Page 78 - Special Issue Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                  Special Issue on Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

             Theoretical Basis, Methods and Methods of Formation and

                 Determination of Potential in the Educational System

                                            Murodova Zarina Rashidovna

                       Assistant of the Department of “Information and Communication Technologies”
                                Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               to  the  youth.  Today,  in  the  world,  we  can  meet  a  huge
        Information Technology to adequately study and formulate   number  of,  sinfual  resources  on  the  formation  and
        their thinking skills in this field. Because, as the day goes by,   identification of potential in a classified form. For example,
        Information  Systems,  which  are  fundamental  for, web portals can
        information  technology,  are  constantly  developing  and   be accessed. These portals contain 11 types of testing issues,
        being  enriched  with  various  modes,  technologies.  This   the  most  common  method  of  testing  is  IQ  testing.  IQ
        requires repeated study and a certain amount of time, if the   (intelligence  quotient),  which  means  the  stage  of
        potential for knowledge and skills learned in the school is   intelligence, the factor of the development of the mind, or
        not formed.                                            intellektual potential[5].The study of the issues of radical

                                                               reform  of  the  education  system,  especially  effective

        KEYWORDS:  information  technology,  virtual  laboratory,   organization of educational processes in secondary schools
        workshop,  modeling  packages,  innovation,  information,   and expansion of thinking skills of students in our republic
        educational  and  methodical  material,  learning  tools,   are  considered  one  of  the  important  issues.  Also  in  the
        multimedia                                             world,  knowledge  of  the  IT  industry,  the  electronic
                                                               government system, the computer systems and services of
        Аннотация                                              society, the full-blooded and rational use of State interactive
        Информационные  технологии  позволяют  адекватно
                                                               services  are  considered  important  indicators.  For  this
        изучить и сформулировать свои навыки мышления в        purpose, it is one of the pressing issues in our republic that
        этой   области.   Потому   что   с   каждым   днем     awaits the solution of the general secondary school students
        информационные      системы,   которые    являются     in the education of Information Technology to adequately
        фундаментальными для информационных технологий,
                                                               study  and  formulate  their  thinking  skills  in  this  field.
        постоянно  развиваются  и  обогащаются  различными     Because, as the day goes by, Information Systems, which are
        способами, технологиями. Это требует многократного     fundamental  for  information  technology,  are  constantly
        изучения  и  определенного  количества  времени,  если   developing  and  being  enriched  with  various  modes,
        потенциал знаний и умений, полученных в школе, не      technologies.  This  requires  repeated  study  and  a  certain
        сформирован.                                           amount  of time, if  the  potential for knowledge and skills
                                                               learned in the school is not formed.
        Ключевые слова:

        информационные        технологии,      виртуальная     In  information  technology,  there  are  a  number  of  net
        лаборатория, практикум, модельные пакеты, инновация,   methods for performing a certain specific task. For example,
        информация, учебно-методические материалы, средства    there are 7 different ways to launch a simple text editor. The
        обучения, мультимедиа.
                                                               question arises, Should students be taught these 7 methods
                                                               in Information Technology Education in general secondary
        Annotatsiya:                                           education system? Or do you want to launch a text editor
        Axborottexnologiyalaribusohadao'zfikrlashqobiliyatlariniyet  with intellektual potential based on a specific knowledge and
        arlidarajadao'rganishvashakllantirish.      Chunki,    skills? Of course, the teaching of 7 methods in this matter
        kunsayinaxborottexnologiyalariuchunasosiybo'lganaxborotti  limits the knowledge and opportunity of the student, and
        zimlaridoimorivojlanib,                turlirejimlar,   when changes in the Information System occur, it seems that
                                                               knowledge and skills are not enough. If, on the basis of a
        Buninguchunmaktabdao'rganilganbilimvamalakalarsalohiya  certain knowledge and skill, the student is taught to perform
        tishakllanmaganbo'lsa,takrorano'rganishvama'lumvaqttalab  this  task  by  employing  intellektual  capacity,  then  in  the
        etiladi.                                               future he will never stop.

        Kalitso'zlar:                                          One of the most complex processes in the educational system
        axborottexnologiyalari,  virtual  laboratoriya,  seminar,   is the lesson. If we compare the lesson to the sun, the planets
        modellashtirishpaketlari, innovatsiya, axborot, o'quv-uslubiy   around it-these are the methods and means of teaching[3].
        material, o'quvvositalari, multimedia.                 Similarly, there are also subjects and objects of the lesson,
                                                               namely  participants,  tools,  methods  and  methods  of
        I.     Introduction                                    teaching,  forms  of  teaching.  Information  Technology
        One  of  the  main  factors  of  the  educational  system  and
                                                               Education in general secondary education, that is, the subject
        process is the expression from which the reader develops   of Computer Science and information technology, as well as
        their thinking along with providing fundamental knowledge    other subjects, we cite the above-mentioned elements.

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