Page 79 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Computer Engineering is introduced into the spectrum of   Intelligence of knowledge detection (BAI) is a method and
        participants in the subject of Informatics and Information   method  of  determining  the  previously  accumulated
        Technology,  which  means  that  there  is  an  effect  of  the   knowledge and skills, ability to apply. BAI is responsible for
        element in the subject. Computer  technology can also be   the  knowledge  and  skills  that  remain  in  the  long-term
        used in other subjects, but in it this technique enters the   memory  that  engages  flexible  intelligence  and  uses  it  in
        spectrum of tools. In this regard, the subject of Information   practice. It includes the following:
        Technology  Education  in  secondary  schools  in  general   1.  Words related to the sphere (dictionary).
        should  take  into  account  the  position  of  computer   2.  Ability to solve problems by methods previously known
        technology in the teaching of Informatics and Information   and tested in the experiment.
        Technology. This can be the most necessary participant in   3.  The  basis  of  general  knowledge  (interdependence  of
        the formation and determination of the intellektual potential   subjects and fundamental subjects), knowledge of the
        of the developing learner.                                field.

        II.    Literature review                               According  to  scientists,  the  level  of  BAI  in  different  and
        In  the  educational  system,  a  lot  of  scientific  and   different areas is different. For example, taking the use of
        methodological  research  is  being  carried  out  on  the   Information  Technology,  a  programmer,  a  system
        formation of potential. These are done mainly due to the fact   administrator, can be useful.
        that  each  school  subject  and  each  subject  has  its  own
        characteristics. The subjects and objects of the above lesson,   Bai's commitment to flexibility is that the faster it learns, the
        that is, participants, supplies, as well as affect the choice of   more knowledge and knowledge it can be acquired, the more
        methods and methods.                                   knowledge capacity andualual capacity it will have.

        The theory of Kettell-Horn-Carol is widely used in the world   The Nobel Prize winner, James Heckman, professor at the
        and  is  one  of  its  own  theories  for  the  emergence  of  the   University  of  Chicago  (James  Heckman),  argues  that
        psychosocial  andididor  of  young  people,  the  formation   economic systems are related to human abilities and skills
        ofualual  potential[7].  This  theory  gives  a  broader   (human  skills)  [4].  According  to  the  scientist,  any  large
        interpretation of the psychological theory of the structure of   economy is based on the development of skills, knowledge,
        cognitive  abilities  of  students,  and  at  the  same  time  it  is   abilities and skills of citizens. According to the scientist's
        aimed at developing the intellektual potential of the learner   account, at least 13 percent of the costs incurred for early
        by combining the theory of three major theorists Raymond   education  will  “return  to  society”in  the  future.  The
        Kettell, John Horn and John Carols[10]. This theory has been   development of social skills in children from an early age
        proven to be important for people engaged in self-education   along  with  cognitive  abilities  leads  to  the  emergence  of
        based on the results of numerous methodological studies   citizens who will benefit society in the future.
        over the last years of the 20th century[8].
                                                               According to Uzbek scientists, the socio-psychological factors
        Kettell-Horn-Carol's theory is two, Kettell-Horn's theory of   of the formation of independent thinking, creative abilities in
        flexibility  and  cognitive  detection  intelligence  is  Carol's   the  students  form  and  determine  the  peculiarities  of
        theory of three levels of Cognitive Ability[2]. Both theories   intellectual  potential  through  independent  thinking,
        have  close  similarities,  which  helped  to  combine  these   formation  of  creative  thinking  through  interactive
        theories  among  themselves.  Method  for  the  formation  of   educational methods that motivate independent thinking, as
        multi-intellectual capacity based on the analysis of scientific   well as cognitive approaches in the educational process[3].
        and  applied  works,  the  definition  of  flexibility  and   Based on the above, it is necessary to pay great attention to
        knowledge intellekt is divided into:                   cognitive abilities in secondary schools in general. Especially
                                                               today,  within  the  framework  of  e-government,  every
        Flexible  intelligence  includes  the  following  abilities  and   graduate of the school is in a certain sense a requirement for
        qualities:                                             a period of determining flexibility and knowledge within the
        1.  To learn.                                          framework of Information Technology Education, focusing
        2.  Mavhum (abstract) thinking ability.                on  the  content  and  process  of  education  on  cognitive
        3.  Ability to interact, find and identify laws, systematize   abilities.
            information  obtained,  analyze  and  process  new
            knowledge.                                         Igor Boltovnin believes that the levels of cognitive abilities
        4.  Ability to adapt to new conditions, flexibility.   are  different,  and  Carroll  put  forward  the  idea  of  three
        5.  Deductive and inductive thinking ability.          cognitive stages [2]:
        6.  Ability to solve problems encountered for the first time
        7.  Use  new  approaches  to  solving  problems  that  were   III.   Analysis
            previously obvious.                                First level: limited abilities. This is the exact capabilities of
        8.  Ability  to  remember.  In  most  cases,  flexibility  is   the cognitive phase and its basis and the main component.
            important for Intel's level of development.        1.  Speed of speech, knowledge of grammar and vocabulary,
                                                                  ability to learn foreign languages, ability to listen and
        The  period  of  development  of  most  of  these  skills  and   communicate.
        qualities rises to the highest peak of school age in general   2.  The  speed  of  reading,  the  ability  to  understand  and
        secondary education. After that, its level begins to gradually   master what has been read, the speed of writing and the
        decrease[5].                                              ability to decrypt.
                                                               3.  Mathematical knowledge.

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