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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                           Current Issues of Innovative Approach to

                                  History Education and Research

                                           Yuldash Hazratovich Haydarov

                 Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department of "Methods of
                         Socio-Economic Sciences" Regional Center for Retraining and Retraining of
                                      Public Educators of Bukhara Region, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               the  President  of  the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan  Shavkat
        The article analyzes current issues of innovative approach   Mirziyoev "On further study of the heritage of the victims of
        to  history  education  and  research.  To  describe  the   repressions and additional measures to immortalize their
        contribution of the Uzbeks to the great victory over the Nazi   memory" was a bold step to address the shortcomings in this
        invaders in World War II on the basis of new data, the study   area. It has paved the way for innovations in more in-depth
        of the heritage of the victims of repression and the devotion   teaching  and  research  on  the  heritage  of  victims  of
        of the reformers in the field of enlightenment, the use of the   repression.
        method of oral history in the study of the history of the
        Motherland and the nation in historical research.      Historical research has also not paid enough attention to the

                                                               use  of  oral  history,  which  is  the  historical  source  of  the
        KEYWORDS:  Education,  history,  innovation,  homeland,   homeland and the  nation. In order to build a democratic
        nation, oral history, repression, war, soviet system, reformers,   society, to become one of the leading countries in the world,
        ideology, science, historical research, a new approach   every nation must, first of all, deeply understand its roots,
                                                               know  its  history  and  draw  the  right  conclusions  from  it.
        1.  INTRODUCTION                                       Historical memory, on the other hand, is an expression of the
        In  the  current  context  of  globalization,  the  modern   process of preserving and restoring the past of a particular
        requirements for the teaching and research of history are   nation  or  state.  Oral  memories  broaden  young  people's
        becoming more unique. Now the historical works created   understanding  of  the  history  of  Uzbekistan,  provide  an
        during the Soviet regime, the information contained in them,   opportunity to learn about the causes of historical events
        do not meet today's requirements. After all, as a result of the   and increase their credibility. Therefore, the widespread use
        class and ideological approach to the science and research of   of oral history in research is also important as an innovative
        history that existed during the Soviet era, historical events   approach.
        were covered on the basis of a one-sided, Soviet state and
        Communist ideology. Even to this day, some information in   2.  Methods:
        the  field  of  history  has  come  without  updating.  In  his   An innovative approach to history education and research
        Address to the Oliy Majlis, the President of the Republic of   means  covering  topics  that  have  been  covered  so  far
        Uzbekistan  Shavkat  Mirziyoev  identified  the  coverage  of   unilaterally,  as  well  as  new  methods  of  analysis  and
        history as “………objective and free from various ideological   research,  abandoning  the  principle  of  coding  historical
        views” as an important task in the teaching of history.   research during the Soviet era. Analyzing the contribution of
                                                               Uzbeks to the great victory over Nazi invaders in World War
        Until now, the contribution of Uzbeks to the great victory   II through the analytical use of historical research created
        over Nazi invaders in World War II has not been sufficiently   during the Soviet era, based on new data, study the legacy of
        studied in history textbooks. This was due to the fact that not   victims  of  repression,  tried  to  present  new  information
        all archives could be used to collect data, and the limited   about  the  devotees  of  the  reformer  movement  and
        access to foreign archives and scholars' data hindered the   scientifically based views on the use of the method of oral
        teaching of history and the conduct of scientific research. It   history in the study of the history of the homeland and the
        is precisely this issue that has given rise to a wide range of   nation in historical research on the basis of an innovative
        innovations in the study of the subject, as a result of which   approach.
        access to the still closed archives and the collection of data,
        as  well  as  the  use  of  data  from  foreign  archives  and   3.  Results:
        scientists.  In  his  speech  on  the  occasion  of  the  75th   One of the key issues of an innovative approach to history
        anniversary of the great victory over the Nazi invaders, the   education and research is to highlight the contribution of
        President  of  the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan  provided  new   Uzbeks to the great victory over Nazi invaders in World War
        information about the contribution of Uzbeks to the great   II on the basis of new data.
        victory over the Nazi invaders in World War II. This, in turn,
        serves as conceptual guidelines for an innovative approach   The  President  of  the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan  Shavkat
        to history education and research.                     Mirziyoev initiated the beginning of a new era in the study of
                                                               the contribution of the Uzbek people to the great victory
        It was also not enough to study the heritage of the victims of   over fascism in World War II. In his speeches, the head of
        repression, to write memoirs about them, and to acquaint   state drew the attention of the general public to the fact that
        the younger generation with their devotion. The decree of   the contribution of the people of Uzbekistan to the great

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