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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        significant  role.  Even  small  disc  prolapses  can  cause   2.  Violation of sensitivity. With prolonged lesion of SMN,
        complete epidural vein block [4]. Indirect confirmation of   there is a decrease in tone in the surrounding tissues,
        these data was obtained when examining 9640 patients with   hypo- or muscle atrophy;
        back  pain  or  lumboischialgia:  13  (0.13%)  patients  had   3.  With a pronounced lesion of the SMN, peripheral paresis
        radicular  symptoms  caused  not  by  a  herniated  disc  or   develops.
        stenosis of the spinal canal, but by occlusion of the inferior
        vena cava leading to the expansion of the epidural veins; 12   Conclusion
        of them managed to restore blood flow through the inferior   The  currently  available  evidence  of  the  high  efficacy  of
        vena  cava,  which  led  to  the  disappearance  of  radicular   pregabalin for the treatment of NBS, both in monotherapy
        symptoms [5, 6].                                       and in combination with other drugs, makes it possible to
                                                               use it as a drug of choice or a first-line agent, including in
        However, the theory of compression impact cannot explain   radiculopathy.  The  combination  of  pregabalin  with  other
        all  cases  of  radiculopathy  with  disc  herniation,  since   drugs, in particular NSAIDs, contributes to more effective
        sometimes  the  severity  of  the  symptoms  of  neurological   relief  of  pain  syndrome,  reduces  the  severity  of  anxiety-
        deficit  does  not  correspond  to  the  size  of  the  hernial   depressive disorders, and also improves the quality of life of
        protrusion.  An  inflammatory  theory  in  the  genesis  of   patients with radiculopathy.
        radiculopathy  caused  by  herniated  discs  has  found
        numerous confirmations. It is believed that inflammation can   Literature
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