Page 69 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
P. 69

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        victory has not been fully studied. The scientific community,   Uzbekistan  Shakvkat  Mirziyoev  spoke  about  the
        in particular, has encouraged historians to delve deeper into   achievements  and  results  of  research  in  this  area  in  his
        this important issue.                                  speech  on  may  9,  2020  on  the  occasion  of  the  75th
                                                               anniversary of the great victory over fascism in World War II
        As a result of scientific research conducted on the initiative   and the “Day of Remembrance and Honor”. In these historic
        and conceptual proposals of President Shavkat Mirziyoev,   speeches, the head of state cited new information obtained
        very important new information has been sought about the   as  a  result  of  scientific  research,  which  reflects  the
        participation of the people of Uzbekistan in World War II,   contribution of the people of Uzbekistan to the great victory
        about our heroic ancestors. The President of the Republic of   in World War II.

        In our opinion, this important research information can be conveyed to the minds and hearts of students and young people
        using the following table:
                                                 New data identified as a
          №        Data available to date                                                  Note
                                                    result of research
                It was estimated that about 1.5
          1     million Uzbeks took part in the   In fact, about 1,951,000 people   The names and destinies of 451,000 of
                                                                                 our compatriots are unknown
                                                were mobilized for the war.
              Information on how many of those   It was revealed that more than
                deported to other countries as   59,000 of our compatriots    The fate of more than 59,000 of our
                "ears" took part in World War II   deported to other countries   compatriots remains unknown.
                      was incomplete.             were sent to the army.
                 It was estimated that 396,000   In fact, more than 538,000   The fate of more than 142,000 Uzbek
                  Uzbeks had died in the war   Uzbek citizens died in the war     citizens has been neglected
                    The number of Uzbek         In fact, more than 200,000 of
               representatives awarded military   our soldiers and officers have   The fame of more than 80,000 soldiers
               orders and medals was estimated   been awarded orders and           and officers was ignored.
                         at 120,000                      medals
               It is stated that 280 Uzbeks were   In fact, 301 Uzbeks were
          5     awarded the title of Hero of the   awarded the title of Hero of the   Information about the fame of 21 Uzbek
                                                                             Heroes of the Soviet Union was ignored
                        Soviet Union                   Soviet Union
                                                 In fact, 151 factories were
              It was reported that more than 100   evacuated from the front lines   The labor of the people of Uzbekistan was
                industrial enterprises had been                                  not taken into account in the
          6                                      and Uzbekistan produced
               relocated to Uzbekistan from the   products for the needs of the   reconstruction and commissioning of 51
                         front lines.                                        factories relocated from the front lines
                                                                             No information was provided about the
                                                 In fact, 1.5 million people,
               During the war, 1 million people   including more than 250,000   500,000 people and more than 50,000
          7      were deported to Uzbekistan,   children, have been evacuated   children who were evacuated. The
               200,000 of whom were children.                               Uzbeks shared the last loaf of bread with
                                                      to Uzbekistan

        Incorporating  this  new  information  on  the  subject  of   Elbek,  Haji  Muin,  Botu  has  not  been  fully  studied.  Only
        "History of Uzbekistan" into the content of topics taught in   Mahmudhoja Behbudi's work "Kasdi Safar" serves to provide
        educational institutions will serve to develop an innovative   students with new knowledge and expand their worldview.
        approach to science and education, as well as to instill in the   Insufficient examples of articles on important socio-cultural
        younger generation a sense of patriotism and involvement in   issues in history lessons in Reformer newspapers such as
        the country's destiny.                                 "Sadoy Turkistan", "Fergana", magazines "Country", "Truth",
                                                               "Education and Teacher". In our opinion, the dissemination
        Another topic that requires an innovative approach in the   of articles from these newspapers and magazines, as well as
        teaching and research of history is the study of the legacy of   information  about  their  content  to  students  will  help  to
        those who were persecuted during the Soviet era and the   improve the quality and effectiveness of education. In this
        provision  of  new  information  about  the  devotion  of  the   way we contribute to the study of the heritage of the victims
        reformers. The Decree of the President of the Republic of   of repression. As Academician Naim Karimov noted, “.....Only
        Uzbekistan  Shavkat  Mirziyoev  "On  further  study  of  the   then will we fulfill our duty to the memory and history of our
        heritage of victims of repression and additional measures to   unfortunate ancestors”.
        perpetuate their memory" paved the way for innovations in
        the deeper study of the heritage of victims of repression.   The  President  of  the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan  Shavkat
                                                               Mirziyoev  gave  constructive  instructions  on  conducting
        The textbooks of general secondary schools, and even the   research on each of the 100,000 repressed people, going out
        textbooks and manuals of higher education institutions, do   to  meet  their  relatives,  restoring  their  names,  publishing
        not  provide  sufficient  information  about  the  victims  of   books about their work. Achieving these priorities requires
        repression and their legacy. It is no secret that the scientific   the  use  of  proven  data  on  the  heritage  of  victims  of
        and  spiritual  heritage  of  the  country's  devotees  such  as   repression  in  both  history  education  and  research.  The
        Mahmudkhoja  Behbudi,  Cholpon,  Abdulla  Avloni,  Usmon   achievements  of  our  country  during  the  years  of
        Nosir,  Munnavvarqori  Abdurashidkhonov,  Ibrat,  Tavallo,   independence require it. As the President of the Republic of

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