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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                             Transfering of Meaning in the Modern

                          Uzbek Poetry: Metaphors and Synecdoche

                                 D. The Z. Rajabov , T. A. Rajabov , M. M. Rakhimov
                                        1 Doctor of Philological Sciences, Uzbekistan
                                               2 Teacher of BSU, Uzbekistan

        KEYWORDS: metaphor, image, formality, lexical metaphor,   contact  with  them,  can  be  attributed  to  the  width  of  the
        synecdoche,  architep,  architep  synecdoche,  etymological   meaning  kengaytiradi.  For  example,  the  meaning  of  the
        words, transverse, trope, epithet, byte                combination “Suv sindi (water broken)”, separating it from
                                                               the text, is very pale, it requires a mind strain in order to
        Annotation                                             perceive it as a metaphor. In general, no meaning can be
        Metaphor is actually one of the common types of meaning   understood from the word “Suv sindi (water broken)”. The
        migration in the artistic literature, something is a kind of   power of poetry is manifested here in such a way that it is
        migration, based on the similarity between phenomena. The   possible to extract any word in this genre to the level of the
        meaning of the metaphor in the artistic text is extremely   image and form wonderful masterpieces. Rauf Parfi said:
        vivid,  because  it,  together  with  other  words  that  have
        entered  into  a  relationship,  forms  a  meaningful  whole,   Сув остида ятирайди тош
        thanks to the concepts that are formed in contact with them,   Харасангларда синади сувлар
        can be attributed to the width of the meaning kengaytiradi.   (Suv osti yaltiraydi tosh
        And the scale of artistic metaphor is much wider than the   Xarsanglarda sinadi suvlar)
        meaning of the term it acts as a context kengaytiradi and
        estetitk in the influence of the meanings of other words in   The combination in the artistic text in the strings manifests
        the  text.  In  the  process  of  studying  the  types  of   bright in meaning. So how did this happen?!. At first glance,
        transportations, we will directly encounter the method of   in order for the “water to break”, it is necessary that it is like
        synecdoche, since the method of synecdoche covers all types   a mirror, but  in the poem the water is not like a mirror.
        of transportations by its side. In general, as we have seen   Nevertheless, on the basis of similar connections, we can
        above,  synecdoche  is  also  based  on  a  meaningful   make as much clear water as it looks like a mirror “polished
        connectionadorlik. If the connection between the lines of   stone under it”, and therefore its “fracture” will look natural.
        meaning is interrupted, then the word moving in meaning   So we can see the migration of meaning in the following lines
        becomes  a  simple  lexical  concept.  Brief  first  conclusions   of the poet. Here the poet makes an artistic transition by
        about the archipelago synecdoche, whose name has not yet   creating a new image by means of an artistic interpretation
        been worked anywhere, attract us to understand the poetry   of the word.
        of the past and today. The construction and structure of the
        archipelago synechia is formed by a specific fund of “States   Деразамга урилади қор
        of plot and plot”, from which they move from the poem to   Жаранглайди жарангсиз кумуш
        the poem, from the period to the period.               (Derazamga uriladi qor
                                                               Jaranglaydi jarangsiz kumush)
        Metaphor is actually one of the common types of meaning
        migration in the artistic literature, something is a kind of   In  lines,  the  literal  properties  of  the  metaphor  are  more
        migration, based on the similarity between phenomena. The   broadly manifested. In Uzbek poetry, from the XV century on
        metaphor is a hidden analogy in the essence of poetry, in   the basis of color similarity, Snow-Silver similarity is widely
        which the analogy is not mentioned in the poetry Egyptians,   used in our poetry. In order to satisfy the demanding reader
        but  continues  to  be  loaded  into  something  similar  in  its   in today's period, new poems are required in the context. Of
        meaning (that is, the word that expresses it). Through it, the   course, it is impossible to update the word, it will not be
        creator achieves a number of goals, such as playing the word   necessary  to  find  a  new  word.  However,  it  is  possible  to
        and thinking the reader. In fact, the whole beauty of poetry is   create new images and new concepts by using words in a
        manifested in this way. Of course, the creator is not required   portable sense (in a metaphorical way). Of course, as already
        in this place-the exact similarity of events, but two things-  mentioned  above,  the  analogy  of  snowflakes  with  silver
        one of the characters inherent in the event is taken for the   exists  from  the  very  beginning,  but  for  Rauf  Parfi  this
        basis.An  interesting  paradox  is  a  beautiful  poem  with   concept is just a base point, from which other additional
        puzzles,  magic  words.  A  poem  written  in  a  metaphorical   meanings  are  evoked  by  motivation:  at  first  glance,  the
        spirit can be found either as a mathematical example, or as a   words “resonate, resonate” on a metonymic basis, the words
        riddle. Suppose "golden autumn”, “golden period” for the   “Silver Coin” are imagined. If we take a closer look at these
        basis of analogy in the first of the compounds “color”, in the   concepts,  it  turns  out  that  the  snowfall  is  similar  to  the
        second - "expensive". The meaning of the metaphor in the   “sprinkling of silver coins”. That is, in the eyes of the lyrical
        artistic  text  is  extremely  vivid,  because  it,  together  with   hero, the fur will realize a feeling that someone will donate a
        other words that have entered into a relationship, forms a   coin  to  charity.  It  is  necessary  to  perceive  the  millennial
        meaningful whole, thanks to the concepts that are formed in   tradition of nature as a solo human being. It should be noted

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