of fullness, baroque”, he will   friends and  relatives who are flaming around,  but it  was
        feel his experiences at the same time. The chain of concepts   clear that his mother could not attend the wedding. The poet
        that taste the occurrence of metaphors in this place can be   could use a few words in this place, but the poet creates an
        expressed in a Manabu way: silver (snow, color similarity)-   artistic-aesthetic skill by choosing the word” my heart". The
        resonant  (on  the  basis  of  coin,  relationship)-  “coin   heart is a body member of a person in medical terms, but
        scattering” (saxovat(kindness))- snowflake (creator's soul,   artistry denies this. Even if the heart is a piece of the human
        blessing). It should also be noted that the lyrical hero here   body, the most beloved man of the lyrical hero on the line is
        does not mean money-He means languages when he says    ravaged in the image of his mother.
        donation, but understands an apparent concept that shares a
        special  kindness,  happiness,  joy.  This  means  that  the   In general, as we have seen above, synecdoche is also based
        meaning of lexical metaphors can be understood within the   on a meaningful connection. If the connection between the
        framework  of  one  word,  and  it  performs  a  normative   lines of meaning is interrupted, then the word moving in
        (Atash(call)) task.                                    meaning becomes a simple lexical concept. And at this time
                                                               we can look at this word in the sense of its own designation.
        And the scale of artistic metaphor is much wider than the   As a result, this word seems to be a word that has nothing to
        meaning of the term it acts as a context enlarges esthetic in   do with poetry at all. Therefore, it is considered to him as a
        the influence of the meanings of other words in the text. For   kind of metonymy (its quantitative appearance). But this
        example, as a lexical metaphor, “spring” - can be used in the   does not mean that synecdoche and metonymy, that is, it
        meanings of youth, “autumn” maturity, autumn old age, that   does not serve us to take as one thing. If we look at it in
        is, even without three of them, the metaphor calls one stage   simple peasant language, then in metonymy one of the two
        of human life in another word, as it should be. And artistic   words, which served to mean a saving word, is dropped and
        literature, using these words with an image, creates a new   its burden is also transferred to the remaining word. In the
        layer of creativity. It creates a number of other meanings so   same way the word philosophy in metonymy comes from
        that we can understand in itself a number of poems. For   another way, meaning comes from a different view. And in
        example,  the  proof  of  our  thoughts  above  Iqbal  Mirzo's   the synecdoche, it turns out that if we make one concept
        “spring, which pleased my autumn "This can be seen in the   clearer with another name, then the word is interpreted with
        example. If we study this Egypt separately, then the integrity   another concept. As a result, a new poem is created on the
        of meaning is lost, so the metaphors in Egypt are important   basis of Music, Folk oral creativity. For example, the first
        in their totality, and not in a separate case: they represent   paragraph in the poem “Love of pottery” of the Khurshid
        the  evenings  of  the  one  who  indulges  in  the  beauty  of   period
        maturity, creating an image. In such cases, the arc is spoken
        of  a  metaphor,  that  is,  the  image  of  a  case  within  the   Саҳардан то оқшомга қадар,
        framework of a whole-headed sentence or a twenty-part of   Кўкда порлар ёнмагунча ой.
        the text is implied. Of course, the metaphor in this place can   Эртак сўйлар сархуш бармоқлар,
        no longer be called a movable type, it is more correct to look   Эртак тинглар қизил рангли лой...
        at it as an image of objectivity.                      (Sahardan to oqshomga qadar,
                                                               Ko’kda porlar yonmaguncha oy.
        In the process of studying the types of transportations, we   Ertak so’ylar sarkhush barmoqlar,
        will directly encounter the method of synecdoche, since the   Ertak tinglar qizil rangli loy…..)
        method of synecdoche covers all types of transportations by
        its  side.  Synecdoche  is  a  kind  of  metonymy,  appearance,   When  saying  “fairy  tales”  here,  potter  refers  to  magical
        meaning  migration,  based  on  the  whole  part  connection.   moments of creativity, which are given to his work with all
        Here the thought promoted by the poet is not fully revealed,   his love, the Lamb of the heart. Fairy-tale slaughter fingers-
        but is expressed in a certain part. The reader will understand   part,  it  means  the  one  main-potter.  The  unity  of  the
        the  idol  from  this  part.  This  process,  in  fact,  will  not  be   synecdoche with the metaphor ensures that the expression
        difficult, but the reader will quickly understand the main   is beautiful and expressive: the fur, like a large-planned film
        image, which was put forward in the text. Through it, the   dial, heals from the touch of magic fingers and brings the clay
        poet can give an idea that instead of a word that does not fall   in a beautiful form to the poetic eye. Or M.Joseph's:
        into  some  kind  of  rhyme,  the  power  of  an  image  and
        influence is wide. Take for example the Egyptians below in   Фақат шу ер яқин юракка
        the poem “my wedding without my mother passed” by Bobur   Фақат шунда қувонар кўзлар
        Bobomurod.                                             (Faqat shu yer yaqin yurakka
                                                               Faqat shunda quvonar ko’zlar)
        Қариндошлар жам бўлди,
        Ёру дўст ҳамдам бўлди.                                 Here tells how much the poet loves his homeland. The poet
        Юраккинам кам бўлди –                                  directly  expresses  these  thoughts  in  an  figurative  way,
        Онамсиз тўйим ўтди.                                    avoiding what I say. If the poet said that I was in this place,
        Qarindoshlar jam bo’ldi,                               the  reader  knew  that  all  feelings  were  lyrical  heroes.
        Yoru do’st hamdam bo’ldi.                              Therefore, the poet uses the word” eyes". Through this, all
        Yurakkinam kam bo’ldi –                                students will be able to feel this state of mind. The fact that
        Onamsiz to’yim o’tdi.                                  in the Egyptians the “eye” is used in the meaning of man is

         Б. Бобомурод “Умр баҳори” Тошкент “Ўқитувчи” - 2004   3  М. Юсуф “Сайланма” Тошкент “Шарқ” - 2007

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