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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                      Principles of Compiling Zoonyms Dictionary in

                             English, Russian and Uzbek Languages

                        Khidirova Makhfuza Amirkulovna , Pardayeva Nafisa Gayratovna
                          1 Teacher, Denav Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy, Uzbekistan
                          2 Student, Denav Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               Cattle  –  Крупный  рогатый  скот  –mol.  Included  in  this
        The given article deals with the principles of compiling the   group are:a bull – бык –ho’kiz, a cow –корова–sigir, a calf –
        dictionary of animal names in English, Russian and Uzbek   телёнок – buzoq
        languages. There are given different groups or sub-groups
        of animal names in analyzed languages.                 Poultry  -  a  collective  noun,  which  is  used  to  refer  to  the

                                                               birds, which are grown on the farm for meat and eggs. These
        KEYWORDS:  trilingual  dictionary,  home  animals,  wild   animals  include:  a  chicken  –  курица-tovuq,  a  rooster  –
        animals, reptiles, rodents, mammals, animal groups     петух–xo’roz, a chick – цыплёнок –jo’ja.

        Studying related and different system languages is one of the
                                                               Brood word used to describe a large family of children of the
        urgent problems of modern linguistic science. In connection   same mother (usually with many children):a mother with a
        with this, an important interest presents the study of the
                                                               brood  of  daughters  –  ko’p  polaponli  ona,  a  duck  –  утка-
        native  language  in  comparison  and  contrast  with  other
                                                               o’rdak, a duckling – утёнок –o’rdakcha, a goose – гусь-g’oz
        languages. Nowadays, market industry based on strong and   a  turkey  –  индейка  –kurka,feminine  turkey  in  English
        unrelenting competence demands to bring up people who   sounds like a hen, and the masculine –tom; poultry– young
        business person, having creative thought, forming national
                                                               turkey. Note:The English word is also called turkey or film
        spirit, in addition, thinking individually solving problems in
                                                               foolish man, which was unsuccessful.
        any difficult situations. Spirit, intelligence and language are
        closely connected with one  another. Human being has to   The next group of animals in English: donkey – осёл,ослица
        learn mother tongue as well as foreign languages to form
                                                               –eshak.Note that the name of the pet in English female and
        their individual intelligence. It is known that there are two
                                                               masculine is different:a jackass – осёл (самец)–erkak eshak,
        means  to  study  mother  tongue  and  foreign  languages   a  jenny  –  самка  животного  –urg’ochi,  a  colt  /  foal  –
        essential conceptual bases at secondary school education:
                                                               oслёнок–kurra. Note: jackass – it is also a slang word that
        textbook and dictionaries.
                                                               means  fool,  idiot:damned  jackass  –  проклятый  осёл  –
        Hundreds  of  dictionaries  have  been  created  in  different   ahmoq, lanati eshak, stupid jackass – тупой осёл –anqov
                                                               eshak, Goat – козёл –echki.
        fields until now (from kindergarten to university), even near

        to thirty dictionaries for Russian schools but there is only
        “Orthography  dictionary”  for  Uzbek  schools.  It  is  so   The name of the pet masculine – a buck or billy (a billy goat),
        important  to  create  explanation  dictionary,  synonymic   and feminine - a nanny (a nanny goat), young – a kid (like
                                                               humans).Idioms with the word goat:to get somebody's goat –
        words,  antonymic  words  dictionaries,  degree  words,  old
                                                               раздражать,  сердить,  злитького-либо–kimnidir  jahlini
        words   dictionaries,   phrases,   dialects,   homonyms,
        pronunciation words dictionaries for children.         chiqarish, to play / act the (giddy) goat – проказничать,
                                                               валять  дурака–kalakaqilmoq.  Horse  –  лошадь–ot,
        It is impossible to improve creative thinking unless essential   Masculine Horse in English is called a stallion – жеребец-
        dictionaries for children are created. Current textbooks are   ayg’irot, ayg’ir. If the horse is used for divorce offspring, it is
        not   sufficient   to   improve   oral   and   writing   called  a  stud  –племенной  жеребец–urchitish  uchun
        speech.[1.P.5]Therefore,  according  to  these  thoughts  we   saqlanadigan ot.
        decide  to  create  a  useful  dictionary  for  children.  The
        dictionary includes the names of animals in English, Russian   A  female  called  mare–biya,  baytal,  baby  –  a  foal–toy,
        and Uzbek languages; they will be given with pictures.    toychoq.Pig  –  свинья  –cho’chqa,  a  boar  –  хряк–erkak
                                                               cho’chqa, a sow – свинья (самка)-urg’ochi cho’chqa, a piglet
        Moreover,  this  dictionary  will  take  valuable  proverbs,   –  поросенок-cho’chqacha.  A  popular  English  expression
        phrases that used the names of animals in English and their   contains the word pig:when pigs fly – после дожд ичкав
        translations, equivalents into Russian and Uzbek languages.   четверг, когда рак на горесвистнет–tuyani dumi yerga
        Studying  of  pet  names  in  English,  Russian  and  Uzbek   tekkanda.Sheep  –  овечка-qo’y,  a  buck  /  ram  –  самец–
        languages is undertaken for the first time. In addition, we   qo’chqor,  an  ewe  –  овца  (самка)–sovliq  qo’y,  a  lamb  –
        can learn the names of animals by dividing them into groups.   ягненок–qo’zichoq, a flock – стадо –poda. Note:In American
        For example, Home animals, wild animals, mammals, aquatic   culture,  counting  sheep  is  considered  a  good  remedy  for
        animals, reptiles, rodents and others.                 insomnia.Word  of  sheep  in  the  English  language  also
                                                               describe a timid, shy, non-self man: to follow somebody. like
        Home animals - farm animals (in American English are called   sheep –слепоследовать за кем-л–qo’yday ergashish.
        livestock).Farm  animals  or  domestic  animals,  which  are
        tamed to aid in the work.

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