Page 84 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
also an example of a synecdoche. By the name of the thinking, creative imagination, the construction of thought
singular, it is also considered to be a common denominator. and patterns of motives and their construction is called an
In one poem of Sh. Rahman raises a completely new look of archive. Since the earliest times of human society, the
synecdoche. Here mavhum(monkey) represents a whole archipelago synecdoche lives in the memory of mankind as a
nation through concepts. Only one grandfather refers to a "general unconsciousness" and manifests itself in various
whole people by his own soul. forms in the process of creation. That is, the archipelago
synecdoche has a universal character and we can see their
Қадимда мевалар йетилган пайтда traces from the most ancient times, to the present-day
Савоб деб яшаган комил аждодим. literature. Brief first conclusions about the archipelago
Мусофир чанқоғиғин боссин деб атай, synecdoche, whose name has not yet been worked
Бузиб қўяр экан боғлар деворин. anywhere, attract us to understand the poetry of the past
(Qadimda mevalar yetilgan paytda and today. The construction and structure of the archipelago
Savob deb yashagan komil ajdodim. synecdoche is formed by a specific fund of "states of plot and
Musofir chanqog’ig’in bossin deb atay, main idea", from which they move from the poem to the
Buzib qo’yar ekan bog’lar devorin.) poem, from the period to the period. In addition to
emigration, it differs from other types of landings in that it
When author writes, “under the combination of my ancient expresses a constant concept. As an alternative, the
ancestors” refers to ancestors, the whole people. Similarly, archipelago synecdoche is primarily a phenomenon of form,
the Uzbek people are considered when they say" Let There which is enriched by its vital experience and acquires a
Be One world left for the Children of Karakoz(blackeyes) of certain meaning when it awakens in the minds of the creator
Uzbekistan". In the works of art, the application of the living in a certain period. The images of the period when this
patronymic nouns in the meaning of the genus horse is also type of landslide was used in poetry, all has the first existing
considered to be a kind of appearance of the synecdoche. basis from ancient times - the synagogues of the archipelago,
Above we talked about the Nomads, which inextricably and this first foundation receives different views in
linked the fields of linguistics and literary studies of artistic connection with the features of the specific period.
nomads. These transports cover both directions separately.
Poetic speech is certainly renewed, changed. Coexistence List of used literatures:
with the Times is the basis of not only poetry, but also [1] Д. Қуронов “Адабиётшунослик луғати” Тошкент
literature as a whole. The images also update the sides of the “Академнашр”–2010
same meaning. For example, if in the XV century the tree was
used to represent the beauty of the yor(lover), then this [2] М. Юсуф “Сайланма” Тошкент “Шарқ” – 2007
image became a much more versatile image in the XXI [3] А. Орипов “Танланган асарлар” Тошкент “Ғ. Ғулом”
century. For example, in the poem "Loyalty" by E.Vohidov, – 2001
we can witness that this image expresses in itself the loyalty
inherent in a person. Or in our classical poetry, when the [4] Ҳ. Болтабоев “Адабиёт энциклопедияси” Тошкент
“Мумтоз сўз” – 2015
image of the moon is used as a symbol of yor's(lover’s)
longing, we can also witness that it served to describe the [5] Б. Бобомурод “Умр баҳори” Тошкент “Ўқитувчи” –
spiritual state of a woman without a child in the creativity of 2004
a veteran. So it turns out that the images always prevail.
But there are some such images, which serve to call exactly
the same meaning since its creation. We study this in the
artistic literature with the concept of archetype. In the
course of our research, we have witnessed that archetype
images in any case serve to form a synecdoche method of
meaning migration. For example, the poet B.Bobomurod
takes as an example the poem "Fate" by grandfather
Пешонангга ёзилганин,
Кафтларингда чизилганин –
Ўқиб бўлмас чигал берар,
Насиб этса тугал берар....
(Peshonangga yozilganin,
Kaftlaringga chizilganin –
O’qib bo’lmas chigal berar,
Nasib etsa tugal berar…… )
Here, paying attention to the fact that the so-called
“forehead” refers to a person, we can get it as a bony
synecdoche. At the same time, we can see this lexeme on the
example of archaic words, taking into account that "written
on the forehead" is used in the sense of fate in all periods.
That is, a stagnant "scheme", characteristic of human
4 Б. Бобомурод “Умр баҳори” Тошкент “Ўқитувчи” - 2004
ID: IJTSRD37929 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia Page 79