Page 87 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

             Cotton Sucking Pests and Measures to Combat with Them

         Aziza Djumaeva Numondjon Kizi, Akmal Musaev Anvar Ugli, Ulugbek Bakhodirov Zokirjon Ugli
                         Assistant of Andijan Agricultural and Agro Technology Institute, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               Research  materials  and  methods.  Our  experience  was
        This  article  describes  the  morphology,  biology  and  pest   carried out in the following scheme on the 7-hectare field
        control methods of cotton sucking pests.               area  of  "Turtkul  Abdurashid"  farm  cluster  "Sokhib  omad

                                                               baraka" in Izbaskan district of Andijan region.
        KEYWORDS: Tetranychus  urticae Koch,  UzFEN-20%,
        Dalamectin 1.8%, control                         1.  Variant. Control: No control was used against cotton

                                                                  spiders mite.
        There are many agricultural crops pests, and some pests
                                                               2.  Variant. Template: UzFEN-20% cotton
        species affect plants only at certain development stages.
                                                                  spider mites.

        One of the factors that reduces the agricultural crops yield is   3.  Variant.  Experiment:  Dalamectin  against  cotton
        pests.  Therefore,  the  plants  protection  from  disease  and
                                                                  spider mites 1.8% 0.4 l/ha
        pests is one of the most pressing issues.

                                                               Experiment 3 variant consists of 4 turns, the seeds are sown
        The unique natural climatic conditions of Uzbekistan, as well   in  the  scheme  90x10x1  cotton  Andijan-35  variety.  The
        as the favorable air temperature during the plants growing
                                                               experimental plots are 50 meters long and 7.2 meters wide.
        season  allow  many  pests  development.  That  is  why
                                                               The total plots area was 360 m . The total experiment area
        thousands of insects, canals, diseases develop in agricultural   was 1440 m . 100 plants were selected for calculation from
        crops,  which  negatively  affects  the  crops  quantity  and
                                                               each variant, and phenological observations were made from
                                                               this plant every 10 days.

        Spider  mite  (Tetranychus  urticae  Koch)  is  a  fierce  and   The developmental dynamics and harmful properties of the
        persistent cotton pest. Spiders mite are found in 248 plants
                                                               spider mite were observed every 10 days in selected plants.
        species, including 173 weeds species, 38 trees species and

        shrubs, and 37 cultivated crops species. The mite mainly   Research  results.  In  our  experimental  field,  UzFen  20%
        settles  on  the  back  of  its  leaves,  damaging  it.  The  leaf  is
                                                       l/ha  in  the  standard  variant  of  antifungal
        wrapped with very thin gray spider webs. His name is also
                                                               chemicals and in our experimental variant, Dalamectin was
        named after him. The spider mite enters the cell cavity of the
                                                               1.8% 0.4 l/ha, during our experiments, the cotton
        oral apparatus, absorbs the nutrients in it, and feeds on it. On   the farm yield was as follows.
        the affected leaves upper side there are light-colored spots,

        and in severely damaged areas there are brown and reddish
                                                               In the control variant 26.7 s/ha, in the standard variant 28.6
        spots. Strongly damaged leaves fall off, the plant is stripped   s/ha, in the control variant 1.9 s/ha, in the experimental
        and becomes very clumsy.
                                                               variant  32.1  s/ha,  in  the  control  variant  5.4  s/ha  were

        Spider  mite  is  a  class  of  spiders,  belonging  to  the  canals

        family, with small arthropods, some species. The body is   UzFen, which is included in the plant list protection products
        oval, 0.3-0.6 mm in height. Its spring-summer offspring are
                                                               approved  for  use  in  the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan  against
        bluish-yellow, and those that overwinter are orange-red. The
                                                               spider mites, contains 20% 0.75 l/ha and Dalapectin
        two dark spots on his body sides are clearly visible. The
                                                               1.8% chemicals at 0.4 l/ha, we achieved a higher
        female undergoes egg, larva, pronymph, deuteonymph and   and additional yield than the control.
        imago stages in its development. The eggs are round and

        spherical.  The  larval,  pronymphage,  and  deuteonympha
                                                               UzFEN 20% spiders acaricidal use was 71.3%,
        forms differ in size from the imago. The larva has three pairs   Dalamectin 1.8% applied insectoacaricide, gave
        of legs, the nymph and four pairs of legs in the imago.
                                                               88.3% biological effect.

        The spider mite develops in 8-12 days in summer (June, July,
                                                               In  the  standard  version  you  can  get  a  net  profit  of  0.73
        August), 15-20 days in May, and 25-30 days in March-April.   kopeck for 1 sum, in the experimental option you can get a
        It produces 12 to 20 generations per year, depending on
                                                               net profit of 1.30 kopeck for 1 sum.
        geographical location,  weather conditions and the cotton

        type, from which 8-12 generations are produced in June-
                                                               In summary, the Dalamectin application against spider mites
        August.                                                at 0.8 liters per hectare of 1.8% biologically effective.

        ID: IJTSRD37938 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia   Page 82
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