Page 73 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        Diagnostics                                            The  spinal  nerve  is  formed  by  the  fusion  of  the  anterior
        For the diagnosis of radiculopathy, the presence of tension   axons  of  peripheral  motor  neurons  that  exit  through  the
        symptoms is important. For example, the Lasegue symptom   anterior lateral cleft of the spinal cord, the number of which
        is characteristic - when you try to raise a straight leg while   is equal to the number of spinal cord segments, with the
        lying on your back, lower back pain increases.         sensory neurons of the spinal cord. After fusion, the spinal
                                                               nerve (SMN) includes motor, sensory and autonomic fibers
        An MRI or CT scan of the lumbosacral spine is important for   and exits the spinal canal through the spinal foramen.
        making the correct diagnosis, because only these studies will
        allow  the  attending  physician  to  detect  the  presence  of   The roots of the spinal cord lie in the subarachnoid space,
        diseases such as intervertebral hernias or other diseases of   filled with cerebrospinal fluid, between the arachnoid and
        the spine (spondylitis, compression fractures, neoplasms).   pia mater, the latter of which is tightly attached to the spinal
                                                               cord and fuses with it. SMN can be damaged by osteophyte,
        Treatment of radiculopathy                             protrusion, hernia, surrounding tissues, such as ligaments,
        The modern approach to the treatment of acute and chronic   muscles,  in  rare  cases  by  a  tumor  and  other  mechanical
        pain in radiculopathy of the lumbosacral spine is to use non-  factors. For the development of radiculopathy, a provoking
        steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants. The   factor is needed, which can be lifting of weight, violation of a
        mechanism of their action: reduction of inflammation, pain   motor stereotype, hypothermia, stress, prolonged stay in a
        intensity, removal of muscle spasm. Also, during the period   fixed,  especially  vertical,  posture,  bending,  especially
        of remission of the disease, physiotherapeutic treatment is   forward [1].
        carried out (electrophoresis, amplipulse, darsonvalization).
                                                               Pain can be caused by irritation or compression of one or,
        Radiculopathy resulting from pathological changes in the   less commonly, several spinal nerves. The most common risk
        spine  is  one  of  the  most  severe  forms  of  neurological   factor  for  radiculopathy  is  herniated  disc.  Hernias  at  the
        manifestations of vertebrogenic pathology of the peripheral   cervical  and  lumbar  level  are  quite  common.  The
        nervous system. In the case of compression of the spinal   intervertebral  disc  undergoes  dehydration  early  enough,
        root, the duration of disability is significantly increased, and   cracks,  the  outer  wall  of  the  annulus  fibrosus  becomes
        expensive examination and treatment are required. With an   thinner,  stretches,  the  nucleus  pulposus  shifts  from  the
        inadequate  assessment  of  the  existing  symptoms  of   center  to  the  periphery,  which  leads  to  its  bulging.  This
        degeneration,  permanent  disability  with  a  significant   process  can  lead  to  localized  pain  and  moderate  muscle
        neurological deficit can occur. With a high prevalence of low   tension. With the further process, the bulging increases by
        back  pain,  symptoms  of  spinal  root  compression  are   several millimeters and a protrusion forms. Clinically, this is
        observed  in  3-5%  of  people  in  the  population.  The  peak   manifested not only by local pain, but also by a disorder of
        incidence in men is at the age of 40–50 years, in women -   sensitivity, asymmetry of tendon reflexes. After rupture of
        50–60 years [4–7].                                     the posterior longitudinal ligament, a hernia or extrusion is
                                                               formed, which, depending on the localization, can compress
        The  leading  mechanism  of  the  pathogenesis  of     the  SMN.  The  median  hernia  practically  does  not  put
        spondylogenicradiculo-   and   myelopathies   is   the   pressure on the root, paramedian and foraminal (lateral)
        compression effect on the arterial and venous vessels of the   hernias  are  significant.  Clinically,  this  is  manifested  by  a
        spinal  root.  Coarser  compression  leads  to  mechanical   pronounced pain syndrome, sensory and motor disorders in
        damage to the fibers. This occurs when space is limited at   the area of localization of the corresponding root. However,
        the site of the passage of the spinal root in the intervertebral   the size of the hernia and the severity of the pain syndrome
        foramen - at the level of the lateral pocket (in most cases,   do not have a strict interdependence [1, 2].
        with  a  herniated  disc).  A  stenosing  effect  can  also  be
        observed  with  calcification  of  the  ligamentous  apparatus   At the moment, there is no single point of view regarding the
        with  the  formation  of  osteophytes,  hypertrophy  of  the   mechanism of development of compression radiculopathy.
        articular  facets,  or  capsular  segmental  processes.  A   The direct effect of the compressing agent on the spinal root
        combination of these changes is possible, especially with a   (SMC),  artery  or  vein,  causing  the  development  of  an
        significant decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs   inflammatory reaction with the release of prostaglandin E2,
        [7, 8].                                                interleukins, tumor necrosis factor, nitric oxide and other
                                                               substances,  is  considered  as  a  triggering  factor.  Venous
        Radiculopathy is a medical, social and economic problem   discirculatory disorders develop. The pathogenesis of pain
        that  not  only  reduces  the  quality  of  life,  activity  and   syndrome  is  quite  complicated,  it  is  not  only  mechanical
        performance,  but  also  causes  disability  of  patients.  The   compression of the MCS, but also ischemic, since the arteries
        urgency  of  this  problem  is  due  to  the  prevalence  and   and veins of the MCS are subjected to compression. Pain in
        duration  of  the  disease.  The  term  "radiculopathy"  comes   radiculopathy  manifests  itself  sharply,  intensely,  with
        from the Latin words "radicula" and "pathia", which means a   lumbago  in  the  extremities  and  even  in  the  head  like
        lesion of the spinal nerve. This is not an independent disease   cervicocranialgia.
        of  the  peripheral  nervous  system,  but  a  complex  of
        symptoms  of  damage  to  the  spinal  nerves,  a  relatively   The pain syndrome is of a mixed nature: nociceptive as a
        common pathological condition, typical for an average of 10-  result  of  irritation  of  peripheral  nociceptors  of  the
        15% of people over the age of 45. According to statistics,   surrounding  tissues,  neuropathic  -  due  to  damage  to  the
        there  is  no  gender  difference  -  men  and  women  get  sick   spinal  root,  psychogenic  -  with  chronic  pain.  The  role  of
        equally.                                               inflammation, reflex ischemia of the root, hemorrhage in the
                                                               root is also not excluded [3]. Violation of venous blood flow
                                                               in  neurological  manifestations  of  radiculopathy  plays  a

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