Page 71 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        and evaluate the knowledge they have acquired, make the
        necessary decisions, and think independently and freely”.   References:
        We also agreed with these views on the topical issues of an   [1]   Мирзиёев  Ш.М.  Ўзбекистон  Республикаси  Олий
        innovative approach to history education and research.      Мажлисига Мурожаатномаси . “Халқ сўзи”, 2018
                                                                    йил, 29 декабрь
        5.  Conclusion:                                        [2]   Мирзиёев Ш.М Иккинчи жаҳон урушида фашизм
        Innovative  approaches  to  the  teaching  and  research  of   устидан қозонилган буюк ғалабанинг 75 йиллиги
        history serve as one of the important sources in creating a
        solid foundation of the Third Renaissance in our country.   ва “Хотира ва қадрлаш куни” муносабати билан
                                                                    2020  йил  9  майдаги  тантанали  маросимда
        First of all, everyone should understand the high status of a   сўзланган нутқ. “Янги Ўзбекистон”, 2020 йил 10
        new  citizen  of  Uzbekistan  and  consciously  strive  to  be
        worthy of it.                                               май
                                                               [3]   Мирзиёев Ш.М. Мустақиллик-эзгу ниятларимиз,
        In  these  processes,  it  is  also  effective  to  be  aware  of  the   буюк  мақсадларимиз  рўёби  йўлида  қудрат
        history  of  the  homeland,  especially  the  historical  data   манбаи.  Президенти  Шавкат  Мирзиёевнинг
        presented  on  the  basis  of  innovative  approaches.  The   Ўзбекистон  Республикаси  мустақиллигининг
        contribution  of  Uzbeks  to  the  great  victory  over  Nazi   йигирма   тўққиз   йиллигига   бағишланган
        invaders  in  World  War  II  in  secondary  schools  and   тантанали маросимдаги нутқи. “Янги Ўзбекистон”
        universities,  the  study  of  the  heritage  of  the  victims  of   2020 йил, 1 сентябрь
        repression and the devotion of the Reformers on the basis of
        innovative approaches, the use of the method of oral history   [4]   Мирзиёев Ш.М. Мустақиллик –эзгу ниятларимиз,
                                                                    буюк  мақсадларимиз  рўёби  йўлида  қудрат
        in historical research will undoubtedly raise the objective
        approach to our history to a new level. As the President of   манбаи.  Президент  Шавкат  Мирзиёевнинг
        the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan  Shavkat  Mirziyoev  noted,  the   Ўзбекистон  Республикаси  Мустақиллигининг
        inspiring idea “From national revival to national uplift” is   тантанали   маросимдаги    нутқи.    “Янги
        penetrating deeper and deeper into our lives. On this basis,
        we are taking important steps to radically improve the lives   Ўзбекистон”, 2020 йил 1 сентябрь.
        of our people, ensure human rights and freedoms, the rule of   [5]   Мирзиёев Ш.М. Ўқитувчи ва мураббийлар - Янги
        law and social justice, and innovative development”.        Ўзбекистонни барпо этишда катта куч, таянч ва
                                                                    суянчимиздир.     Ўзбекистон    Республикаси
        If  every  citizen  of  the  new  Uzbekistan,  who  is  taking   Президенти Шавкат Мирзиёевнинг ўқитувчи ва
        important steps towards innovative development, learns the   мураббийлар  кунига  бағишланган  танътанали
        history of our country free from objective and ideological   маросимдаги  нутқи.  “Янги  Ўзбекистон”  2020,  1
        views  through  scientific  research  based  on  innovative   октаябрь
        approaches and effectively uses the results of such research
        in history education, our good intentions and great goals will   [6]   Илхомов З. Тарих фани методологияси. Т, 2012
        lay a solid foundation for the Third Renaissance. would have   [7]   Раҳмонқулова Н ва бошқалар. Замонавий таълим
        made a worthy contribution.                                 тарбия-жамият  тараққиётининг  муҳим  асоси.
                                                                    Тошкент, 2017.
        “Today, when we talk about our country in the world, the
        phrase "New Uzbekistan" is used. This is a recognition of the   [8]   Мухаммеджонова  Л,  Алимова  М.  Бухорода
        fact that in recent years we have entered a completely new   жадидчилик   ҳаракати   тарихидан.   Бухоро,
        stage of development, of the tremendous achievements we     “Дурдона” нашриёти, 2019.
        have  achieved”,  said  the  President  of  the  Republic  of   [9]   Алимова   Д.,   Илхомов   З.   Тарих   фани
        Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev. An innovative approach to     методологияси. Т, 2018.
        history education and research also plays an important role
        in  strengthening  students'  knowledge  of  the  New   [10]   Каримов  Н.  Тарих  олдидаги  бурч.  “Янги
        Uzbekistan.                                                 Ўзбекистон”, 2020 йил, 22 октябрь, 202 -сон
                                                              [11]   Собиров А. Ватан ва миллат тарихи манбаи. “Янги
        Introducing students and young people to  new research-     Ўзбекистон,” 2020 йил, 9 октябрь
        based  information  on  the  "History  of  Uzbekistan"  to
        strengthen  the  integration  of  science  and  education,  in   [12]   Сагдуллаев А. Таълим: Тарих масаласи ва мактаб
        addition to serving the effective use of cognitive research in   дарсликлари  ҳолати.  “Маърифат”,  2020  йил  5
        science  and  education,  it  expands  the  opportunities  for   август
        training competitive personnel in our country in accordance
        with world standards.

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