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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                Features of Chronic Pain Syndrome in Radiculopathies

                                         Hakimova S. Z. , Sohibnazarov O. E.
                           1 Assistant of Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery Course FPDO
                                 Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
                                 2 Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery Course FPDO
                                 Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand. Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                                 Overweight with obesity 1-2 degrees and the presence
        The  article  deals  with  the  features  of  chronic  pain   of bad habits such as smoking, abuse of tea, coffee and
        syndrome in radiculopathies. Causes of radiculopathy is a   alcoholic beverages.
        disease of the peripheral nervous system of a person, which
        occurs as a result of damage, inflammation or pinching of   Symptoms of radiculopathy
        the roots of the spinal nerves. Radiculopathy symptoms,   The first manifestation and the main permanent symptoms
        diagnosis and how radiculopathy can be treated.        of radiculopathy of the lumbosacral spine are pain, impaired

                                                               sensitivity and muscle weakness.
        KEYWORDS:     Radiculopathy,   syndrome,   diagnosis,
        osteochondrosis, pathology                             The  affected  area  corresponds  to  the  innervation  area.
                                                               Depending on the affected area, pain can be observed in the
                                                               lumbar and gluteal regions, posterolateral and front of the
        Against the background of lumbar osteochondrosis, a disease   thigh, along the antero-outer surface of the lower leg, on the
        such as radiculopathy of the lumbosacral spine very often   back of the foot, big toe, in the gastrocnemius muscle, in the
        develops.  This  is  a  clinical  syndrome  that  occurs  due  to   area of the external ankle and heel.
        compression and damage to the nerve roots. Radiculitis is

        synonymous with radiculopathy.                         Lumbosacral  radiculopathy  is  often  chronic,  with  acute
                                                               relapses. Lumbosacral radiculopathy is characterized by an
        Radiculopathy is a disease of the peripheral nervous system
                                                               increase in pain  with a sharp change in the body from a
        of  a  person,  which  occurs  as  a  result  of  damage,   horizontal position to a vertical one or vice versa, as well as
        inflammation or pinching of the roots of the spinal nerves.   when engaging in an active lifestyle (sports, walks, fitness
        This  is  a  widespread  disease,  more  than  10%  of  the   classes).
        population of our planet is over 40-50 years old, and in the

        last decade sciatica has become younger, occurs in the young   Exacerbation  of  pain  syndrome  in  radiculopathy  of  the
        age  group  from  25  to  35  years  old,  people  involved  in   lumbosacral region is noted when the inter-root nerve is
        professional sports, as well as those who are while sitting at   compressed by an intervertebral hernia.
        a computer or driving a car.
                                                               According to the types of radiculopathy of the lumbosacral
        Causes of radiculopathy                                spine, there are:
        The  cause  of  the  development  of  radiculopathy  is  the
                                                                 Lumbago (lumbodynia) is an acute pain in the lower
        pathological processes that occur in the spine, namely:   back during abrupt physical activity, as well as provoked
          Degenerative-dystrophic  processes - osteochondrosis   by overheating or hypothermia of the body. The painful
            and  its  complications:  protrusion  and  herniated   attack  itself  can  last  in  different  ways:  from  several
            intervertebral discs.
                                                                  minutes to several hours or even days. The main reason
          Malformations  of  the  musculoskeletal  system,       for  this  type  of  radiculopathy  is  overstrain  of  the
            accompanied by changes in muscle tone.                muscles of the lumbar region, intervertebral hernias or
          Posture disorders, curvature of the spine - scoliosis.   displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other.
          Incorrect  distribution  of  physical loads  on  the  spinal     Sciatica (sciatica) - in this type of radiculopathy, pain is
            column  during  professional  human  activities  (when   localized in the buttock, on the back of the thigh and
            driving a car, for office workers and loaders - with a long   lower leg, and can reach the foot. Sometimes, in addition
            stay in one position, loaders).
                                                                  to pain, muscle weakness is noted. This is due to damage
          A  sedentary  lifestyle,  in  which  blood  supply  to  the   or irritation of the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the
            muscles of the lumbar region is gradually increasing.   body. Pain in sciatica - shooting, like an electric shock,
          Improper drinking regime throughout the day and for    burning,  tingling,  "chills"  and  numbness  are  also
            several months.
                                                                  possible. Pain sensations of varying degrees of intensity
          Deficiency  of  vitamins  and  minerals  leads  to     are possible: from mild to very intense, such that the
            osteoporosis and trophic lesions of the nerve fiber.   patient cannot sleep, sit, stand, walk, bend over or turn.
          Tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, chronic syphilis and other
                                                                 Lumboischialgia - back pain radiating to the leg or legs.
            types of spinal cord infections.                      With this type of radiculopathy, pain spreads mainly
          Regular injuries of the vertebrae and surrounding soft   along the buttock and along the posterior outer surface
            tissues  (impacts,  sharp  twisting,  compression  when   of the leg, not reaching the toes, most often it is aching,
            jumping, sprains of the ligamentous apparatus).
                                                                  burning, growing pain.

        ID: IJTSRD37926 | Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia   Page 67
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